Page 11 - Abacoa Community News - April '22
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Abacoa, Page 11

             Neuropathy Relief Is Possible

               Acupuncture is Often the Last Resort

                                 with the BEST Results!

                       We are excited to bring cutting edge, non surgical,

                                       natural pain interventions to
                             Palms Acupuncture and Wellness!

                    If pain, numbness, and imbalances are impacting your life,                                   Schedule a Consultation

                  medications with side e ects  may not be your only solution.                                              by calling
                      We will elvalute your speci c needs, then a customized                                         561-467-0288
                         treatment plan will be mapped speci cally for you.
                                                                                                                     or by scanning the
                                                                                                                          code below.

                                            Palms Acupuncture

                                                      and Wellness

                                                          2151 S. Alternate A1A                                  You Don’t Have To Just

                                                     Suite 1400, Jupiter, Fl  33477                               Live With it. Follow Us

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