Page 6 - Abacoa Community News - April '22
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Page 6, Abacoa
Tax Talk
Dear Friends:
April brings the close
of the property tax season
for our office, but the work
continues. Now we must
manage the work associated
with the delinquent property
tax payments. Of course,
vehicle registrations, driver
license, title transfers and all
our other services continue in
earnest. On top of that, April
30 is the deadline to sign up for our convenient Installment POP! blends art, science, and innovation in the display of
Payment Plan (IPP) where you can have your property tax or these sculptures. Known for his ability to make striking to the heat conditions of a live fire and operating a fire hose.
tangible personal property tax divided up into four payments works of art using simple LEGO toys, Kenney pushes the It was an extremely rewarding day, and I would like to
during the year. So, if your taxes are not escrowed by your boundaries of the medium in this new exhibition through his thank the Delray Beach Fire Rescue and IAFF Local 1842
lender and you want to avoid having to pay your taxes in use of vibrant colors and a bold, graphical style. Inspired by for this amazing opportunity to experience the challenges
one lump sum, I encourage you to visit the pop art movement, Kenney’s work on Nature POP! plays firefighters face in order to protect us. I was overwhelmed
ipp for additional information and to sign up. But hurry, the on that movement’s principles by blurring the boundaries by their commitment and bravery, and I have a tremendous
deadline is April 30! between the austere and the everyday and draws from a belief respect for these impressive individuals and the work they do.
Sincerely, that everything is interconnected.
Anne M. Gannon, Event dates are Jan. 8 to May 1, Tuesday to Sunday, 9 Budget Friendly Tax Payment
Constitutional Tax Collector, a.m. to 4 p.m. (Last entry at 3 p.m.) Visit Mounts Botanical
Serving Palm Beach County Garden (MBG) website to purchase tickets: $15 adults; Plan
$12 seniors 65-plus, college students and military with
Sean Kenney’s Nature POP! identification; $7 ages 6 to 17; FREE for MBG members, a budget friendly Installment Payment Plan (IPP) for real
For those whose property taxes aren’t escrowed, we offer
RAP members (American Horticultural Society reciprocal
At Mounts Botanical Garden admissions program), and children under 6. estate property tax and tangible personal property tax. The
IPP divides your taxes into four installments due in June/July,
Reconnect with Firefighter For A Day September, December, and March, and includes a discount
your inner child. This of just under 4 percent.
new exhibition from I was recently honored First Time Applicants: The deadline to sign up for 2022
acclaimed artist Sean to gear up as a firefighter is April 30. You are officially enrolled in the plan when the
Kenney features over for the day to take part first payment is made in June 2022 (discount applied) or by
40 sculptures made in the Delray Beach Fire July 31 (no discount). Failure to pay the first installment by
from more than 800,000 Rescue and IAFF Local July 31 will result in being removed from the IPP and the full
LEGO pieces and 1842 Fire Ops 101. The tax bill will be due in one lump sum, to be payable during
explores the beauty of program provides a hands- the November 1 to March 31 tax cycle.
nature through highly on day of learning about the Current Plan Participants: Once signed up you do not
stylized, colorful fire service, experiencing need to reapply. Plan participation is automatically renewed
displays that stand in firsthand the environment by making the June payment. For more information visit:
striking contrast with in which firefighters work.
their surroundings. Produced by Imagine Exhibitions, Nature Spending a day in their
“boots” and heavy gear, you understand more the risks they Important Dates And
face every day while on the job, risking their lives to save
Abacoa Community Garden from page 5 others. Deadlines
As a member of the Maroon Team under the leadership
of Division Chief Sean Gibson, I was equipped with full April 1 Tourist Development Tax (TDT) Due
protective equipment, and went through a variety of real-life April 15 to 23 Passover
scenarios at the Palm Beach State College Fire Academy April 17 Easter
Complex in Lake Worth. The scenarios included a search April 30 Deadline to sign up for 2022 Installment
and rescue, extrication of car accident passenger, exposure Payment Plan
April 22