Page 3 - Boca Club News - July '21
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Boca Club News, Page 3
Boca Raton Mayors Ball from page 1
During the festivities, the raised through the Mayors humanitarian issues during
spotlight will be on recipients Balls benefit Boca Raton- the pandemic months for the
of this year’s George Long based nonprofits focused on constituents they serve, often
Awards, named for the their health and wellness need having to pivot away from their
City’s first mayor. The 2021 through the official Service designated missions…just to
honorees are Office Depot Above Self (SAS) grant keep their communities uplifted
(for-profit), Boca Raton application process with a and sustainable.”
Historical Society (non- portion donated to Rotary Co-Chair and Club Member
profit) and Arlene Herson International’s fund for polio Ingrid Fulmer added that “the
(individual), all recognized eradication. generosity of sponsors and
for their continual efforts to “Following a year of attendees makes a critical
advocate and promote Boca Arlene Herson, Individual/ uncertainty, The Rotary Club Alex Price, Office Depot; he difference in the lives of so
Raton as the best place in Philanthropist Downtown Boca Raton is will be accepting the award many. With our exciting and Mary Csar, Boca Raton
which to live, work, learn pleased to be able to once again on behalf of Office Depot decadent MasquerAID plans Historical Society &
and heal. bring out Boca’s business and for the first black-tie gala to Museum. She will be
Rotary Club of Downtown Boca Raton Mayors Ball Co- community leaders all in one room for an exciting, themed be held at the Boca Raton accepting the award on
chairs are Ingrid Fulmer and Jonathan Whitney, honorary co- evening to help fund long-awaited health and wellness needs Resort & Club this season, behalf of BRHS&M as the
chairs are Marilyn and Mark Swillinger, and event producer is of Boca Raton’s nonprofits,” shared Co-Chair Jonathan we expect the dance floor to Executive Director
Kaye Communications PR & Marketing (KCOM-PR). Funds Whitney. “These organizations have had to alleviate so many be overflowing and smiles all
around as together we celebrate all that is Boca!”
This year’s host committee includes past co-chairs Dyana
11th Annual White Coats-4-Care from page 1 Kenney (2014) , Arlene Herson (2018), Kim Champion and
Constance Scott (2017), Past Club President and Founding
With the average cost of a medical education reaching D.D.S.; Deborah Leising; Natalia Margolis; Elizabeth and Co-Chair Jon Kaye (2016 and 2015) along with Club
$250,000 in-state to $400,000 out-of-state, 80-85% of the Stuart Markowitz, M.D.; Francine and Nathan Nachlas, M.D.; President-elect Jon Carter, Immediate Past Club President
College’s talented students require financial assistance. Lynn and Joseph Ouslander, M.D.; Ronald L. Rubin, D.M.D.; and Fund Chairman David Eltringham, Past Club President
Heavy debt often impacts both a student’s choice of medical Constance Scott; Robin Trompeter and Robert Weinroth. Dr. Allen Konis, Founding President Alan Kaye, Marilyn
school as well as their medical specialty based on its income “We are committed to attracting, nurturing and sustaining Blanco, Stuart Fife, William “Billy” Marino, Harry Mirabile,
potential to repay loans. an exceptional and diverse community of students who will Shenika “Nickie” Moraldo, Garcia Peters, Linda Petrakis,
“The recent global health crisis has highlighted how become our future physicians and scientists,” shared Charles Dr. Ronald Rubin, Barry Siegel, Bruce Spizler, Matt Spritz,
critical it is to train and nurture our next generations of E. Schmidt College of Medicine Interim Dean Sarah Wood, Gloria Wank, Jeff Weber, Janice Williams, Marilyn Wilson
physicians, scientists and healthcare heroes,” added Co- M.D. “Together, we want to train doctors who mirror the and Terri Wolofsky.
chair Bonnie Kaye. “Scholarships give students the ability communities they serve. We are proud that FAU’s Schmidt Founded in July 2012, the Rotary Club Downtown
to follow their hearts, not their debts, into lifelong medical College of Medicine is ranked 24th in the nation by U.S. News Boca Raton has been named District 6930’s “Club of
careers.” & World Report with respect to the diversity of our medical the Year” multiple times, (2019-2020, 2018-2019, 2017-
WC4C donation options include: students.” 2018, 2014-2015) and is dedicated to impacting the Boca
• $200 provides a medical student’s first white coat. In the Launched in 2010, FAU’s Schmidt College of Medicine Raton community through Rotary International’s mission
pocket of every new white coat will be the name of the is one of approximately 157 accredited medical schools of “Service Above Self.” The award-winning 501(c)3
individual, family or company that supported the student’s in the U.S. The college matriculates up to 64 medical nonprofit’s mission is to make a difference in its community
dream of becoming a doctor. students each year and has been nationally recognized for by enhancing the lives of many in an environment that
• $500 provides a medical school scholarship in memory of its innovative curriculum. To further FAU’s commitment embraces and promotes integrity, fellowship, diversity and
Founding Dean Michael L. Friedland, M.D. to ensure that the region will continue to have an adequate trust. The RCDBR is one of 35,000 Rotary clubs in more
• $1,000 for a valued community partner electronic tribute and well-trained physician workforce, the Schmidt College than 200 countries connecting 1.2 million Rotarians around
in the College of Medicine lobby featuring the donor name of Medicine Consortium for Graduate Medical Education the globe.
for one year. (GME) was formed in 2011 with five leading hospitals Mayors Ball sponsorships offering designated underwriting
• Pledge of $20,000 or more to join the White Coat Society in Palm Beach County. The Consortium currently has opportunities and Premier Reserved Tables of 10 are now
by supporting students through all four years of medical five accredited residencies in internal medicine, surgery, available; individual tickets at $350 per person will go on
school; pledge paid annually in installments of $5,000 per emergency medicine, psychiatry and neurology, as well sale September 1st. For sponsorships and Premier Reserved
year. as three fellowship programs in cardiology, geriatrics and Table reservations, visit
WC4C co-chairs are supported by a dedicated committee, hospice/palliative medicine. or contact Jon Kaye at KCOM-PR at (561)392-5166, ext. 2;
including Patricia Anastasio, M.D. and Thomas Mersch, To attend the 2021 WC4C, donors must register online at email
Esq.; Melissa Azrack; Alisa Cohen; Lori Berman and Jeffrey by Friday, July 23rd. To learn more
Ganeles, D.M.D.; Donna and Joseph Biase, M.D.; Phyllis about the White Coat Society or other gift options, contact Photo credit: Gina Fontana
and Michael T.B. Dennis, M.D.; Bryan and Joanna Drowos, Assistant Vice President for Development David Green, at
D.O.; Beth and Kenneth Garrod, M.D.; June Gelb; Bonnie (561) 297-4243 or Editor ........................................................................ Nils A. Shapiro
Halperin; Arlene Herson; Beth Johnston; Allen B. Konis, Photography By ........................................................ Jon Ricco
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