Page 37 - Southern Exposure - March '25
P. 37

Southern Exposure, Page 37

                                                                    pet Matters

                                                     The Pet Cottage Post

                                   The Birth Of The Pet Cottage: A Tribute To Joan McCabe

        The Pet Cottage is more than just a
      sanctuary for pets—it is a testament
      to the love and devotion of one
      remarkable woman, Joan McCabe.
      Joan was a beautiful soul, full of warmth
      and kindness, whose love for her pets was
      immeasurable. She was a client of mine
      when I ran a small personal training business for women, and
      over time, she became a cherished friend. Joan shared her life
      with three senior cats—Shadow, Smokey, and Jeremy—who
      were her family and her greatest joy.              Joan McCabe                       Arya                              Elsa
        When Joan was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, her first
      concern was not for herself, but for her beloved companions.   dedicated to providing lifelong guardianship for pets who lost   Guardians. Many of the pets in our care are older and need
      What would happen to them when she was gone? She searched   their humans due to death, disability, or deployment.  calm, loving homes. Many seniors, facing loneliness, long
      for solutions, but none existed. Determined to ease her heart, I     From those first rescues, The Pet Cottage has flourished.   for companionship. The greatest challenge to welcoming a
      made a promise: I would care for her cats as she had, ensuring   Today, we provide care for over 51 dogs and eight cats. While   senior pet into one’s home is often the cost of care, particularly
      they were safe and loved.                          our initial focus was on pets whose owners had passed, we   veterinary expenses. The Pet Cottage removes that burden by
        Shadow, at an astonishing 21 years old, passed before Joan.   quickly expanded to include those affected by disabilities such   paying all veterinary expenses allowing these perfect matches
      When the time came, Smokey and Jeremy, then 17, came to   as dementia and Alzheimer’s. We also recognized the needs of   to be made.
      live with me. They thrived in my care, living to be 20. But   military members, ensuring their pets had a safe place when     The Pet Cottage is more than just a place—it is a promise. It
      Joan’s story revealed a much larger truth—she was not the   deployment or relocation made it impossible to keep them.  is a tribute to Joan McCabe and to all those who love their pets
      only one in this predicament. Many pet owners, facing illness     One of the most beautiful aspects of this journey has been   like family. None of this would be possible without the generous
      or life-altering events, had no plan for their beloved animals.   the realization that senior people make extraordinary Forever   support of our donors and community. You are the superheroes
      I witnessed this firsthand through my relationship                                                   who make this mission a reality.
      with hospice during Joan’s illness. The need was                                                       There are many ways to support our work, from joining our
      clear, and when Joan passed on March 11, 2012,                                                       Happy Tails monthly donation program to making one-time
      I, Wendy Derhak, honored her legacy by founding                                                      contributions. Every donation helps us fulfill our forever promise
      The Pet Cottage.                                                                                     to these beloved pets and provide pet companionship to senior
        What started with Joan’s three senior cats                                                         individuals, matching pets who have lost their humans with
      quickly grew. The next animals in need were                                                          seniors who long for a loving companion.
      three dachshunds—Charlie Brown, Ivy, and                                                               To learn more about The Pet Cottage, visit our website at
      Peanut—whose owner had passed away. The                                                    , follow us on Facebook and Instagram, and
      demand for a safe, loving place for pets in these                                                    check out our YouTube channel at The Pet Cottage Official. To
      situations continued to grow. In April 2015,                                                         visit, please call to make an appointment at (561) 818-5025.
      The Pet Cottage officially became a nonprofit,                                                         Thank you for being part of our pack!
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