Page 4 - PGA Community News - February '25
P. 4
February 2025
Page 4, PGA C.A.N.! 2 Spaces February 2025
Let Me Tell You
A Few Thoughts We have come through the recent holidays devoted to have choices and alone or as separate individuals we find
About Families family activities, a time for festive celebrations. For many, the courage to move ahead to our true calling.
Throughout our lives we experience moments of
holidays are also a time when stress raises its ugly head in
the form of unhappy memories, old resentments and hurt conflict and unease mixed with other moments that seem
By Marie Pinschmidt feelings among children, brothers and sisters and even like paradise, or too good to be true. And so is the way
We all have two families, friends. I’m number five in a family of seven children and of life. Thinking too far ahead is useless; life is certain to
i.e. the family we live with we all have different personalities – not an identical twin change without warning, much like the recent tragedies in
and the one we meet along in the clan. Even twins may look alike but have different New Orleans, and more recently the unimaginable fires in
life’s way. Neither comes dreams and inclinations. Los Angeles. Such unexpected events should remind all
without strong emotions, Kahlil Gibran, the ancient philosopher, had much to say of us that we cannot control or change or alter the lives
change, happiness or pain, about children and many of his thoughts deserve perusal, of others unless they want to change or wish to live a life
gains and losses. Families particularly to parents. To paraphrase: “Your children different from ours. Moment by moment we can control the
can bring great happiness are not your children; and though they are the sons and way we respond and react to each situation. If physically
or great sorrows. Families daughters of Life’s longing for itself, they come through able we can reach out to others in distress with love and
are made up of different you but not from you. And though they are with you, they aide whether we like or understand their choices. Accept
personalities, beliefs and do not belong to you. You may give them your love but the individuality of others, respect their right to be different
reactions to those beliefs. The genes we inherit can be not your thoughts for they have their own thoughts. You and get on with a life we can handle. At least we can have
few or many, petty or profound. Our traits, if recognized may house their bodies but not their souls, for their souls peace of mind to know that we have done no harm.
as problematic, can be altered with grit and determination dwell in the house of tomorrow.” Until next time, Marie
not to repeat history. Life is pushing through until the sun As a mother, it took me years to learn and accept that I P.S. An addendum to our kind editor’s remarks about
emerges from behind the clouds. The best scenario is that could not control or predict the future outcome of the lives my writing and painting. The paintings on my website are
we inherit only healthy physical genes from our ancestors of children, friends, or relatives. It was even harder to give not up to date. However, I have many paintings for sale
and accept the differences in personality and lifestyles. up that attempt at control. It was only after that realization that can be viewed privately in my home studio. Contact
that life changed for the better for all concerned. We all me at (561) 510-5006 or
When Young Kids Hate Themselves
By Jim Forgan, Ph.D., when your child’s teacher says your child is the lowest one and started three times a week tutoring. Once she received
Licensed School in the class. Given these challenges, this young child’s self- our written report, the teacher helped get the child an IEP
Psychologist esteem is at risk of long-term damage. for school support. The IEP allowed the school’s special
My first grader has As a concerned parent, you can provide your child education teacher to work with her in addition to her private
recently said, “I hate myself” with support and understanding. If you suspect an tutoring. Parents used children’s books to help with her
because she doesn’t feel underlying learning disability like dyslexia, our school anxiety of being embarrassed for her reading struggles. In a
smart. She says things are neuropsychological testing provides answers. We also test follow-up conversation, her mom said she had renewed hope
too hard and I can see her for processing problems such as a weakness in phonics for her child’s future.
getting discouraged. She has development and memory. Once you understand the specific We test students from age 2 through college for dyslexia,
trouble remembering letters, problem you can then provide the right treatment to help. ADHD, anxiety, depression, autism, and more.
sounds, some numbers. She The testing revealed this child had dyslexia with anxiety.
can’t keep up with everyone. Her mom followed up with one of the specialized tutors
Her teacher says she is the lowest one in her class.”
This concerned parent’s description of her child cried out
for help and understanding. It is highly unusual for a young
student to make statements such as they hate themself, they
feel dumb, or they want to die. No student wants to go to
school and repeatedly fail. Furthermore, it is a giant red flag
People are vandalizing golf
courses after play hours. Sand
traps, greens and fairways
are being damaged. If you see
anyone on courses after hours,
please call POA Security
at 627-1600 or Resort
Security, 627-2000.
Thank you.
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