Page 6 - Abacoa Community News - March '25
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Page 6, Abacoa
aPoa news & activities
Letter From The Desk Of The Property Manager
Springtime. March “Ireland – the Home of Craic,” definition: a good Festival. That will most certainly spice up your spring!
brings us the most awaited time and enjoyable experience, is what is said amongst I hope that in March, you will have lots of adventures,
days of the year – the last its home country promoters, and the annual Jupiter Irish new discoveries, play time, restoration, and happiness!
days of winter; for South Fest promises a sham-rocking “craic” of a boost to the We are always here to assist. Please don’t hesitate
Florida a particularly cold Downtown Abacoa’s streets on the March 8 and 9. to contact the APOA office at (561) 624-7788 or email
and wet one this round. On March 15, soar into spring with the Eagles! Don’t
Beautifully, it’s 75 miss tribute to the Eagles band, The Long Run, on the For events and other information visit our website,
degrees, cool breezes green grassy lawn of the Abacoa Amphitheater. Enjoy a, where you can also subscribe for the
gently blowing across our “gas”, Irish for fun entertainment, of a time at the March monthly event e-blasts right to your email inbox. The
seas, and the days sunlight 17 annual St. Parick’s Day Block Party! monthly event calendars can also be found posted at your
creeping in a little longer with a sky that seems just a little Got a cravin’ for Cajun? Following in early April, community clubhouse.
more blue. March is said to be a time of “rejuvenation and April 5 and 6, we host the annual Cajun Crawfish & Music
renewal.” Let’s take a moment to sit back, relax, and let March
inspire and uplift as we welcome the season of spring in.
Here in Abacoa the annual oak tree trimming was
completed last month and March brings a budding of events
that will definitely put some spring in your step.
Spring pastels, floral prints, nudes, sandals and
sundresses start lining the windows of the cozy, lovely shops
Downtown. Salons of Abacoa are boasting the “Spring 25
Hair Trends”; step on in for a budding new you! For you
men and boys, stop on in at the only area hobby card shop
and pick up some bright favorite team tees or get your spring
sports cards collection started now.
aPoa uPdate
Abacoa POA
Meeting Notices Time for
Official notification is posted via the bulletin
Tuesday, March 18, 2025, 11:30 a.m. – a change?
board outside the POA office as well as the Abacoa
website. Members may view and/or download
Abacoa POA agendas and approved minutes from
Notice of APOA Board of Directors Meeting –
APOA office or Zoom
Notice of Monthly CAC Meeting –
Tuesday, March 18, 2025, 9:30 a.m. –
APOA Office or Zoom Burns Wealth Management Group
The deadline to submit CAC materials for review is
one week prior to the CAC meeting.
All Meetings Subject to Change
All meetings to be held at the offices of the
Abacoa POA, 1200 University Blvd., Robert Burns
Suite 102, Jupiter, FL. 33458 or via Zoom.US ® ® ®
unless otherwise posted. CFP , ChFC , CPWA
Articles herein are the creation of the individual writers, Managing Director
and do not express the opinion of the APOA. Wealth Partner, Portfolio Manager
By printing an article herein, the APOA is not 3825 PGA Blvd, Floor 9,
endorsing the writer, the article’s content, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33410
or any business referred to herein.
The APOA will not be responsible for errors contained
herein, or related to, articles.
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