Page 8 - Boca Club News - July '21
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Page 8, Boca Club News
From the Desk of Palm Beach County Vice Mayor
Robert S. Weinroth: Free Meals, Free Info, Free
Emergency Tips...and Saving Deserving Animals!
Robert Weinroth, a former member involved in a car accident and unable to communicate, Free Meals for Kids and Teens. Summer BreakSpot
of the Boca Raton City Council, was the Yellow Dot pamphlet provides information such as provides a nutritious breakfast, lunch, snack or dinner at
elected as a Palm Beach County medication allergies, medical history, and more. no cost to children 18 and under while school is out for the
Commissioner to replace Steven Visit any Palm Beach County fire station for the Yellow summer. Last year, when schools were closed due to the
Abrams, who retired due to term limits Dot pamphlet and car sticker. Please fill out the pamphlet, pandemic, Summer BreakSpot sponsors served nearly 74
requirements. place it in the glove compartment, and stick the sticker in million meals at over 4,000 sites statewide. Find a Summer
The summer is upon us, and with the lower left-hand corner of the rear windshield. BreakSpot at convenient places, such as area parks, libraries,
it brings hurricanes and the rainy To request a presentation about the Yellow Dot program, and churches.
season. While we hope for the best, please call (561) 616-7051. To find a location, visit
we must all be prepared for the worst, so please take some Adopt-A-Road Program. The county’s “Adopt-A- Animal Fosters Desperately Needed. Palm Beach
time and review hurricane preparedness plans. Road” Program encourages businesses, individuals and County Animal Care and Control and Peggy Adams Animal
As you know, South Florida summer rain storms can nonprofit organizations to adopt an area of the county’s Rescue League are in dire need of foster parents.
be fast and furious! Consequently, county road crews are roadway for litter control. Groups are required to pay a $200 Currently, the shelters have more than 1,000 animals in
actively out and about clearing drains, but we ask everyone fee, and in return the county installs two signs to recognize their care and are looking for 100 additional foster homes.
to be proactive and make sure drains in your neighborhoods the adopting entity and provides the group with safety The Foster Program aims to help as many animals as possible
are free of litter and debris. training and cleanup equipment. The program requires four by providing love, care, and temporary housing until they
Additionally, there is still a major push to get everyone roadside cleanups each year over two years. are ready for their forever home. To learn more about the
vaccinated. Consequently, the Health Care District’s mobile Adopt-A-Road has proven to be a highly effective organizations’ foster programs, please visit Palm Beach
units are now available for on-site vaccinations clinics public-private partnership that allows residents to make a County Animal Care and Control, or Peggy Adams Animal
for businesses. For more information, visit www.hcdpbc. positive statement for a clean, attractive community with Rescue League.
org and click the purple “Mobile Clinic Vaccination & some recognition. Please contact our office if you require assistance at (561)
Community Event Request” button. 355-2204 and/or email me at
12,000 Publications at the Click of a Button. The
county libraries are now offering NewsBank, a searchable Memo from County Tax Collector
database providing cardholders 24/7 access to over 12,000
publications. Users have access to any topic imaginable
including literature, culture, academic curricula, and daily Anne M. Gannon: Like Us on
life. NewsBank also provides a topic-based alert feature,
similar to Google. In addition, it is also a terrific resource
for students and teachers providing programs such as ready- Facebook and Win a Prize!
to-use lesson plans on current events and more.
You must have a valid library card to access all library
resources. For more information, visit By Anne M. Gannon, Constitutional @TAXPBC, on Facebook @PBCTAX and on YouTube @
When Seconds Count, Count on Yellow Dot. Palm Tax Collector serving Palm Beach TaxCollectorPBC. We actively share relevant and timely
Beach County Fire Rescue’s new Yellow Dot program allows County. You can reach her office information about our services, reminders about deadlines,
first responders access to life-saving medical information by Email: ClientAdvocate@ and useful tips to best serve our clients.
about a victim from a vehicle’s glove compartment. If Phone: (561) We also use our social media to highlight the vibrant
355-4271. and diverse communities of Palm Beach County that we
Hard to believe that we are already serve--from the Atlantic coastline to Lake Okeechobee, and
halfway through 2021 and the dog even the occasional Throwback Thursday image from our
days of summer are upon us. People local historical archives.
are starting to venture back out as more and more of us are Follow us on our social media channels to learn more
getting our COVID-19 vaccination, and the CDC has issued about how we are #ServingYou, the residents of Palm Beach
relaxed guidelines. Our office is cautiously optimistic that County. See you online!
we will soon be able to re-ignite our community outreach Like our Facebook page for a chance to win one of three
programs with in-person events. I am pleased that we recently TCO Prize Packs! Head over to
hired two new community engagement ambassadors, and and click the button below our logo to “Like” our page.
they are very eager to attend meetings and events and provide Like our Facebook page between now and midnight on July
information on the services we offer. 25th, 2021, and you will be entered into a random drawing
I’ve been spending my summertime tending to my native to win a TCO Prize Pack which includes copies of our new
plant garden. It is one of the many outdoor things I like to 2021 Hurricane Guide, Tax Planner & Services Guide; and
do, in addition to biking. So, I encourage you to take some a portable, rechargeable phone charger that you can use in
time and enjoy all that Palm Beach County has to offer in the event you lose power during a storm, plus a few other
the great outdoors. goodies! Winners will be selected at random and will be
Community Outreach. It’s no surprise that during notified on our Facebook page.
the past year, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Summer Drive. We are certainly in full swing of summer
we have had to curtail our community outreach activities. as we celebrate our country’s 245th birthday on July 4th. And
When possible, we’ve engaged with the community via after a long year of isolation and staying safe and healthy,
video or conference calls, but we have missed being out in maybe it’s time to get out and take advantage of all that Palm
the community and meeting with our Palm Beach County Beach County has to offer. Maybe take a summer drive along
neighbors. With more and more individuals receiving one the coast and enjoy a peaceful summertime sunrise. Perhaps
of the COVID-19 vaccines and ensuring our staff is fully you pack up the car and the family and head over to Lion
vaccinated, I am hopeful that we can soon restart our in- Country Safari and see what the animals are up to during the
person community engagements. lazy days of summer.
In fact, we proudly participated in our first event of the Did you know that Palm Beach County has more than 85
year on June 5th in the City of Lake Worth Beach. The annual parks with a range of fun outdoor activities, from canoeing
Palm Beach Pride event was a great way for our team to to walking trails? I urge you to visit
share information and educate clients about the services we org for a list of great things to do in our parks.
provide. Practicing COVID-19 safety protocols and social Beyond the parks, the recreation available on our
distancing, it was a pleasure meeting and talking to members waterways from Lake Okeechobee to the Atlantic Ocean
of the community at this annual event. We are looking forward is second to none. And don’t forget Florida’s mini lobster
to participating in more upcoming events! season is on July 28th and and 29th. You can go online to
If your community or association has an upcoming event to purchase your Florida fishing license.
where our Community Engagement
Ambassadors might participate,
please email ClientAdvocate@ with the details and we
will be in touch. We look forward
to seeing you soon!
Like Us on Facebook and
Win! Tweets, posts, and stories:
There are many ways to connect
with the Palm Beach County Tax
Collector online, and we want to
connect with you!
Join us on Instagram and Twitter