Page 10 - Boca Club News - May '22
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Page 10, Boca Club News

               From The Professionals’ Desks

      Healthy Answers–A Guide to Healthy Living:

      “The Most Misunderstood Disease Affecting Millions!”

      By Dale Brown, B.S., M.A., C.E.C. Dale             devoted to many topics that deal with the mind/body connection   honest about your condition and ask others to learn about the
      is a motivational speaker who has spent            and the importance of living a healthy lifestyle. Dale, a Bocaire   symptoms of fibromyalgia to better understand what you’re
      many years as a Certified Life Coach               resident, can be reached at  experiencing.
      and has written numerous articles and                 A friend of mine was recently diagnosed with fibromyalgia      When all other diseases are ruled out, why are you told you
      e-books relating to self-improvement               after several months of feeling unwell. At first, she thought it   have fibromyalgia? You should be diagnosed for fibromyalgia
      and ways to build a high-performance               was due to muscle soreness from lifting heavy suitcases during   based on a set of criteria developed by the American College of
      team. She is the author of the recently            a recent vacation. The pain began in her right arm and soon   Rheumatology. It often takes time and there is no single test to
      published book, “Small Steps...Big                 traveled to her leg, then to her left arm. As she described it, “I   determine the condition. But tests and procedures are necessary
      Changes: The Personal Stories of a                 hurt all over and am exhausted most of the time.”  to rule out other diseases and help guide your treatment program.
      Life Coach.” Her education and years of experience in physical      After going to several different doctors and undergoing   Don’t get frustrated when it seems to be taking too long.
      fitness and training of elite athletes has enabled her to sharpen   numerous tests, my friend was told she must have fibromyalgia.      Something other than fibromyalgia must be causing all those
      her knowledge in many health-related areas. The following   This painful condition occurs in about two percent of the   other symptoms. The truth is that fibromyalgia causes many
      introduces a new approach to Ms. Brown’s series of columns   population in the United States and is most prevalent in women.   symptoms in addition to pain. You may experience fatigue,
                                                         Fibromyalgia is a chronic disease characterized by widespread   insomnia, headaches, sensitivity to light, dizziness, memory
                                                         pain in your muscles, ligaments and tendons. It also causes you   problems, and numbness or tingling in your arms and legs. In
        Memo from County Tax Collector from page 9       to have tender points where even the slightest pressure causes   some cases, these symptoms may include mood disorders such
                                                         pain.                                             as depression or anxiety. It’s understandable that people think
           Annual Report Now Available. Once again, I am      Fibromyalgia seems to be a condition that has been widely   their symptoms must be caused by an underlying problem.
        pleased to share with you the 2020/21 Annual Report, which   misunderstood. There are many mistaken beliefs about this      Why go to the doctor if there is no cure? There are many
        highlights important agency benchmarks and transaction   disease that can be confusing and discourage people from   options for managing fibromyalgia pain including medications,
        trends. Did you know that in fiscal year 2020/21, more   seeking the help they need to manage their pain. The cause of   lifestyle changes, and complementary and alternative treatments.
        than $4.2 billion in property tax revenues was collected and   fibromyalgia involves a variety of factors that include genetics,   You may have to experiment to find what works best for you.
        distributed to the individual taxing authorities throughout the   infections, physical or emotional trauma.      Some days you feel better than others, so why not try to do
        county? Those funds support critical local public resources,      Researchers believe that people with fibromyalgia have   more on those days to make up for the others? It’s not a good
        such as libraries, park districts, fire and emergency services   a lower threshold for pain based on a theory called “central   idea to try to accomplish more on the days you’re feeling better. It
        and environmental projects. To learn more about this, and   sensitization.” In essence, the lower threshold is caused by   could cause your symptoms to worsen and you may be exhausted
        other information in the Annual Report for Fiscal Year   increased sensitivity in the brain to pain signals. The brain’s   the next day. Continue to stay active because exercise actually
        2020/21, visit     pain receptors actually develop a sort of memory of pain and   aids your condition.
           30th Anniversary of Palm Beach Pride. This spring,   overreact to pain signals.                    Fibromyalgia is a degenerative and sometimes fatal disease.
        the TCO outreach team and I have excitedly returned to      After listening to my friend, I became curious to know more   Fibromyalgia symptoms change over time from good to bad, or
        community events, and most recently attended the Palm   about this subtle yet hurtful condition. Through my investigation,   vice versa. However, pain rarely disappears. You can learn to
        Beach Pride event. The family-friendly festival attracted   I discovered a number of myths associated with fibromyalgia and   manage your condition and it is not life-threatening, nor will it
        30,000 attendees to Lake Worth Beach over the last weekend   dug a little deeper to learn more. If you or someone you know   damage your body.
        in March, and the event organizer, Compass Community   suffer from fibromyalgia, you might benefit from understanding   What’s the best way to live with Fibromyalgia?
        Center, and host city, Lake Worth Beach, brought it back   more about this mystery illness.           Fibromyalgia is a real condition that causes multiple
        better than ever for the 30th anniversary event. I participated   What Myths Are Associated with Fibromyalgia?  symptoms. Although pain associated with fibromyalgia may
        in the festivities with other elected officials in the Sunday      The myth that Fibromyalgia is not a real condition. Most   never completely go away, you can live a satisfying and
        morning parade down Lake Avenue, which wrapped up   doctors agree that your symptoms are real, but because there   productive life. Try to find a balance between the good and
        in the Bryant Park festival grounds overlooking the Lake   is no underlying disease to associate with the condition there   bad days. Exercise may improve your condition along with
        Worth Lagoon. I enjoyed interacting with constituents and   is no way to cure it. Fibromyalgia produces a list of symptoms   meditation and visualization. Set reasonable goals that will give
        clients, along with the TCO outreach team, which was on   that vary depending upon the individual. It’s important to find   you a sense of satisfaction. Pace yourself in order to accomplish
        hand to answer client questions and provide educational   a doctor that will listen to you and take you seriously.   tasks without overdoing it.
        materials about agency services. Since I was elected in      You don’t look sick, so it must be in your head. One of the      Find a doctor who will work with you to adapt daily activities
        2006, I have been proudly supporting Compass and the   worst things you face if you suffer from fibromyalgia is the   to allow for other important things in your life. Set your priorities
        important work they do for our community. I encourage   attitude of others who wonder if you’re faking your pain. You   to include family, work, or community involvement. Find a
        you to learn more about the resources that the Compass   may appear to look fine and carry on with your daily activities   support group to give you a sounding board for your concerns.
        Community Center provides to members of the LGBTQ   without complaining. This can cause tension and more stress   Make time for yourself, join a hydrotherapy or yoga class, eat
        community in Palm Beach County here: www.compassglcc.  on you to constantly explain how you’re feeling. Be open and   a healthy diet, and find time to relax.
        com. And if your community group, civic or homeowner
        association has an event coming up, let us know about it
        by filling out this form on our website. See you soon!
           May is National Bike Month. Spring is in the air and
        what better way to celebrate National Bike Month than
        enjoying the great outdoors and riding your bike on one
        of Palm Beach County’s many bike paths. Before you
        head out on your bike, here are some tips that will help   NoN-Toxic cancer immunotherapy
        you enjoy your ride and stay safe!
        • Have your bike checked over by your local bike shop.
        • Always wear a helmet to protect your head in the event
        of a crash.                                        Available NoW
        • Ride in the right-most lane that goes in the direction that
        you are travelling.                                Safe and Effective!
        • Obey all stop signs, traffic lights and lane markings.
        • Look before you change lanes or signal a turn; indicate
        your intention, then act.                          This is the Original Immunotherapy that
        • Be visible at all times; wear bright clothing and, if biking
        at night, equip with bike lights.                  balances and optimizes your immune system to
           Biking is a fun way to exercise and enjoy the beautiful   fight almost any type of cancer.
        Florida scenery! For more information on bike paths
        in Palm Beach County parks, please visit Palm Beach
        County Bike Paths.                                 Hundreds of successes over the years.
        Important Dates & Deadlines:
        May 1st    Tourist Development Tax (TDT) Due       Continuously available since 1977
        May 8th   Mother’s Day
        May 30th    Memorial Day – Tax Collector Offices Closed   in Freeport, Grand Bahama Island

                                                                                        See our website for more info:

                                                                 or call for more information: Toll-free number (561) 766-0878

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