Page 2 - PGA Community News - February '25
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Page 2, PGA C.A.N.! 2 Spaces February 2025
February 2025
Northern Notes from page 1
water owned by someone else. A common easement in this As the property owner, you are responsible for access, maintenance of preserves and stormwater facilities
context is a water management easement, usually covering maintaining the easement area and keeping it free from becomes impossible, which could put the district in
areas where pipes, used for stormwater management, may plants, trees, fences, and structures, unless specifically violation of regulations with the South Florida Water
be buried. permitted through the official permitting process. You Management District. In some cases, this lack of access
Once both parties agree to the terms of an easement, cannot block access to the easement. If a permitted fence may even result in improper functioning of these systems.
it is recorded with the Palm Beach County Clerk of the with gates exists within the easement, access should not For more information, please visit our website at
Court. This ensures that any future owners of the property be hindered by dogs or security systems. The owner, where you can view facility maps that
are aware of the easement’s existence. If the property is and their contractors have the right to pass through the display the locations of easements. Additionally, the site
sold later, the easement will be noted in the title search property safely and without harassment. Additionally, includes a link to our geographical information system
and property survey to document the easement area. trees planted in water management easements can (GIS), which presents property information and district
A water management maintenance easement typically grow into and damage pipes and structures, potentially facilities in an interactive map format.
grants the easement owner the rights of ingress and egress, impacting stormwater management or causing sinkholes NPDES tip: Dirt, oil, and debris that collect in parking
allowing access to the property for maintenance of water from collapsed pipes. lots and paved areas can be washed into the storm sewer
management tracts or preserves located on the other It’s important to understand the significance of system and eventually enter local waterbodies. Sweep up
side. The easement also allows the agency’s agents and easements on your property and to keep these areas clear litter and debris from sidewalks, driveways and parking
contractors to pass through the property, with or without of personal belongings. Easements provide necessary lots, especially around storm drains.
equipment and vehicles. access for district employees and contractors to legally
enter properties located on the other side. Without this
PGA Community News is
looking for writers
to contribute community
related content. If you would be
interested in submitting
an article please email Time for
potential articles to: or
for consideration. a change?
Editorial Board
Burns Wealth Management Group
Editor: James A. Cioffi
Feature Writers: Dawn Levinstein, POA
Gail Coppage, POA
Commissioner Maria Marino Editorial copy appearing herewith is not necessarily the viewpoint of
Robert Burns
Katie Roundtree Seabreeze Publications of Central Florida. Most editorial copy is created by
the homeowners and is edited by their appointed editor.
Contributing ® ® ®
Reporter: Don Kiselewski CFP , ChFC , CPWA
Managing Director
Your editors strongly believe that the number
of people who do become involved with any Wealth Partner, Portfolio Manager
news medium directly reflects on that medium’s 3825 PGA Blvd, Floor 9,
excellence, versatility and broad viewpoint. Seabreeze Publications
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33410
Therefore, we invite PGA residents to contribute 561.694.5666
articles or current, timely news items and/or
M. Sean Reid
“Letters to the Editors.” S. Miller • E. Miller
Articles/letters are subject to editing and editors’
right to publish. Submission must include writer’s Sales
name, address and telephone number. Unsigned articles Tom English, Laura Berrio, Bret McCormick
/letters will not be published. Opposing views to article Production Manager Lee Nostrant
viewpoints contained in this paper are welcome.
Articles do not necessarily represent the viewpoint Production Department
of the C.A.N.! organization. Submissions should Elaine Donholt • Ruth Nekoranec • Katie Heystek
Dianne Strout • Karen Kalisz • Michelle Feeney
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