Page 10 - Boca Club News - July '21
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Page 10, Boca Club News
Don’t Overpay for Copies of Your
Deed and Other Public Records
By Joseph Abruzzo, Clerk of the Circuit in the mail, or if you have questions about obtaining copies of elected to the FGFOA’s board
Court & Comptroller, Palm Beach your public records, please contact our Records Service Center in 2013 and served for six
County. Clerk Abruzzo serves as the at (561) 355-2932 or visit years before being elected as
county’s protector of public records Chief Deputy Clerk Sworn in as President of FGFOA the association’s secretary/
and public funds. He was elected Shannon Ramsey-Chessman, the Chief Deputy Clerk for treasurer in 2019. She served as
in November 2020 and sworn into the Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller’s office, will the association’s president-elect
office on January 5th, 2021. Prior to serve for the next year in a new role: President of the state’s in 2020, and will serve as the
his election, Clerk Abruzzo served in leading association for government finance professionals. association’s president through
the Florida Legislature for a decade, Ramsey-Chessman was sworn in as president of the June 2022.
serving in both the Florida House of Representatives and the Florida Government Finance Officers Association (FGFOA) FGFOA is one of the largest
Florida Senate. He proudly served in the United States Coast during the organization’s annual business meeting on Friday, statewide government finance
Guard Reserves as a Port Security Specialist from 2005 to June 18th. She is a certified public accountant and a certified associations in the country. It was founded in 1937 and serves
2013 and is the recipient of numerous awards, medals and government finance officer who has spent more than two more than 2,800 finance professionals from state, county and
outstanding performance citations. decades working in the public sector, including more than city governments; school districts, colleges and universities;
Palm Beach County’s housing market is one of the hottest 16 years with the Clerk’s office. Ramsey-Chessman was special districts and private firms.
in the country, and that makes our community a target for
companies looking to cash in.
Private companies are once again using official-looking Surfing The Pink
letters to mislead homeowners into overpaying for copies of
their property deeds. These carefully crafted letters urge people
to pay as much as $95 for a public record they can easily get Wave! Rosé
from their local Clerk’s office for just a few dollars.
Although these kinds of solicitations from private By Laura Berrio, Freelance Another reason for the rise in popularity is that rosé
companies are not illegal, they often use high-pressure tactics Writer/Blogger works well in spring and summer. It can be enjoyed
that can be confusing and frightening. Don’t be fooled! Rosé is on the rise! The anywhere and can be mixed into cocktails.
If your deed or other official record has been recorded in market for rosé wines has A decade ago rosé only consisted of sweeter wines.
Palm Beach County, our team at the Clerk of the Circuit Court more than doubled in the last Now the variety of rosé spans bone dry to sweet, cheap to
& Comptroller is here to help you get the information you need. decade. There is a whole new expensive, and simple to complex. The color and source
To avoid overpaying for copies of your records: group of wine drinkers who has also changed. The “pink” wine from California is now
Be wary of unsolicited letters urging you to respond pick “pink” for their preferred very pale pink and primarily from Provence.
recommend trying a variety of rosés to find your
immediately. Our office does not send notices asking you to wine. Who is this group of favorite. A couple of my favorite rosés under $20 are Rosa
consumers? Millennials.
purchase a copy of your deed or other documents. Younger consumers prefer di Germina (dry) and Rosa Regale (sweet).
Search online for free. Uncertified copies of deeds, sweeter rosé. This reminds me Pick up a rosé for your next
mortgages, liens, court judgments, marriage licenses and other of the pink wine cooler days of my youth! The millennials occasion and “surf the pink wave!”
official records can be downloaded and printed for free from have played a large role in creating the “pink” image ~ Cheers!
our website: in social media for rosé wines. The popularity of this ~ Keep the conversation going
Request a certified copy for a small fee. We provide segment led Italy to create a National Rosé Day. It is all and the wine flowing!
copies of official records for $1 per page, and they can be the rage right now to get all wine enthusiasts to think Follow the Vine on Instagram
certified for an additional $2. pink! @VineVibeUncorked.
If you’re uncertain about a solicitation or notice you receive Paid Advertisement
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