Page 9 - Boca Club News - May '22
P. 9

Boca Club News, Page 9
      From the Desk of Palm Beach County Mayor

      Robert S. Weinroth: Tourism Up/Unemployment Low

      Robert Weinroth, a former member of the              Senior/Veteran Discounts. The county’s Parks and   their physical, emotional and social needs.
      Boca Raton City Council, was elected              Recreation Dept. offers senior and veteran discounts for      Throughout the pandemic, the Center was an agent of
      as a Palm Beach County Commissioner               recreational programs and services at Morikami Museum &   change by mobilizing its meal site programs, serving nearly
      to replace Steven Abrams, who retired             Japanese Gardens, waterparks and pools. Additionally, all fees   3,000 senior residents.
      due to term limits requirements.                  are waived in Senior Softball Leagues!                Additionally, the Volen Center maintains a large fleet of
         The county recently received the                  Moreover, Environmental Resources Management, in   buses to transport seniors to medical appointments and other
      single largest Tourist Development Tax            partnership with Veteran Affairs, hosts fishing events and   crucial destinations at an affordable cost. Each year, they
      (TDT) remittance totaling $9.7 million.           guided kayaking tours for veterans free of charge at Pine Glades   average over 85,000 trips!
      Clearly, our tourism industry is on the           and Cypress Creek natural areas.                      For more information on the organization, visit https://
      rebound and remains a top industry in the county.      For more information on these events, visit https://discover.
         TDT funds reduce the tax burden on our residents and            History Corner. As reports of beautiful Lake Worth
      are reinvested in our community in areas such as beach      Guide to Palm Beach County Services. The Palm Beach   reached the North, hotels were built to accommodate the first
      renourishment, infrastructure and tourism-related marketing.   County Guide to Services is a comprehensive guide providing   winter tourists. In 1880, Elisha and Ella Dimick added eight
         Additionally, the county’s unemployment rate was reported   brief descriptions and contact information for services provided   rooms to their house to accommodate visitors who managed
      at just 2.6% for March, well below the national and state   by municipalities, county, state and federal government offices   the difficult journey from Jacksonville to Palm Beach. They
      averages.                                         and local agencies, including nonprofits. It also includes an   gradually enlarged the island’s first hotel to 50 rooms.
         According to CareerSource Palm Beach County, there are   entertainment and leisure section and much more.     The Cocoanut Grove House (using the old-fashioned
      more job openings than unemployed for the ninth consecutive      To download the guide, visit  spelling of coconut) was located on the site that is now the
      month: 40,134 job openings vs. 19,235 unemployed people.   pdf/publications/guide_services.pdf.      Flagler Museum. The hotel was fully booked each season, and
         This is an important milestone for the county; traditionally,      Nonprofit Spotlight: The Volen Center. The Volen Center   some years they housed guests in tents in the yard.
      summer is a slow season for employment, but we are only   is a local nonprofit dedicated to supporting South Florida      If you require assistance, please contact our office at (561)
      witnessing new and better job opportunities for our residents!  seniors through health care and supportive services that meet   355-2204 or email
      Memo from County Tax Collector Anne M. Gannon:

      Compassion...and Community Pride.

      By Anne M. Gannon, Constitutional Tax             at the beach or just enjoying a “staycation” with family and   Living Hungry. Due to the immense compassion of my team,
      Collector serving Palm Beach County.              friends. For me, summer means getting in some early morning   we raised $21,628.50 in support of these organizations. I am
      You can reach her office by Email:                weekend gardening or biking before it gets too sunny and hot.  extremely proud of the generosity demonstrated by my team                  Whatever your summer passion is, I hope this year, you   year after year. Every dollar raised and items donated come
      Phone: (561) 355-4271.                            can enjoy it and create some lasting memories.     directly from employees;  no public tax dollars are used. Funds
         Summer is right around the corner                 Compassion for Our Community. Our employees at the   are raised through the office’s Dress Down for Charity program
      so now is the perfect time to think               Constitutional Tax Collector’s Office have a strong commitment   and other fundraising activities throughout the year.
      about all the things you want to                  to public service. More than our jobs, it’s about giving back      For more information, visit
      do during the upcoming months.                    to our community. Every two years, two local charities are   us/community-involvement.
      Hopefully, this summer affords us all a better opportunity and   chosen for our Community Involvement Partner Program.
      environment to enjoy vacations away from home, perhaps time   Currently, we are supporting Making Every Day Count and   Memo from County Tax Collector on page 10
                                                       Elite Orthopedic Care Takes                                     A COMMUNITY BUILT ON TEAMWORK
                                               The West Boca Medical Center Team

                  Curtis Kephart, MD  Michael Krantzow, DO  Manish Gupta, MD  David Padden, MD  Georgina Rios, RN  Grace Celocia, PT  Keven Lucas, Ortho Tech  Meisha Ebanks, RN

               When your game is on the                      Some of the potential benefits include:
               line, you need a Most Valuable                •  Less radiation - does not require a pre-
                                                              operative CT-scan
               Provider on your team. The                    •  Fewer doctor office visits to prep for surgery
               CORI™ Surgical System is a                    • Minimally-invasive                                21644 State Road 7, Boca Raton
               robotic-assisted partial and                  •  Freehand sculpting intended to allow for   
                                                               better precision and accuracy
               total knee replacement now at                 •  Designed to have less pain and swelling post-  To schedule an appointment with an
               West Boca Medical Center.                      operatively - can lead to faster recovery times  orthopedic surgeon, call 833.828.8902.
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