Page 1 - Boca Exposure - May '22
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A Seabreeze Publication

            Woodfield Hunt & C.C., Fieldbrook Estates, Boca Grove, Polo Club, Newport Bay Club, Seasons of Boca

        VOL. 22 NO. 5                                                                                  MAY 2022

      Dolly’s Dream – $1,000,000 Committed

         The Dolly’s Dream Project was created in 2015 with a                                              committed another five years of invaluable support to
      vision toward improving the lives of a frequently maligned                                           both organizations. As a result, these nonprofit shelters

      type of dog. It is the goal of Dolly’s Dream to bring                                                can continue to provide surrender prevention, spay/neuter
      communities together by leadership, education, community                                             programs, and care specifically for bully breed dogs.

      involvement, awareness and rescue of pit bull-type dogs and                                             Since the inception of the Dolly’s Dream program the
      help dispel the stereotypical myths associated with them.                                            HSBC has sterilized 458 dogs, treated 38 dogs for heartworm
      (Sadly, American Staffordshire terriers, American bulldogs,                                          disease and given other lifesaving medical care to 223. One
      bull terriers, and mixes of these breeds are prevalent in                                            dog who benefited from this amazing foundation and owes

      shelters across the country.)                                                                        his life to them is Dug. This sweet 3-year-old boy suffered
         The Boca Raton-based foundation currently works with                                              from a diaphragmatic hernia and needed costly surgery in
      15 shelters across the state of Florida and since the program                                        order to survive. His family was extremely grateful for the
      began, approximately 2,000 “square-headed” or bully breed-                                           assistance that Dolly’s Dream provided to save their beloved

      type dogs have been placed as a result of their assistance!                                          dog. Another beneficiary of Dolly’s Dream is Guapo, a now
      There have been 192 dogs adopted from the Humane Society   Dolly – the dog who inspired the Dolly’s Dream Project   9-year-old American Staffordshire terrier who was brought
      of Broward County and 65 from Peggy Adams Animal                                                     to the HSBC after a week of not being able to keep his food
      Rescue, while hundreds of others were adopted from the 13      For the Humane Society of Broward County (HSBC)   down. His owner shared that Guapo did not have toys he
      other participating groups. Dolly’s Dream underwrites the   in Fort Lauderdale and Peggy Adams Animal Rescue   could have eaten, “but he might have gotten into the trash.”
      adoption fees, as well as supplies for the dogs that help the   League in West Palm Beach the program goes far beyond
      four-legged family members settle into their new homes.   the underwriting of adoption fees. The foundation recently   Dolly’s Dream on page 4
       More Than $500,000 For Local Children’s Charities

       Was Raised Through The Boca West Children’s

       Foundation’s 10th Anniversary $100,000 Golf Challenge

         Children’s charities                               The top four charity winners were
      throughout P alm                                   Rotary Club of Boca Raton, Place of
      Beach County will be                               Hope, Sweet Dream Makers and Unicorn
      granted funds raised                               Children’s Foundation.
      from  the  Boca West                                  Funds raised will benefit more than
      Children’s Foundation                              30 participating local children’s charities.
      (BWCF ) 10th                                       Charities vied for a portion of the
      Anniversary $100,000                               $100,000 awarded during the tournament
      Golf  Challenge.  The                              with each charity  receiving between
      daylong event,  which                              $3,500 and $10,000, depending on its
      included brunch, golf,                             team’s placement.
      a cocktail reception and                              “The feedback from our sold-out event
      an awards dinner, took                             was tremendous,” said Richard Zenker,
      place on Monday, April                             chairman of Boca  West Children’s
      4 at Boca West Country                             Foundation. “This plays such a big role
      Club attracting over  Richard Zenker shows the winning   in our ability to help children in need
      400 golfers and 550  duck from the duck drop during the   who live in our community.  We are
      dinner attendees.    Boca West Children’s Foundation   looking forward to our 11th Annual Golf   Neil Saffer, Frank Occhigrossi, Jan Savarick, Pam Weinroth, Robert Weinroth
         Since its inception in  Golf Challenge.         Challenge on March 27, 2023!”
      2010, the foundation has                              An annual golf challenge favorite, the duck drop,
      granted more than $15 million for projects that serve at-risk   featured 500 plastic yellow ducks dropped from a crane
      youth and, this year, the organization brought in the most   for a chance to win $2,500. The winner was John Joyner.
      money ever raised in a single year, $1.5 million.      Corporate sponsors included: The Radco Companies,
         The Jay DiPietro Low Gross Award, which went to the best   Related,  GL  Homes,  Fidelity  Investments,  Apex
      scoring foursome, was presented to Alex Lee, Richard Do, David   One,  Sky Alpha,  Hotwire,  Lennar,  Knight  Group,
      Lukes and Alen Jsu, the team from Sky Alpha Asset Advisors.  Seminole Casino, AW Property Co., NCCI, Compson,
                                                                                 Excell Auto Group, Karma
                                                                                 Broward/Palm Beach,
                                                                                 Action Electric & Air, Covid
                                                                                 Rapid  Labs,  Greenspoon
                                                                                 Marder, Mattamy Homes,
                                                                                 Government  Law  Group,
                                                                                 Fifth  Third Bank, Sensus

                                                                                 More Than $500,000 For
                                                                                 Local Children’s Charities   Children from Fuller Center sing at Boca West Children’s
                                                                                 on page 2                 Foundation Golf Challenge Cocktail Party.
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