Page 1 - PGA Community News - February '25
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VOL. 35 NO. 2                                    FAX 561-624-9088 • E-MAIL                                     FEBRUARY 2025

      PGA POA Communications Corner

      Submitted by Gail                                 relative to the current needs and future investment and   Sad To See You Go
      Coppage, PGA POA                                  maintenance of the entire community. Please mail or bring      Now the time must come where all holiday lights
      Communications                                    your ballot to the PGA POA office on or before Thursday,   must be removed and stored away until next year. What a
      Committee                                         February 6 for your ballot to be counted.          beautiful holiday season at PGA National! Thank you to
         Ha p p y   Ne w Ye a r !                       THANK YOU!                                         all the residents of our community who provided beautiful
      Welcome back old friends!                            A special thank you to the residents, security and golf   lights and festive, decorative holiday displays! Many of
      Hello to new friends,                             workers who recently helped a Villas of Thurston owner   our communities and streets were filled with light and joy!
      neighbors, family and                             find her lost dog. The owner’s 7-year-old dog snuck out      A special thank you to both the Villa D’Este community
      guests!                                           of her home over the weekend via an open gate. The   and the Glenwood community this holiday season! Both
      Annual Meeting                                    owner was very worried and notified security and the   communities collected gifts for the Palm Beach Gardens
         The 2025 PGA POA                               neighborhood and posted a note on social media. A few   Police and Fire “Joy Drive.” The Glenwood community
      ANNUAL MEETING                                    days later residents in Preston contacted her to say they   combined their holiday party together with their holiday
      WILL BE HELD AT A NEW VENUE IN FEBRUARY!          spotted the dog and met the owner in Preston to show her   lighting contest results as well as collecting gifts for
      Please note that the Annual Meeting will be held this   the approximate location of the dog. The owner brought   the Joy Drive. It was a joy this season to drive through
      year on  Thursday, February 6, 2025, at the Mirasol   along her other dog (a French bulldog who is trained off   Glenwood to view all the amazing holiday lights! Villa
      Clubhouse,  11600  Mirasol Way,  Palm  Beach  Gardens.   leash) who then barked at his housemate. These barks led   D’Este showcases an amazing holiday party each year
      The Mirasol Community is right across the street from the   to the lost dog coming out of hiding in the bushes. What   within their community, collecting a significant number
      PGA National Ryder Cup entrance off PGA Boulevard.   a great story with a happy ending! The owner was very   of gifts for the toy drive. We are very thankful for the
      Parking is available onsite. Residents may sign into the   thankful to all the wonderful people of PGA National,   goodness within our communities and the willingness
      meeting beginning at 5 p.m. The Annual Meeting will   and this story is just one example of the care and concern   shown to support Palm Beach Gardens in a myriad of
      begin at 6 p.m. The Annual Meeting is a great time to   shown by residents in all communities. Remember: If   ways. This effort is just another example of our PGA
      say hi to neighbors and friends and the members of the   you have pets, please consider adding information about   National family supporting City neighbors in Palm Beach
      Board of Governors of PGA National. We welcome your   your pet on the “Owner Information Form” on the POA   Gardens. Way to go Villa D’Este and Glenwood!! Thank
      attendance and look forward to saying hello and chatting   website. The POA database for gate access also includes   you very much!
      at this meeting. The PGA National community is engaged,   a section to list family pets.             Holiday Gatherings
      interested and looking to the future!                Keeping all our beloved pets safe and secure is very      The Annual holiday luncheon was held at the PGA
      Notice For The Annual Meeting                     important! What to do if your pet goes missing? Please   POA office on December 23. Staff of the POA and Board
         Notices for the Annual meeting, including the ballot   notify security, share the detail with your immediate   members and their guests enjoyed some holiday time
      for voting for members of the Board of Governors and   neighbors and notify your HOA to request an email blast   together. Here are some photos from this event. Thank
      biographies of each interested candidate/ or board member   to share the information. If you have the option to add a   you to Lang Management for providing the luncheon!
      candidate were mailed the first week of January. If you   note in social media, please do so. In this case, having   Sending Get Well Wishes
      have not already reviewed or voted for candidates, we ask   several pairs of eyes looking out for this little lost dog      The Board of Governors of the POA send get well
      that you please take time to review and vote today. It is   made the difference in both the dog’s (and dog owner’s)   wishes to our President, Mike Engelsher! Your thoughts
      important for our PGA National family to remain invested   lives! Thank you again!                   for healing and good health are appreciated. Thank you!
      in the work of the POA as it reflects on and votes on issues
      Northern Notes

      Easements On Your Property                                                                           and maintenance responsibilities. Easements are essential
                                                                                                           for allowing the district to access locations where it does
      By Katie Roundtree,                                                                                  not have ownership rights, particularly near its facilities,
      Director of Finance and                                                                              preserves, or waterways.
      Administration, Northern                                                                                An easement is a legal arrangement that permits
      Palm Beach County                                                                                    another party to use a specified portion of property for
      Improvement District                                                                                 a particular purpose. It does not grant ownership of the
         If you own property                                                                               property; rather, it allows the user to utilize the property
      in Florida, you may come                                                                             without the risk of being charged with trespassing. For
      across the term “easement.”                                                                          instance, a water management maintenance easement may
      An easement can influence                                                                            exist between two homes, designating an area where the
      how you use your property,                                                                           easement holder can travel to access something on the
      and the rights associated                                                                            other side. Another example is a flowage easement, which
      wi th i t .  T he se  l egal                                                                         allows water to flow from one location through a body of
      agreements are often present in areas where the Northern
      Palm Beach County Improvement District has facilities                                                Northern Notes on page 2
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