Page 21 - Abacoa Community News - March '25
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Abacoa, Page 21
      Palm Beach County Property Appraiser’s Office

      Dear Taxpayer:                                       In this month’s newsletter, a reminder to all business   penalties per Florida Statutes, Sections 193.072 and 193.073.
         O ne of the mos t                              owners in Palm Beach County about filing for a Tangible   Our office will not waive penalties for any returns filed after
      underrated aspects of the                         Personal Property Tax Return for 2025 and my office’s annual   the extended deadline of May 15.
      homestead exemption is                            college scholarship application process is now open. Enjoy      Save time, paper, and postage by e-filing. If you need a
      that it doesn’t just reduce                       reading and enjoy your spring.                     paper form, you can download the DR-405 on our website.
      the taxable assessment of                                                               Respectfully,  If you have any questions about reporting personal property,
      your home, it also caps its                                           Dorothy Jacks, CFA, FIAAO, AAS,  tangible e-filing, or the $25,000 tangible exemption, please
      annual valuation. The Save                                        Palm Beach County Property Appraiser  call our office at (561) 355-2896 or email mytpp@pbcpao.
      Our Homes cap limits any                                                                             gov.
      increase to the assessed                          Business Tangible Personal
      value of a homestead exempt                                                                          Property Appraiser’s Office
      property to a maximum of 3                        Property
      percent each year or the change in the Consumer Price Index                                          Annual Scholarship Awards
      (CPI), whichever is lower. Over time, the cap can provide      Tangible personal property is equipment used in a business
      substantial tax bill savings.                     and includes furniture, fixtures, machinery, tools, appliances,  Program
         For 2025, the maximum increase will be 2.9 percent, as   signs, leasehold improvements, supplies, leased equipment,
      that was the change in CPI from December 2023 to December   and other assets. It is taxed at the same rate as real property.     The  32nd Annual  Palm  Beach  County  Property
      2024. This slowed increase in CPI reflects plateauing inflation      All tangible personal property must be reported. Florida   Appraiser’s Scholarship program is now accepting
      over the past year across dozens of consumer categories   law allows an exemption up to $25,000 for business tangible   applications. Six college scholarships of $1,500 each will
      including shelter, food, transportation, and energy.   assets. Businesses with tangible personal property assets   be awarded to graduating high school seniors who plan to
         While the change in the CPI follows many markets,   valued at more than $25,000 are subject to ad valorem taxes,   attend a higher education institution full-time, regardless of
      Florida law requires my office to value property based on   and those with less than $25,000 in assets are exempt from   interest or major. The deadline to apply is March 31.
      the status of the real estate market in Palm Beach County.   ad valorem taxes.                          To be eligible for a scholarship award, a student must be a
      My office will determine a total market value for every home      All businesses must file an initial Tangible Personal   resident of Palm Beach County, have a minimum of 3.0 GPA,
      as of Jan. 1, taking into consideration the price fluctuations   Property Tax Return (DR-405) their first year of operation.   and plan to attend an accredited higher-education institution
      reflected in the sales of residential properties. But if your   Afterwards, all businesses are required to file a Tangible   (college or community college).
      property is homesteaded, the taxable assessed value will not   Personal Property Tax Return (e-file or Form DR-405)      In addition to receiving a scholarship, each recipient will
      increase more than 2.9 percent.                   annually unless the value of the personal property was under   be offered an opportunity for a paid summer internship in the
         If you already have a homestead exemption on your   $25,000 and they received a yellow postcard from our office   Property Appraiser’s Office.
      property, you do not need to reapply. There are several   that the requirement to file has been waived. If a business      Since 1994, the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser’s
      additional property tax exemptions, including those for   purchases additional assets that increase the total value of   Office has awarded $179,000 in college scholarships. The
      widows/widowers, veterans, and those with disabilities.   the assets over $25,000, they are required to file a return.  program is particularly special to the Property Appraiser’s
      For more information, visit or call Exemption      The statutory deadline to file a return without an extension   Office because the scholarships are completely funded by
      Services at (561) 355-2866.                       is April 1. All extension requests must be received by 5 p.m.   employee donations.
                                                        on March 31 to be considered for approval. Failure to file      For more information, call (561) 355-3230 or visit https://
                                                        will result in the loss of the exemption and the assessment of

      Office staff at the Florida Chapter of the International
      Association of Assessing Officers 2024 Tangible Personal
      Property conference: from left, Kathy Rhodes, CFE, Manager;
      Trina Morrison-Nash, CFE, Personal Property Appraisal
      Department Manager; Tara McCoy, CFE, TPP Appraiser I;
      Kevin M. Bradley, PPS, CFE, Senior TPP Appraiser   The 2024 scholarship awardees with the Property Appraiser’s Office Scholarship Committee
      Navigators Are Here To Help Guide

      You Through Court Document Prep

      By Joseph Abruzzo,                                   While our navigators are here to help, they cannot   NEED A/C? We’ve Got You Covered!
      Clerk of the Circuit Court                        provide legal advice or represent you in court. Also, they
      and Comptroller,                                  are unable to assist with certain specialized forms such
      Palm Beach County                                 as those involved in probate, mortgage foreclosure, or
         As your Clerk of                               guardianship cases.
      the Circuit Court and                                To schedule an appointment with our navigator, please
      Comptroller for Palm                              call (561) 355-7048.                                “WE SHOW
      B e a c h   C o u n t y,   I   a m                   And for those who prefer to tackle things on their
      excited to share a valuable                       own, we have a range of how-to videos and workshops         UP!”
      resource that is making                           at
      a real difference in our                          service-center/how-to-videos-toolboxes.
      community:  our  free                                Do not hesitate to take advantage of this free service
      document preparation assistants, known as “navigators.”  – we are here to help make navigating the court system
         Navigator assistance is available for free by appointment   as easy as possible.
      at our West Palm Beach, Palm Beach Gardens and Delray   About  The Clerk Of  The Circuit Court  And
      Beach locations. Navigators can assist you in completing   Comptroller, Palm Beach County
      court documents and can give you procedural information      The Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller is
      for most family law and county civil actions.     Palm Beach County’s  protector  of public  money and
         Navigators can assist you with filing many of the   records  including  marriage  licenses,  court  documents,
      forms that we offer, including divorce, legal custody   financial reports and real estate records. Visit www.    Call Today for a FREE estimate!
      and tenant eviction complaints. You can find a full list and find us @ClerkPBC on              561.575.2173
      of forms available on our website at mypalmbeachclerk.  Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Threads, LinkedIn and X.       231 Jupiter St., Jupiter, FL
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