Page 22 - Southern Exposure - February '25
P. 22

Page 22, Southern Exposure

                                                                     Club newS

                Oline Cogdill, Mystery And Theatre Writer Critic,

                     To Speak At Panhellenic Fundraiser In March

        The Panhellenic Alumnae of Palm
      Beach County just announced its guest
      speaker for the Annual Scholarship
      Benefit Luncheon will be Journalist
      and Mystery  Writer, Oline Cogdill.
      Cogdill has been with the Sun Sentinel
      as a theatre writer and mystery critic for
      years, and she has been the recipient of
      several awards such as the Raven Award
      for her work. Cogdill will speak at a
      luncheon in the banquet room of the
      North Palm Beach Country Club on US
      1 in North Palm Beach at 11 a.m., and
      the public is invited to attend.
        The event benefits women who reside
      in Palm Beach County, are presently in
      their third or fourth year or higher in an
      accredited college or university located
      anywhere, have maintained a 3.0 GPA                                                                             Cheryl Gooding holds the money house she
      or  above,  and  show  a  financial  need.  President of Panhellenic Alumnae, Jeanne  Treasurer Nancy Stainback welcomed   created  for  members  to  place  donations
      Applications for these scholarships are  Hibbard, prepares to start the Jan. 11 meeting.  members to her home in January.  inside as Patty Hiscock sits nearby.
      available on the Panhellenic Alumnae’s
      website.                                                                                    “Service is our number one priority”
        As well as a luncheon and guest speaker, there will be
      raffle and silent auction items, a Lottery Hat, and a 50/50                                               561-743-0070
      cash prize, so attendees are encouraged to bring extra cash
      in which to bid upon these choices. For more information
      check the groups’ Facebook page.                                                             
        Tickets are being sold in advance to the event for $60
      per person, and they can be purchased from the Panhellenic
      Alumnae of Palm Beach County members.

                                                                                                                                    Expires 3/15/25.

                                                                                                                    State Licensed & Insured CPC #
                                                          Serving Palm Beach County                                     1457468 • LPG#30099

                                                                   Susan Has Moved To A

                                                                                 New Location!

                                                             Androcles Hair Salon
      Susan Breece announced the guest speaker for the March 8
      upcoming scholarship fundraiser while Libby Krape listens.   4031 Hood Rd., Suite C-108
      In the background are Stacey Easterling, Margery Soffer, and   Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
      Honnie McClear.






                                                                                        New clients only           Products starting at  69
      Joyce Garberoglio and Julia Pichette are comfortably
      awaiting the Jan. 11 meeting to start.
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