Page 31 - Southern Exposure - March '25
P. 31

Southern Exposure, Page 31

                                                           taMpa geNeral News

                                          Tampa General Pulmonologist

                                                  Suggests Sleeping On It

         According  to  a  recent  study  published  online  in     The study used brain scans to determine participants’ brain     If you’re looking to
       Neurology, the medical journal of the American Academy   age. Results suggested that poor sleep was linked to nearly   get your sleep back on
       of Neurology, early middle-aged adults who have poor   three years of additional brain aging as early as middle age.   schedule, Dr. Peña suggests
       sleep quality, including difficulty falling or staying asleep,   Overall, the study highlighted the importance of tackling   taking these steps:
       showed more signs of poor brain health in late middle age.  sleep problems earlier in life to maintain brain health.    • Keep all electronics
         Although the study does not prove that poor sleep     Dr. Luis Peña-Hernández, a pulmonologist with the   outside of the bedroom,
       accelerates brain aging, it does show an association between   Tampa General Hospital (TGH) Pulmonary Care & Sleep   including mobile phones,
       poor sleep quality and signs of brain aging. Previous   Institute (PCSI), agrees that sleep is important. “Sleep   tablets and laptops.
       research links sleep problems to issues with thinking and   quality is a huge determinant of overall well-being and     • Avoid  watching  TV,
       memory later in life, increasing the risk for dementia.  quality of life,” he said.                 working on a laptop or
                                                                                                           browsing on your phone
                                                                                                           in  bed before bedtime.
                                                                                                           Electronics will interfere  Dr. Luis Peña-Hernández
                                                                                                           with  the  quality  of  your
                                                                                                           sleep and may contribute to developing insomnia.
                                                                                                             • Avoid eating large meals and consuming alcoholic
                                                                                                           beverages at least three hours before bedtime.
                                                                                                             • Keep the room as dark as possible and the temperature
                                                                                                           on the cooler side.
                                                                                                             • Wear comfortable, loose sleepwear.
                                                                                                             • Exercise on a regular basis, ideally in the morning
                                                                                                             • Do not drink caffeine in the afternoon.
                                                                                                             • Create and maintain a sleep preparation routine,
                                                                                                           relaxing at least 45 minutes to an hour before going to bed.
                                                                                                           Avoid working on projects that require complex decision
                                                                                                           making or involve stressful tasks during this time.
                                                                                                             • Avoid drinking an excessive amount of fluid before
                                                                                                           bedtime to minimize the need to use the bathroom in the
                                                                                                           middle of the night.
                                                                                                             Dr. Peña notes that sleeping pills should be used only
                                                                                                           as a last resort. “Avoid them, if at all possible,” he said.
                                                                                                           “Medications do not provide a permanent solution to sleep
                                                                                                           problems. In general, they alter the architecture and quality
                                                                                                           of normal sleep and leave you groggy in the morning.”
                                                                                                             When is it a good time to consider seeing a sleep
                                                                                                           specialist? “Anytime you have a recurrent problem falling
                                                                                                           or staying asleep, or you experience daytime sleepiness,”
                                                                                                           said Dr. Peña. “Also, if you exhibit any abnormal behaviors
                                                                                                           like sleepwalking or restless legs, among others, it’s
                                                                                                           important to see a specialist.”
                                                                                                             Dr. Peña and his colleagues at TGH PCSI evaluate and
                                                                                                           address sleep disorders that can negatively affect your
                                                                                                           quality of life and overall health. “We can determine if a
                                                                                                           sleep study at home or a test in the sleep lab would help,
                                                                                                           and then recommend a proper plan of care depending on
                                                                                                           the patient’s specific needs.”
                                                                                                             For more information about the sleep health services
                                                                                                           offered by the TGH Pulmonary Care & Sleep Institute,
                                                                                                           please call (561) 739-4TGH (4844) or visit

                         Past Chairman Palm Beach Gardens Art in

                        Public Places Advisory Board

                        Current Chairman Palm Beach Gardens
                        Planning Zoning & Appeals  Board

                        Bachelors Degree in Urban Planning with 40
                        years of growth management experience in
                        South Florida.

          March 11

                              Political Advertisement approved and paid for by Chuck Millar for Palm Beach Gardens City Council - Group 4
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