Page 3 - PGA Community News - February '25
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February 2025 February 2025 PGA C.A.N.!, Page 3
From The Editor:
How Do I Love Thee? …
Elissa’s brown hair and My dear friend, Carol, (an “angel” on this earth to me and interests. Companionship is their professed motivation but
eyes caught my attention as many others) met her future husband, Harlan, at a Palm I suspect that Cupid has taken aim for their hearts.
she entered the classroom Beach restaurant when she and a friend unexpectedly I am thankful that I do not live in a society with
on the first day of my stopped there for a bite to eat. Carol and Harlan were in “arranged” marriages although, considering the divorce
sophomore year at Cornell their mid life years after having raised their respective rate in the United States, perhaps an arranged marriage
University. When the children. For Harlan, seeing Carol was love at first sight. might be more enduring. Some of my friends have paid for
weather was nice some of Carol, on the other hand, did not feel the sting of Cupid’s “matchmaker” services to introduce them to a love interest.
our professors would have arrow until the next time they saw each other. After the I do not know if there are any statistics on the success
the classes outside on the second meeting they were inseparable and married shortly rate of those services but they certainly have a successful
grass on the Quad between thereafter. marketing plan that includes newspaper, television and
the University buildings. At Much of literature and the arts focus on the love of radio advertising.
that time, groups of friendly youth and the burning desire associated with it. “Romeo Elissa was my first true love. We were “pinned” before
dogs would roam the campus together without any human and Juliet” and, later, Maria and Tony in “West Side Story” the end of my sophomore year, engaged the following year
supervision. Our second class was outside and I had not cannot live without the other and the stories end tragically. and married after graduation. Her favorite flower was the
yet had the opportunity to meet Elissa. She was sitting Age has no bearing on the union of two souls. Recently, daffodil so each Valentine’s Day I presented her with a
about ten feet away from me when a group of dogs came a special person in my life, A.J., became a widow at the bouquet. The timing was perfect as crocuses and daffodils
toward us. A St. Bernard must have been attracted to Elissa age of 70. She found it difficult to adjust to life without are the first flowers to bloom before spring in the Northeast.
also because he went directly to her and slobbered on her her husband of more than 20 years and fortunately has a I surprised Elissa with my fraternity pin in a box of
the arm. Poor Elissa had to deal with the mess but it gave successful career to occupy her time. Late one evening chocolates. We would “study” in her dorm room together.
me the opportunity to offer her assistance – and so our while on the computer, she met Lee, an 83 year old retired In those days the dorms were not co-ed and there were
relationship began. I did not realize that Cupid had shot gentleman from Connecticut, whose wife died the year no overnight visits by boys. We had to leave the dorm by
his arrow and that she would become my wife two years before. They exchanged telephone numbers and began to 11 pm. Ingress and egress was monitored in the lobby
later. speak to each other several times a day. Without having by a resident advisor. Our fraternity house had no such
Valentine’s Day always calls to mind the circumstances met in person, technology provided the means for them restriction but I remember very few girls who stayed
that bring two hearts together. Sometimes we convince to communicate and become friends. overnight. It was only when out of town girlfriends came
ourselves that it will never happen to us and unexpectedly The Capulet and the Montague families presented to visit.
Cupid finds us. Connie Francis sang about it in her 1958 challenges for Romeo and Juliet. Unfortunately, families During this month of love, I hope you can reminisce
hit, “Stupid Cupid,” written by Neil Sedaka and Howie try to deflect Cupid’s arrow from its intended target. about the feelings you shared with a loved one or you
Greenfield. Some of us resist the surrender of control when Lee’s children immediately tried to dissuade him from are experiencing the excitement of a present love – the
all we can do is think about our love interest. Connie sings: a relationship with someone he had not met in person. racing of your heart when you embrace and the intimacy
“Stupid cupid, you’re a real mean guy, Because of his age, the children were convinced that they felt when another person touches the depths of your soul.
I’d like to clip your wings so you can’t fly, would frustrate any attempt for Lee to meet A.J. They Don’t resist the fulfillment of Cupid’s mission among us.
I’m in love and it’s a crying shame actually cancelled two airline reservations made by Lee Allow yourself to love and be loved.
And I know that you’re the one to blame, for his visit to Florida. Cupid had other plans. Lee had to Until next month…
Hey, Hey – set me free, secretly plan his flight and then notify the children after James A. Cioffi, Editor
Stupid cupid, stop picking on me!” he landed in the Sunshine State. When they finally met,
Love can take us by surprise and often we meet the A.J. and Lee realized there was a mutual attraction. Their
love of our life by chance – or some would call it “fate.” personalities complement each other and they share similar
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