Page 19 - Abacoa Community News - March '25
P. 19

Abacoa, Page 19


      Tax Talk

      Dear Friends:                                     approved Amendment 5, which took effect on Jan. 1,
         Is spring in the air? With                     2025, and will begin with the upcoming 2025 tax year
      a somewhat chilly winter                          assessment. Amendment 5 requires the value of the
      in  South  Florida,  perhaps                      second, or additional, homestead exemption to be adjusted
      the springtime weather is                         for  annual  inflation.  If  inflation  goes  up,  your  second
      right around the corner,                          exemption will also go up, and you could pay less in
      and that means outdoor                            property taxes as a result.
      gardening is in full swing.                          To learn more about homestead exemptions, visit the
      While I tend to my outdoor                        Property Appraiser’s website at
      garden throughout the year,
      this time of year is about
      planting and fertilizing. But
      be careful, it is important to know your soil before you
      plant as you want to ensure the right soil will help your                                            including just passing through U.K. airports, will need an
      plants grow and remain healthy. There are many different                                             Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA). This applies to all
      types and combinations of fertilizer on the market so                                                parts of the U.K., including Northern Ireland. The ETA
      you need to know what                                                                                is modeled after the U.S. Electronic System for Travel
      your soil needs before                                                                               Authorization and acts as a pre-clearance for travel to
      you decide to incorporate                                                                            reduce security risks and make border entry more efficient.
      nutrients into the ground.                                                                           The ETA is $12.75 and takes approximately three working
      A soil testing kit is a good                                                                         days to process. It is required for travelers of all ages and
      start and I recommend                                                                                valid for two years. Visit
      visiting Mounts Botanical                                                                            an-electronic-travel-authorisation-eta to apply and happy
      Garden’s website for                              Before You Go, You Should                          travels!
      helpful gardening tips
      at Good luck with   Know …                                            Drop It!
      your spring gardening and enjoy the fruits of your labor
      throughout the year.                                 If your 2025 travel plans include taking a flight      We pride ourselves on
                                       Anne M. Gannon,  domestically and/or internationally, please be sure to take   delivering exceptional
            Constitutional Tax Collector, Serving Palm Beach   note of new travel requirements going into place.  service to all of our
                                                County     On May 7, 2025, all U.S. travelers must be Real ID   clients throughout Palm
                                                        compliant to board domestic flights. If you have a gold   Beach County. We serve
      New Homestead Adjustment                          star on your driver license/state identification card, you are   you online, in-person, by
                                                        compliant. If not, be sure to make a reservation at www.  kiosk and also by drop
         If you are a permanent Florida resident, you may be to obtain your Real ID. Check   box. Did you know we
      eligible for a homestead exemption, as determined by   the website for the required documentation you will need   have drop boxes located
      the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser. A homestead   to bring to your reservation. Don’t delay, reservation lead   at each of our six service center locations? The drop box
      exemption lowers your property’s assessed value and caps   time is approximately 4 to 6 weeks.       allows you to drop off payments for property tax, business
      its increase, meaning you pay less in property taxes.     Planning a trip the  United Kingdom? U.S. citizens
         In last November’s general election, Florida voters   traveling to the U.K. for short visits, tourism or business,   Tax Talk on page 20
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