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Financial Focus ®
Key Decisions For Retired will have to take certain amounts, based on your age and time. You’ll want to work with your legal professional to
• Have you finished your estate plans? If not, now is the
account balance, from your traditional IRA and traditional
Couples 401(k) each year.) create whatever documents are needed – a will, living trust,
• When should you take Social Security? The answer power of attorney – to help ensure your assets go where
By Sally Sima Stahl, to this question depends on many factors, such as your you want them to go, and that your financial and health care
Edward Jones age and other sources of income. You can take Social choices will be protected if you become physically or mentally
Once you and your Security as early as age 62, but your monthly payments will incapacitated.
spouse retire, you’ll have typically be bigger if you wait until your full retirement Of course, many of these same issues will apply if you
some decisions to make – age, which will be age 67 if you were born in 1960 or later. are single, divorced or widowed. But if you are married, you
decisions that could affect And if you can afford to wait even longer, your payments and your spouse will want to discuss all your choices and
your quality of life in your will “max out” when you reach age 70. Your decision on then decide which steps to take. Once you’ve got your plans
retirement years. What are when to take Social Security can affect your spouse – in place, you may well find that you can fully enjoy your
these choices? and vice versa. If the lower-earning spouse claims Social retirement years.
Here a few of the most Security before their full retirement age – again, age 67 This article was written by Edward Jones for use by
important ones: – their own retirement benefit and any potential spousal your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor, Edward Jones,
• How much should you benefit will be reduced. (Spousal benefits are given to the Member SIPC.
withdraw from your retirement accounts? By the time you lower-earning spouse if their full retirement benefit is less Edward Jones is a licensed insurance producer in all states
retire, you may have contributed for decades to an IRA and than half the other spouse’s full retirement benefit.) and Washington, D.C., through Edward D. Jones & Co., L.P.,
a 401(k) or similar employer-sponsored retirement plan. • Should you downsize? If you live in a big home and and in California, New Mexico and Massachusetts through
But once you retire, you’ll probably need to draw on these your children are grown, you may find it economical to Edward Jones Insurance Agency of California, L.L.C.;
accounts to help pay your living expenses. Consequently, downsize. Of course, this is also an emotional decision, Edward Jones Insurance Agency of New Mexico, L.L.C.; and
both of you will need to be sure that you don’t withdraw but you may find that you can save money by moving into Edward Jones Insurance Agency of Massachusetts, L.L.C.
so much each year that you risk running out of money a smaller home. Edward Jones, its employees and financial advisors cannot
later in your retirement. One common guideline is to aim • Where should you live? Some states are far more provide tax advice. You should consult your qualified tax
for an annual withdrawal rate of 4 percent, but everyone’s expensive to live in than others. You’ll want to weigh your advisor regarding your situation.
situation is different based on age, pre-retirement income, decision carefully, considering the cost of housing, food, Contact us at (561) 748-7600, Sally Sima Stahl, CFP ,
lifestyle, health, travel plans and other factors. (Once income and real estate taxes, transportation and health AAMS™, 1851 W. Indiantown Road, Ste. 106, Jupiter, FL
you turn 73, or 75 if you were born in 1960 or later, you care in whatever state you choose. 33458.
Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center Offers
Same-Day Discharge Robotic Surgery for Faster Recovery
Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center continues to The CORI™ Surgical System uses handheld robotics-
invest in orthopedic innovation with advanced robotic- assisted technology that helps the surgeon plan and
assisted surgery, offering many patients the possibility perform the procedure. It also gives surgeons a three-
of same-day procedures with faster recovery times. dimensional (3-D) view to help finalize and verify the
The hospital is home to three cutting-edge orthopedic selection of the knee implant and create a plan for surgery
surgical robots—Mako SmartRobotics™, CORI and without needing a computed tomography (CT) scan or
ROSA —enhancing precision and efficiency in knee and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
hip surgeries. “Incorporating Mako SmartRobotics™, CORI, and
Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center is the first and ROSA into our orthopedic program reinforces our
only hospital in Palm Beach County to acquire two Mako commitment to offering patients the latest in surgical
SmartRobotics™ systems. Mako SmartRobotics™ provides innovation,” said Judy Dellosa, orthopedic service line
highly precise, minimally invasive treatment for partial knee, director. “These robotic-assisted procedures allow for
total knee, and hip replacements. Many patients undergoing greater precision, less invasive surgery, and the potential
Mako-assisted surgery experience shorter hospital stays, for same-day discharge, helping patients get back on their
smaller incisions, and quicker recovery—often returning feet faster.”
to an active lifestyle within weeks. By preserving more To learn more about same-day robotic-assisted surgery
of the patient’s natural joint, Mako SmartRobotics™ may at Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center, contact the
also help address osteoarthritis in earlier stages, improving Orthopedic Service Line at 1-(855) 769-2969 or visit
long-term mobility. planning and performing knee surgeries with remarkable
For knee replacement procedures, Palm Beach accuracy, using real-time data and 3-D visualization to orthopedic-care.
Gardens Medical Center also utilizes the ROSA robotic optimize implant positioning while minimizing trauma
system. This advanced technology assists surgeons in to surrounding tissues.
Smart But Scattered Adolescent Workshop
By Jim Forgan, Ph.D., constantly have to stay on top of him or he’d be failing.” and videos to illustrate points and practice skills. Students
Licensed School This mom was describing her son’s executive functioning receive written handouts to keep which summarize the
Psychologist weaknesses. He was smart but scattered. Executive new skills.
A parent described functioning skills are crucial for success in school, social Developing executive functioning skills is an ongoing
her son to me, “Sam is settings, and everyday life. process in adolescence, and teens often need instruction to
struggling with school and This month I am offering an in-person one-day improve these areas. Weak executive functioning skills can
his grades. This year in executive functioning course for students in grades six impact academic performance, relationships, and overall
sixth grade he is struggling through nine. Your student can join us fun, interactive well-being, so interventions like workshops and coaching
with the workload, activities to learn executive functioning skills related to can be helpful if your teen struggles in these areas.
executive functioning, and organization, planning, time management, memory, and Adolescents face academic pressures, social dynamics,
expectations of the grade. attention. The group size is limited to 12 students. We use and life changes. Teens with strong executive functioning
The demands are more. I classroom instruction combined with games, scenarios, skills can handle uncertainty and stressful situations with
more resilience. By understanding and supporting the
Dyslexia, ADD/ADHD, development of these skills, your student can improve
their ability to navigate the complexities of adolescence
Autism, IQ Testing and prepare for greater independence as they grow
into adulthood. Join us so your student can learn these
important skills for success.
Call (561) 625-4125 if you would like to sign up or if
NOW OFFERING: Dr. Jim Forgan & Associates you need school neuropsychological testing for dyslexia,
• Jupiter & Stuart Offices Licensed School Psychologist ADHD, autism, or to give you understanding and answers
about your child. Learn more at
• Testing for Processing executive.
Problems, Anxiety,
Defiance (561) 625-4125
• Saturday and After
School Appointments
“Helping Parents Help Children”