Page 19 - Southern Exposure - February '25
P. 19
Southern Exposure, Page 19
fundraiSing event from page 18 the upcoming Al and Jane Nahmad Women’s Cancer The event kicked off Promise Fund’s season: The
Center, which will provide advanced treatments and Annual Bridge Lighting Ceremony at Royal Park Bridge
14,500 for cancer, and navigated over 229 cases through groundbreaking research to support South Florida women. in February, the Major Donor Dinner & Award Celebration
cancer treatment. As the evening concluded, DiPaula encouraged the at Club Colette on March 10, and the Scientific Forum
Then Brinker introduced Audrey Brown, Promise guests to deepen their support. “Whether you’re wearing Luncheon at the Beach Club on March 27.
Fund’s new CEO. a pink tie or one of our new gold Promise Fund bracelets, For tickets and information, contact Donna Dodson,
“Audrey’s leadership will help us expand our programs let them be symbols of strength, commitment, and our (561) 307-8000, or visit
and triple our impact, with three new health centers set to shared mission,” he said.
open in the coming months,” Brinker announced.
Brown expressed her enthusiasm about joining the
Promise Fund, praising
Brinker ’s visionary
model for addressing
healthcare inequities.
“Together , we’ll
continue to honor our
promise to women in
need,” Brown said.
The event also
spotlighted the exclusive
healthcare partnership
between the Promise
Fund and Baptist Health
Cancer Care. Dr. John
Diaz, representing
Baptist Health, shared Laurie Silvers and Mitch
exciting news about Ellen Levy, Donna Dodson, Audrey Brown Susan and Ben Winter Tim and Jana Davidson Rubenstein
Dariyan Younessi and Lori
Nicki Harris and Peter Cummings Younessi Karen Patti and Ron Rosenfeld Donna Raggio and Lora Drasner Diane Sculley and Paulette Koch
Over 400
re-roofs in
PGA and
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