Page 12 - Southern Exposure - February '25
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Page 12, Southern Exposure

                                                                art haPPeningS

                                   Benzaiten Center For Creative Arts

                                                    A 10-Year Odyssey: The Origin Story

        The long journey started with just a dream. After seeing   But what did I know about running a nonprofit? Absolutely   artist, Shelley Muzylowski
      so many artists shipping their artwork out of the area to get   zero. So, I hired a great team and started assembling a board of   who made a return visit
      it cast, I decided it was time to create a fine art fabrication   like-minded art enthusiasts and brought in a consulting firm,   this past February to help
      closer to home. In my case I only had a three-hour commute   Charlotte Pelton and Associates, to help guide me through the   commemorate  our tenth
      to Sarasota, but other artists sent their clay pieces as far away   minefield of opening a 501 (c)(3) organization. We started out   anniversary season.
      as Colorado or even to Mexico and Taiwan. What an ordeal   in the Northwood area of West Palm Beach until politics got     A pivotal partner in this
      I thought to myself. All that extra shipping can’t be making   in the way. That’s when Charlotte convinced me to look at   adventure who has been
      it cheaper for these artists to fabricate their work. So why   Lake Worth. I met with the head of the CRA, Joan Oliva, and   by my side from before
      didn’t we have a center of our own in Palm Beach County?  she showed us a map. I said, what’s that block-long building?   we opened our doors and
                                                        She explained that it was a historic FEC train depot building,   who  I  stole  from  Pelton
                                                        which had been gifted to the city but has been in a state of   and Associates, is my CEO
                                                        disrepair for several years, and currently there was nothing   and grant writer, Anita
                                                        planned for it. I asked if I could see it.         Holmes.  She  was  a  long-
                                                          The minute I walked into the building I knew I had   time nonprofit executive in  Working one-on-one with
                                                        found my center’s home. Of course, convincing my board   the world of diseases who  one of the many children who
                                                        was a whole other can of beans. The condition of the   had never worked in the  come through our door for free
                                                        building was so bad that on several occasions it had been   difficult world of nonprofit
                                                        used to film zombie pictures! However, after receiving   art organizations. I say difficult because it can be a whole
                                                        several major grants from the State of Florida, the Cultural   lot easier to obtain donations for a cure for cancer or a
                                                        Council, my husband Steve Tendrich and I chipping in a   hospital as compared to an art organization. It’s true that
                                                        lot of our own money to the cause, and, of course, a lot   large art institutions get a lot of money, but for smaller,
                                                        of generous individual donations, we were on our way.   emerging art facilities, it can be a real struggle. I never
                                                        Together we were able to clean up the building, make   quite understood why this is, since it is the smaller and
      One of Shelley Muzylowski’s works on display now in the   major renovations, replace every windowpane – all 650   struggling organizations that need the money most.
      Benzaiten’s Gallery                               of them, obtain all the necessary equipment and open     Since opening in 2015, the Benzaiten Center for
                                                        within six months after receiving permits and approval   Creative Arts has emerged as a significant tourist
        One thing I realized early on was it should be run as a   from the City of Lake Worth. Our grand opening was held   attraction. Besides our 2,000-square-foot fine art gallery
      nonprofit. Most foundries and other types of fabrication   on January 23, 2015, was attend by 1,200 people and was   and gift shop, we have the largest glassblowing hot shop
      centers operate on such slim profit margins that it is difficult   covered by our local NBC new affiliate. Performing a four-  open  to the public in the state. We also have  a large,
      to remain in business. They are constantly losing their work   hour demo that evening was world renowned Canadian   air-conditioned fusing and flameworking studio, a glass
                                                                                                           casting department and a welding department. As far as
                                                                                                           our outreach to the community, we have seen over 9,000
                                                                                                           children and young adults through our doors free of
                                                                                                           charge. These children from neighboring Title-1 schools,
                                                                                                           the Boys and Girls Clubs and other organizations would
                                                                                                           otherwise not have the opportunity to be exposed to this
                                                                                                           sort of experience. We have also awarded $85,000 in
                                                                                                           scholarships to deserving students, offered 4,500 classes
                                                                                                           and workshops to 16,000, have conducted 170 tours to
                                                                                                           5,500 of our senior citizens, brought in 25 renowned artists
                                                                                                           from all over the world, with 19,000 people attending their
                                                                                                           sold-out demonstrations. In all we’ve accommodated more
                                                                                                           that 57,000 visitors. For the past two years we’ve started
                                                                                                           working with special needs children and teens through a
                                                                                                           wonderful Palm Beach County Program called Arts 4 All.
                                                                Ballet Palm Beach - Gtasby Seabreeze 012024 .pdf   1   1/20/25   10:10 AM
      Our Grand Opening in 2015                                         Shelly working at our Grand Opening  Art Happenings on page 14

      force to other higher paying trade jobs such as construction.
      Consequently, many of them have closed throughout the
      country. To stay solvent, the operational costs must be
      subsidized by other resources such as grants and/or donations.
      Plus, another big part of my mission was to educate the public
      on what it takes to create 3-dimentional artwork. Running
      galleries for over 30 years left me with the knowledge of how
      few people understand the arduous, time-consuming nature
      and expense that goes into the process.
        Therefore, it was a natural fit to run the center as a
      nonprofit with education being a large part of the mission.


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                                Call Rubin                            Photo credit: © Steve Caras. All rights reserved.

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