Page 12 - Boca Club News - May '22
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Page 12, Boca Club News
      Medical Matters:

      GERD (Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease)

      By Richard Nagler, M.D., a member                  a possible factor in cancer of the stomach) are all effective.   more frequently and avoiding fatty, fried foods, gravies,
      of Broken Sound Club and retired                   Stronger acid inhibitors that in addition help heal damaged   oils, certain dairy products such as cheese, whole milk and
      physician. After graduating from the               tissue are Proton pump inhibitors, such as Prevacid, Prilosic   sour cream, spicy foods, chocolate, tomato sauces, garlic,
      University of Pennsylvania and New                 and Nexium. For more serious cases where medications   onions, coffee, carbonated beverages and citrus fruits is
      York University’s School of Medicine,              are  not  effective  enough,  surgery  is  a  consideration.   recommended. Sitting upright and staying that way for at
      Dr. Nagler served his internship                   Fundoplication (TIF) is done laproscopically, where a new   least an hour after eating, avoiding any food intake before
      and residency at Baltimore City                    LES valve mechanism is created by wrapping the upper   bedtime, and waiting three hours after eating before going
      Hospital and Johns Hopkins. He                     part of the stomach (fundus) around the lower esophagus   to bed is strongly advised. These patients should not wear
      followed that with a Fellowship in                 to reinforce the LES. There is a LINX implant, which is a   clothes that are tight fitting around the abdomen, and raise
      Gastroenterology at Yale University School of Medicine,   ring of tiny magnets strong enough to keep the LES closed   the head of the bed by 6 to 8 inches not with pillows,
      and was then Chief of Gastroenterology at Fitzimmons   to prevent reflux, but weak enough to allow food to enter   but with blocks under the bed posts. Stopping smoking,
      General Army Hospital in Denver. He returned to the Yale   the stomach. Often, a hiatal hernia repair will reestablish   limiting alcohol and taking antacid medications regularly
      Medical School for one year as an Assistant Professor of   normal function of the LES.               is important.
      Medicine before opening his own successful private practice      There are measures that can be employed to prevent
      in Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology. During that   GERD. Maintaining a healthy weight, eating small meals
      time, he also served for ten years as Chief of Medicine at
      Huntington Hospital in Huntington, N.Y.
      the esophagus propelled by gravity and peristalsis (a  Looking for Enjoyable Ways
         When  we  swallow food  or  drink,  it passes  down

      progressive contraction of the esophagus) until it reaches
      allowing passage of the contents to enter the stomach, and  to Burn?
      the LES (lower esophageal sphincter). The sphincter opens,
      then closes in order to prevent regurgitation back into the
      esophagus. If the LES fails, stomach contents including acid   By Beth Meirav, CSP                   3. Donate blood
      released to initiate digestion will flow up the esophagus as     One of my amazing clients             Ok, perhaps not as fun, but you are helping someone
      far as the throat, causing the patient to experience heartburn.   at my natural weight loss center   else so ... bonus points!
      It is often associated with a hiatus hernia where the upper   in Boca Raton mentioned the
      part of the stomach is herniated into the chest, which renders   other day that laughter burns       4. Cook for a bunch of friends
      the LES essentially ineffective in preventing regurgitation.  more calories than rowing.               The chopping, the bending and lifting (placing things
         This  phenomenon  of  acid  reflux  and  heartburn,   I thought that’s brilliant (of              in the oven), setting the table, stirring ... all of these
      when it occurs occasionally, is very common and of no   course I verified the accuracy               things burn calories while preparing for a fun evening
      consequence, but when it occurs more than twice a week   of that information)! I decided             ahead. Tip: Don’t drink alcohol while cooking because
      and those afflicted are taking antacids for relief (20% of the   to look into other unique and       then you are defeating the purpose of this calorie burner.
      population) then that person is considered to have GERD.   fun ways to burn calories.
      Patients with GERD need to be treated professionally not   Hope you enjoy ...                        5. Give someone you love a massage
      just for effective relief of symptoms, but because GERD                                                Burn 100 calories in 24 minutes. This should lead to
      can lead to more serious problems.                  1. Laugh until you cry and burn 120 calories an hour!  #2 above so extra bonus calories for combining!
         The major symptom is heartburn, which is a persistent     I am totally serious about this. Put a really funny
      burning sensation in the middle of the chest, along with acid   movie on Netflix. Pull up some YouTube videos. I am    Good luck and have some fun!
      regurgitation occurring mostly at night. Some patients with   a HUGE Jim Gaffigan fan. Check him out!
      GERD do not have heartburn, but experience chest pain,                                                 If you need some help or would like someone to hold
      hoarseness, trouble swallowing, feel like food is stuck in the   2. Sex!                             you accountable (in a kind and caring manner), then give
      throat, have a chocking sensation, tightness or soreness in     Men burn on average 101 calories per hour and 69  me a call/text 917-640-8001.  I can guide you through
      the throat, a dry cough, increased salivation, and bad breath.   calories for women. If you can’t last the hour then it  the process of getting healthy and feeling like yourself
      Many experience regurgitation of food into the mouth.   breaks down to 3.6 per minute. By the way, orgasms  again.  At Sadkhin Therapy we use acupressure balls (it’s
         It is important to differentiate chest pain from GERD   can amount to an additional 60 to 100 calories (google  patented!) to control hunger and flush out the visceral
      compared to a heart attack. With GERD, chest pain is   it, I am not making this up). Go find a partner!  belly fat that’s causing you harm.  Get healthy today!
      described as an uncomfortable burning sensation sometimes
      associated with pain that can be severe and even radiate
      up to the neck and throat, but usually relieved by ingesting
      antacids. In contrast, chest pain from a heart attack—while                                 Paid Advertisement
      it also often radiates to the neck, jaw and arms—is usually
      associated with shortness of breath, sweating, nausea,
      dizziness, fatigue and anxiety.
         Those at risk are the obese, pregnant women, smokers
      and those taking certain medications such as aspirin,
      NSAIDS, osteoporosis medications, certain high blood
      pressure medications like beta blockers and calcium                       ARCHIVE GALLERIES
      channel blockers, anti-anxiety drugs such as Valium, iron
      supplements, antidepressants, antibiotics like tetracycline
      and  potassium  supplements.  There  is  a  significant
      association between GERD and asthma: 75% of patients         PAYS HIGHER PRICES FOR FINE ART AND ANTIQUES
      with asthma have GERD, which makes the symptoms of
      asthma worse.
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      foods from getting down the esophagus into the stomach.
      Ten percent of patients with GERD with long-term damage
      develop Barrett’s esophagus, where the lining of it is            We Also Purchase Men’s And Ladies’ Items Including:
      thickened and inflamed. This is a serious risk factor for
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      symptoms via the patient’s medical history. Endoscopy of
      the esophagus with a biopsy will confirm the diagnosis.
      Monitoring esophageal PH with an impedance monitor or                     One Piece Or Entire Contents Purchased
      a Bravo wireless device detects the presence of acid in the
      esophagus. An esophageal motility study, where a thin tube    CALL NOW FOR A FREE CONSULTATION, NO OBLIGATION
      is inserted through the throat into the esophagus measures
      the strength of its contractions and assesses the function of
      the LES, which fails to function properly in GERD.
         The mainstay of treatment is antacids, which relieve      CASH                      561-498-7536                                COURTEOUS
      symptoms by neutralizing acid. Tums, Mylanta, Rolaids     PAYMENTS                                                                  IN HOME
      and Maalox are good examples. There are H2 receptor     UPON REQUEST                                                                SERVICE
      blockers that diminish the production of acid in the stomach.
      Tagamet, Pepsid and Zantac (which has been implicated as
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