Page 10 - Abacoa Community News - April '22
P. 10

Page 10, Abacoa
      Commissioner’s                                       Professional Firefighters/Paramedics

      Update                                               Of Palm Beach County Safety Tips

      Palm Beach County Airports                              Hopefully, you remembered                       Many  newer  smoke  alarms  also  detect  carbon

      System Soars                                         to check your smoke alarm when                  monoxide (CO), but independent CO detectors are also
                                                           you set your clocks with the                    available. Carbon monoxide poses a much different
      By County Commissioner                               “Spring  Forward”  daylight                     threat  to  residents.  Unlike  smoke  and  fire,  carbon
      Maria Marino                                         savings time adjustment. As                     monoxide is a colorless, odorless, poisonous gas that is
         The  year-end  2021                               a reminder, when you set your                   the byproduct of incomplete combustion of carbon, or
      traffic report for Palm Beach                        clocks  for  the  time  changes                 the burning of fuel sources. Because CO is impossible
      International Airport (PBI)                          twice  a  year,  that  is  a  good              to see, taste, or smell it can begin to kill you before
      passenger  travel  reflects                          prompt to check your smoke detectors.           you’re even aware it’s in your home. CO binds to red
      a  70.5  percent  increase                              Most  newer  smoke  detectors  now  have  10-year   blood  cells  blocking  oxygen  from  the  bloodstream.
      from  2020,  indicating  a                           nonreplaceable batteries, but they still need to be tested   CO is known as the “silent killer.” Common causes
      steady  return  toward  pre-                         regularly to ensure they are in working order.   of CO in the home are faulty gas appliances, vehicle
      pandemic  levels.  The                                  Smoke and alarms are set off by smoke, heat, or   exhaust,  outdoor  grills,  generators,  and  lead  acid
      largest  market  share  of                           possible false alarm. If you see or smell smoke, leave   battery charging (faulty charging of golf cart batteries).
      enplaned passengers is held                          your house immediately. Every home should have a      Properly  working  smoke  detectors  have  been
      by JetBlue Airways, followed by American Airlines and   safety plan with your family, especially if you have   proven  to  play  a  major  role  in  the  survivability  of
      Delta Air Lines.                                     young  children,  or  immobile  family  members.  Fire   residents in the event of a fire.
         Palm  Beach  County  (PBC)  owns,  operates  and   can spread very quickly. It is important to think of                           Steen Eriksson,
      maintains  a  system  of  four  airports:  Palm  Beach   personal safety first, and evacuate. There are multiple   Professional Firefighters/Paramedics
      International, North Palm Beach County Aviation Airport   reasons for false alarms such as dirty or malfunctioning             of Palm Beach County,
      (F45)  off  the  Beeline  Highway  near  Jupiter  and  Palm   sensors, but you should initially react to every alarm              IAFF Local 2928,
      Beach Gardens, Palm Beach County Park Airport (LNA)   until it can be determined to be false.                        
      in Lantana, and Palm Beach County Glades Airport (PHK)
      in Pahokee.
         The system operates as an enterprise fund, with no ad   Advertise in This Newspaper! Call 561.746.3244
      valorem tax support. Operations are funded by user fees
      paid by airlines, businesses and passengers. Construction
      projects  for  renewal  and  replacement  of  facilities  are
      funded  by  federal  and  state  grants,  passenger  facility
      charges, revenue bonds and airport revenues.
         Several  capital  improvement  projects  are  planned,
      including:  airfield  pavement  rehabilitation  and                                                       You’re Retired
      reconstruction; roofing, HVAC, public address system,
      and  elevator/escalator  replacement;  federal  inspection                                                Your Money Isn’t.
      facilities;  maintenance  facilities;  and,  a  new  aircraft
      rescue  and  fire-fighting  station,  that  will  be  relocated
      closer  to  the  air  traffic  control  tower. The  Concourse                                              To learn why consolidating your
      B Expansion Project will add more than 50,000 square                                                       retirement accounts to Edward Jones
      feet  of  new  space,  two  new  gate  locations,  expanded                                                makes sense, contact your Edward
      concession space, concrete aircraft apron work, and an
      extension of existing building systems.                                                                    Jones  nancial advisor today.
         North County residents will be interested to know that
      the North Palm Beach County General Aviation Airport
      will expand runway 14-32 from 75 feet wide and 4,300
      feet long to 100 feet wide and 6,000 feet long. This will        Sally S Stahl, AAMS®             
      not bring passenger air carrier service and there should         Financial Advisor                            M e m b  P I S   r e  C
      be no significant increase in the size of aircraft expected      1851 W Indiantown Rd Ste 106
      to utilize the airport in the future. Additionally, there are    Jupiter, FL 33458
      no anticipated changes to the airspace or flight tracks or       561-748-7600
      routes in and out of F45.
         Sources of revenue for the operation and maintenance
      of the airport system include parking facilities, landing
      fees, and tenants. Tenants at PBI include airlines, rental
      car agencies, concessionaires, fixed base operators, airline
      services providers and other commercial lessors such as   Home Health Care
      a Toyota car dealership, a travel plaza with a collocated
      cellphone waiting lot, Drive Shack and Home2 Suites by
      Hilton. The revenues from non-airline development help      You Can Trust!
      keep airline costs low.
         PBI  houses  13  commercial  airline  carriers  with    Committed to Compassion
      nonstop passenger flights to 40 destinations. The newest     Striving for Excellence
      airline, Avelo Airlines Inc., based in New Haven, Conn.,
      debuted its first inaugural flight into PBI on December        Serving Responsibly
      16, 2021.                                                         Affordable Care
         Named the Eighth Best Domestic Airport in Travel +
      Leisure Magazine’s 2021 World’s Best Awards, PBI strives           24 hours a day
      to expand opportunities for travelers to enjoy nonstop air          7 days a week
      travel to popular destinations.
         Earning national accolades requires attention to details
      on the traveler experience and state-of-the-art technology.   OUR SERVICES
      On a recent tour of PBI operations, I had a firsthand look   • Personal Care (Bathing, Grooming, Toileting,
      at the inner workings of the baggage handling system.     Hygiene, Feeding, Dressing, and Ambulation)
      The elaborate 3-part scanning system utilizes a complex   • Non-Medical Care
      system  of  conveyor  belts  and  cameras  with  on-screen   • Companionship
      resolution  of  baggage  contents. This  enables  security                                           Call Today!
      personnel to pull luggage for hand checking before it is   • Meal Preparation
      loaded onto the aircraft.                            • Medication Reminders
         The  airport  system  is  under  the  able  direction  of   • Transportation Services                    (561) 888-9443
      Laura Beebe, who has served Palm Beach County for    • Grocery Shopping and Errands
      many years; first, as an assistant county attorney, then,   • Light Housekeeping and Laundry          Mention SEABREEZE and receive a discount!
      for the next 20 years with airports negotiating contracts
      and  business  transactions  leading  to  her  promotion  as   • Assist with Exercises
      director.  Beebe  has  demonstrated  fiscal  responsibility   • Assistance Upon Discharge from Hospital or Rehab         Follow us on
      while providing quality service to the public with a focus   • Safe transfers and Injury prevention
      on passenger safety.                                 • Anyone with Disabilities                     
         Let me know how I can assist you by contacting my   • Dementia/Alzheimer’s Care                   
      office  at  (561)  355-2201,  or  by  email  at  mmarino@
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