Page 10 - Abacoa Community News - March '25
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Page 10, Abacoa

       neigHborHood news

      Abacoa Community Garden

                                                                                                              Garden membership
      The Magic Of Community                                                                                runs from August 1 to
      Gardening: From Fresh                                                                               July 31. Download
                                                                                                          forms at https://www.
      Herb Pesto To Kimchi                                                                      
                                                                                                          community-garden or
          The beauty of a community garden is that it brings                                              find  one  in  the  outside
      people together—not just to tend to plants, but to create                                           mailbox at the garden
      something delicious from what the earth gives us. It’s about                                        e nt ra nc e  a t  1022
      the conversations we have while we pull weeds and the                                               Com m uni t y Dri ve .
      simple joy of sharing.                                                                              There  is  a  waiting  list
          Not every community garden has its own pesto wizard,                                            for independent beds but
      but at ours, our herb garden coordinator transformed freshly                                        if interested, just check
      harvested herbs into culinary magic. On a recent Saturday                                           the box. Stop by, especially Saturday mornings, and check
      morning he crafted two delicious versions of pesto using                                            out our Facebook page.
      ingredients that had been picked just minutes earlier.
          The first pesto was a nod to tradition—arugula, lemon
      basil, sweet basil, green onions, parsley, and even carrot   Meet the New Cardiologist in
      tops made their way into the blender along with some olive
      oil, walnuts, pine nuts, garlic, and a pinch of salt. The result
      consumed on the spot. A second version was a bit more  the Neighborhood!
      was an aromatic pesto that we spread on fresh bread and
      unexpected: a blend of carrots, red chard, turmeric, and
      nasturtium (yes, the edible flower!). So yummy!      Dr. Hemang B. Panchal, MD, MPH,
          These pesto creations are an example of the magic   FACC, FSCAI, is board-certified                             Highlights of Dr. Panchal:
      that happens when you grow, harvest, and share food in a   in cardiology,  interventional                           •  13+ years of experience
      community space.                                     cardiology, echocardiography, and                              •  Well-published in top-rated
          A few weeks ago, another member of our community   nuclear  cardiology.  He  recently                              journals, including the Journal
      hosted a kimchi demonstration on site, showing us how to   established his new cardiology                              of the American College of
      turn the garden’s bounty into a tangy, flavorful fermented   practice, South Florida Heart &                           Cardiology and Circulation.
      dish. Lest you think this is the Hallmark channel or a   Vascular, located in Jupiter, FL.                          •  Helped reform the guidelines
      Norman Rockwell painting, just know it is about a little                                                               by the American College of
      plot of land in your neighborhood at the corner of Central   Hospital Affiliations:                                    Cardiology.
      Boulevard and Community Drive.                                                                                      •  Reviewer for many journals,
                                                           •  Jupiter Medical Center                                         including the American Heart
                                                                                                                             Journal, British Medical
                                                           •  Palm Beach Gardens Medical                                     Journal, and many others.

                                                           •  Good Samaritan Medical

                                                           •  Cleveland Clinic Tradition   South Florida Heart
                                                             Hospital                      & Vascular
                                                                                           4425 Military Trail, Suite 102
                                                           •  Cleveland Clinic Martin North    Jupiter, FL 33458
                                                             and South Hospitals.          Phone: 561-208-5246
                                                                                           Fax: 561-245-5399
                                                           For more information, please visit   Email:
                                                           our website at  We offer same-day or next-day
                                                                                           appointments whenever possible.

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