Page 16 - Southern Exposure - February '25
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Page 16, Southern Exposure

      art haPPeningS from page 15
              The Amazon ArtiKids Zone: A Creative Playground

                                         For Children At ArtiGras 2025

                  February 15 to 16, Gardens North County District Park In Palm Beach Gardens

        Get ready for an unforgettable family experience in     The 40th Annual ArtiGras
      the Amazon ArtiKids Zone at the 2025 ArtiGras Fine Arts   Fine Arts Festival will take
      Festival presented by Tampa General Hospital. Designed   place on February 15 to 16,
      for children of all ages, the Amazon ArtiKids Zone offers   at the Gardens North County
      an interactive, fun, and creative environment where young   District Park, located on
      minds can explore the world of art and play.      117th  Court  North.  The
        The Amazon ArtiKids  Zone  features  an  on-site   festival will feature a juried
      playground, giving children a chance to burn off some   fine art exhibition, live
      energy while enjoying the festival. Plus, families can visit   entertainment, the new
      a variety of vendor booths where children will receive   Culinary  Arts Studio, a
      take-home art crafts to keep the creativity flowing long   dedicated Amazon ArtiKids
      after they leave.                                 Zone,  and  the  Youth Art
        Whether your child is a budding artist or just loves   Competition. Ranked as a
      to explore, the Amazon ArtiKids Zone promises an art   Top-100 fine arts festival by
      experience like no other.                         Sunshine Artist magazine,
        Vendor opportunities are still available for the Amazon   ArtiGras offers visitors the
      ArtiKids  Zone.  Showcase  your  creative  products  and   unique opportunity to meet
      services  to  families  attending  this  beloved  community   and engage with over 300 of
      event. Don’t miss your chance to be part of ArtiGras 2025!  the nation’s leading artists.
        For more information about the Amazon ArtiKids Zone
      or to apply for a vendor booth, email                   So many crafts for the children in the Amazon ArtiKids area at the ArtiGras Fine Arts Festival

                       Resiliency: The Arts And Science Connection

                                                Mind, Music, And Movement Foundation

                            And FAU’s Stiles-Nicholson Brain Institute Host A Free Symposium

        The Mind, Music, and Movement Foundation for    psychological concerns associated with the aging process;   holistic  well-being.  For  a  full  schedule,  visit
      Neurological  Disorders,  Inc.  (M3F)  and  FAU’s  Stiles-  Carol Chiang, OTR/L, owner of Evolving Homes and   events.
      Nicholson Brain Institute present “The Power of Arts And   “Aging in Place” expert.                  About M3F
      Science for Resiliency in Aging” on Monday, March 3,   A Free Event With Lifelong Benefits             The Mind, Music, and Movement Foundation
      5 p.m. at the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at FAU,     “This symposium is more than an educational event;   for  Neurological  Disorders,  Inc.  (M3F)  is  a  501(c)
      located at 5353 Parkside Dr., Jupiter, FL 33458.  it’s a celebration of the integration of arts, science, and   (3) nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting
        In  this  free  educational  evening,  the  audience  will   aging,” said Beth Elgort, founder and president of M3F.   individuals and families affected by neurodegenerative
      learn about cutting-edge research and explore how the   “By bringing together leaders in neuroscience, arts, and   diseases.  Through innovative programming—chorus,
      arts  and  science  can  foster  resilience,  well-being,  and   medicine, we hope to inspire individuals and families to   drumming, dance, yoga, movement, boxing, art, nutrition
      aging in place. Sponsorship opportunities are available   embrace  innovative  strategies  for  resilience  and  well-  counseling,  support services  and  resources—M3F
      for businesses and individuals who want to support this   being.”                                    promotes confidence, wellness, and friendship. M3F’s
      impactful event. For more information, contact Ella Elden   Registration Information                 integrative approach helps to improve mobility, balance,
      at                                    Admission to the symposium is free, but registration   speech,  and  mental  well-being.  For  more  information,
        Jill  Sonke,  Ph.D.,  a                         is required. Secure your spot today by visiting  visit
      visionary in arts in medicine                     events or calling (561) 510-8611.
      and a global leader in                              In addition to the symposium, M3F hosts a series of
      integrating creativity into                       free “Coffee Talks” designed to educate and engage the
      healthcare will be the guest                      community  on aging,  neurodegenerative  diseases,  and
      of  honor.  In  addition  to
      Dr. Jill Sonke, the evening
      will feature distinguished
      speakers,  interactive
      demonstrations, and a
      VIP  donor  reception  to
      celebrate the intersection
      of arts, science, and aging
      with profound new insight.  Jill Sonke
      experts  include:
      Jill Sonke, Ph.D.,
      Guest of Honor,
      research professor
      and director of
      Research Initiatives
      in the Center for
      Arts in Medicine
      at the University
      of Florida (UF);
      Randy D. Blakely,
      Ph.D., founding
      executive director
      of  FAU’s  Stiles-
      Nicholson Brain
      Institute;  Corinne
      Lasmezas, Ph.D.,
      DVM, director,
      David and Lynn  Beth and Steve Elgort
      Nicholson Center
      for Neurodegenerative Disease Research, FAU Department
      of Clinical Neuroscience;  Michael R. Dobbs, M.D.,
      MHCM, chair of the Clinical Neurosciences Department
      at FAU, department and associate dean of Clinical Affairs;
      Meera Joseph, M.D., renowned psychiatrist specializing
      in geriatric and adult psychiatry, specializing in treating
      neurodegenerative, cognitive, and other biological and
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