Page 22 - Abacoa Community News - March '25
P. 22

Page 22, Abacoa
      Town Of Jupiter News

      By Jim Kuretski,                                  4 meeting, the Town Council approved construction on the   our rich history, the people, places, events, stories, and
      Mayor, Town of Jupiter                            first three—Indian Creek Park, Jupiter Community Park,   moments that have made Jupiter the incredible place and
         The Town Council works                         and Maplewood Park.                                community that it is today.
      with our town manager, staff                         But that’s not all. The town has a roadmap to renovate      A little history lesson – our annual Jupiter Jubilee was
      and others to address issues                      all 11 parks over the next 5 years and we would like your   created to be a community event that brings us together to
      affecting our residents and                       help in building the future of Jupiter’s playgrounds. We’re   perpetuate our small town feel in a uniquely Jupiter way.
      businesses. The  following                        gearing up to design the playground at Abacoa Community   It began 25 years ago and commemorated our town’s 75th
      provides a summary of                             Park, and we want your input. What cool features would   birthday. It has always been our annual birthday bash, but
      actions and achievements                          you love to see? Town staff are reaching out through various   the celebration was bigger this year because the very next
      since last month’s                                channels to secure your ideas.                     day, Feb. 9, marked Jupiter’s official 100th birthday!
      community newspaper                               Jupiter Jubilee 2025                               Jupiter’s Centennial Celebrations
      report:                                              The Feb. 8 Jupiter Jubilee event was returned to the      We have a full calendar of exciting events planned
      Town Parks: Playground Upgrades                   town’s governmental campus. It was held offsite in Abacoa   throughout the year. We encourage each of you to join in and
         Exciting playground upgrades are coming! The town is   Community Park the past two years due to construction of   actively participate in this once-in-a-lifetime celebration.
      on a journey to revamp all of its playgrounds. At our Feb.   our new Town Hall.                      Find the complete schedule of events at the town’s website
                                                           This  year’s  Jubilee  was  extra  special  because  we
                                                          celebrated a truly historic milestone—Jupiter’s 100th year   at

                                                                                                             Stay tuned.
        Commissioner’s                                  anniversary! This year should and will be all about honoring

        Update                                          Bagpipes In The Fire Service
                                                                                                             Becoming desperate to earn money to support their families,
                                                        Professional Firefighters                            they took the jobs that no one else wanted because it was a dirty,
        Free Tax Services Offered To                    And Paramedics Of                                  dangerous and physically demanding way to earn very little
                                                                                                           pay and even less respect. They became firefighters and police
        Palm Beach County Residents                     Palm Beach                                         officers.
                                                                                                             One of the Irish traditions they brought with them was the

        By Mayor Maria                                  County                                             bagpipes. In an effort to keep their traditions alive, the firefighters
        G. Marino                                                                                          would play the bagpipes while at work, and over time it became
           It’s that time of                                This article was published                     part of the firefighter culture.
        year when the United                            last year, but there are so many                      Few things evoke a firefighter’s emotions like the sounds of
        Way of Palm Beach                               new residents, and many may not                    pipes and drums. Feelings of pride and joy swell a firefighter’s
        County teams up with                            know the history or significance of                heart when listening to up-tempo Irish and Scottish tunes at a
        IRS-certified Volunteer                         bagpipes in the fire service. Each                 joyous occasion, just as the ever-present pride and overwhelming
        Income Tax Assistance                           year around St. Patrick celebrations, we are often asked why fire   sorrow breaks the firefighter’s heart when hearing the wail of
        (VITA) volunteers for a                         departments have pipe and drum bands.              Amazing Grace at the funeral for a fallen firefighter killed in the
        tax-free filing campaign.                          If you see firefighters in kilts and hear the unmistakable   line of duty.
        This initiative offers free,                    sound of bagpipes during St. Patrick’s Day celebrations, there      Next time you hear a fire department pipe and drum band,
        confidential, and secure                        is a reason why those sounds and images have become a part of   please remember just how it came to be such a deep-rooted part
        tax preparation and e-filing for qualified taxpayers. Taxes   the Fire Service traditions.         of our tradition.
        Filed Free provides two easy and stress-free ways to file at      Parades featuring fire department honor guards and pipe and          Steen Eriksson,
        no cost: taxpayers can file online at www.MyFreeTaxes.  drum bands take place across the United States, and especially   Community Relations – HOA North,
        com anytime and anywhere, or they can meet with an   in the Northeast as part of St. Patrick’s Day festivities.  Professional Firefighters/Paramedics of Palm Beach County,
        IRS-certified volunteer in person at one of 16 locations      This often piques the curiosity about the relationship                 IAFF Local 2928,
        throughout the county. Volunteers are available to assist   firefighters and police officers have with the bagpipes, and
        in English, Spanish, Creole, and sign language, with no   how it has become part of our
        appointment required.                           tradition.
           To make it easier to prepare your return please bring the      In the mid-1800s, there was
        following items to the VITA sites:              a massive migration of Irish to
           • Last year’s Federal Income Tax Return (2024 income   the United States, mainly to
        tax returns)                                    cities in the Northeast. This was
           • Social Security Cards for you, your spouse (if   due largely in part to the potato
        married), and all dependents listed on the return  famine in Ireland prompting
           • Correct birth dates for all names listed on the return  people to search for a better
           • All W-2s for 2024, including spouses       life. Initially, the Irish were not
           • Form 1098 – Mortgage interest, property taxes  welcomed here, and as they
           • Form 1099 – DIV, G, INT, MISC, NEC, K, Q, R,   searched for jobs, they were
        RRB, SSA for 2024                               usually greeted by signs stating
           • Bank account and routing numbers for direct deposit   ‘Irish need not apply.’
        of your refund (This is optional, but it gets your cash to you
        fast)                                           Book Review
           • A Photo ID card (driver’s license, etc.), including
        spouse’s, if married and filing joint return
           • For Dependent Care Credit, bring care provider’s   The Backyard Book                          Club, which became an
        name, address, SSN/EIN, and amount you paid                                                        international bestseller
           • For Education Credit, bring 1098T or 1098E and   Chronicles                                   and the inspiration for
        amount paid for qualified expenses                                                                 the hit motion picture
           • Form 1095-A, Health Insurance Marketplace   By Nils A. Shapiro                                of the same title.
        Statement                                            Nils began his career                            Af t e r  l e a r n i n g
           If married and filing a joint return, both spouses must   as marketing director for             of the book, I had
        come to the VITA site.                          a major book publisher.                            immediately decided to
           VITA volunteers will NOT prepare Schedule D   He has since edited the                           schedule it for review
        (Complex), Schedule E, Employee Business Expenses,   authors’ manuscripts’ for                     in my column, thanks
        Moving Expenses and Nondeductible IRA.          more than 20 published                             t o  m y  d a ug h t e r s’
           This free tax assistance is offered from Thursday, Jan.   books, written more than              thoughtfulness, a clear
        22 to Tuesday, April 15. Don’t miss this deadline!  200 book reviews, served                       indication that they are
           To find a VITA site location near you, call 211 or visit   as publisher of several              very much tuned in to                         million-plus circulation                           my reading tastes, this
                                                        national magazines, created                        very special book was already in my hands. And now, as I
                                                        the official yearbooks for teams in Major League Baseball,   have just turned the last page I am in awe of every aspect
                                                        the National Football League, National Basketball   of this remarkable work:
                                                        Association and National Hockey League, and “retired”   • the very concept of the book—a day by day dated
                                                        as president of a successful telecommunications company.   journal of the author’s experiences watching and inter-acting
       Captain’s was established in 1980 servicing         It was a wonderful surprise—and coincidence—when   with the natural lives of the wide variety of bird species that
       Palm Beach County and is a privately             a copy of this book arrived at my home one Monday as a   visit her home’s backyard in the San Francisco Bay area;
       owned and managed company.                       gift from my two daughters, Brett and Hillary. Just a day   • the author’s writing skills that reflect the wide range
       Captain’s is committed to providing              earlier I had noted The Backyard Book Chronicles at the   of emotions she (and we) feel through her experiences; the
       dependable, reliable and professional            top of the Sunday New York Times nonfiction bestseller   more than 130 drawings, sketches and color illustrations
       ground transportation to and from all
       South Florida Airports and Seaports.  PBCVH212   list, and Barnes & Noble bookseller chain’s naming it as   Tan  herself  learned  to  create  that  include  many  which
           To reserve your vehicle:                     their “Book of the Year.”                          compare favorably to the iconic Audubon paintings,
       561-798-2180 or 800-634-7890     Such success is not new to author Amy Tan, whose
                                                        ten earlier books include the novel,  The Joy Luck   Book Review on page 23
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