Page 32 - Southern Exposure - March '25
P. 32

Page 32, Southern Exposure


                                    Common Mistakes Students Make

                                              When Applying To College

                                                               By Peggy Forgan, M.Ed., College Planner

        Applying to college can                         a timeline with clear deadlines and allocate time to review   burnout and make it harder to tailor each application. A
      be a stressful process but                        each application component—essays, transcripts, and   balanced approach is essential—apply to a mix of reach
      avoiding a few common                             recommendations.                                   schools,  match  schools,  and  safety schools.  Focus  on
      mistakes can make a big                             Another  common  mistake  is  underestimating  the   quality over quantity by investing time and effort into each
      difference  in  a  student’s                      importance of college essays. Many students mistakenly   application to ensure it’s the best representation of your
      best chances of success.                          treat the essay as an afterthought, focusing more on their   abilities and fit with the school. By avoiding these common
      One of the most frequent                          test scores and GPA. However, the essay is a key part   mistakes, you’ll increase your chances of submitting a
      mistakes is waiting until                         of the application, offering a chance to showcase your   standout application.
      the last minute to submit                         personality, values, and uniqueness. A generic or poorly     Class 101 North Palm Beach is holding a free
      applications or gather                            written essay can fail to set you apart from other applicants.   information session on March 15 at 9:30 a.m. to discuss
      necessary documents.                              Take the time to reflect on your personal experiences and   how to stay ahead of the college application process.
      Procrastination increases                         how they align with the school’s values. Your essay should   Donuts and coffee will be served, and door prizes will be
      the risk of missing deadlines,  submitting incomplete   be authentic and show who you are beyond academics.   given.
      materials, or rushing through tasks. This can lead to   Don’t forget to revise and seek feedback to refine it.    To register call or text Peggy Forgan at (561) 418-7897
      errors like typos, poorly written essays, or incomplete     Applying to a limited number of schools can also limit   or email Our website is Class101.
      recommendation letters. To avoid this, start early. Create   your options; while applying to too many can lead to   com/northpalmbeachfl.

                        inSIGHT Through Education – 15 Years Of

                            Inspiring Change In Palm Beach County

        Celebrating its 15th anniversary, inSIGHT Through   for thought-provoking conversations,  an exclusive   registration is encouraged, as demand for this event is
      Education is a nonsectarian, nonprofit organization   shopping boutique, a luncheon, and card play. The event   expected to be high!
      committed to inspiring and educating individuals through the   will feature keynote speakers Lizzy Savetsky and Tanya     By attending inSIGHT OUT and supporting inSIGHT
      lessons of the Holocaust and other genocides. With a mission   Zuckerbrot, two extraordinary women who use their   Through Education, you are investing in the power of
      to combat prejudice and foster respect and acceptance,   platforms to drive meaningful change and inspire action.   education to combat hate, promote understanding, and
      inSIGHT empowers students, educators, and communities   Tickets are priced at $250 per person.       create a future rooted in respect and acceptance.
      to build a more inclusive world.                    To purchase tickets for the inSIGHT OUT event,     Learn more at
        Since its founding in 2010, inSIGHT has been the primary   please visit Early
      funder of Holocaust education in the Palm Beach County
      School District, one of the nation’s largest. In the 2023/24
      academic year alone, the organization reached 40,000
      students and trained more than 400 educators, equipping
      them with the tools to teach history with meaning and impact.
      inSIGHT has provided $1.9 million in educational programs
      over the past 14 years, underscoring its commitment to
      fostering kindness, acceptance, and respect among students.
        Looking ahead, inSIGHT aims to expand its reach to
      75,000 students and educators in the 2024/25 academic
      year, striving to bring Holocaust education to every
      student, every year, across over 180 schools and nearly
      200,000 students in Palm Beach County.
      Join Us For inSIGHT OUT – A Day Of Inspiration
      And Impact
        To support its initiatives, inSIGHT Through Education
      is hosting “inSIGHT OUT,” a signature fundraising event
      on Monday, March 17, from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the
      Palm Beach County Convention Center.
        This dynamic, full day of engaging activities will bring
      together like-minded women from across the community

      Holocaust Survivor speaks with Palm Beach County school
      students – courtesy photo
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