Page 8 - Martin Downs Bulletin - February '25
P. 8

Page 8, Martin Downs

          cLeveLand cLinic Martin HeaLtH neWs

      Heart Surgery Brings Quality                                                                           Three days after his operation, he was discharged from the
                                                                                                           hospital. Three months later he was back on the golf course.
      Of Life For Older Patient                                                                              “This was my goal all the way through,” Erickson says.
                                                                                                           “It was a miracle to me.”
        At 89 years old, Curtis Erickson says he still has a lot of                                          Savage says a team approach is key to successful
      living left to do. The avid golfer intends to keep enjoying                                          outcomes in heart surgery. It is important to empower
      the game with friends while also spending time with his                                              patients by making recommendations and involving them
      beloved family which includes five – soon to be seven –                                              in the decision-making process.
      great-grandchildren.                                                                                   “You have to be motivated to do this,” he says. “It’s
        “Life couldn’t be any better,” Curtis says.                                                        not easy. I tell patients that it’s going to be hard, but you
        It is exactly this outlook that Edward Savage, M.D., a                                             can get through this, and you can’t give up. You have
      cardiothoracic surgeon at Cleveland Clinic Martin North                                              to devote energy to recovering. You have to eat, follow
      Hospital, looks for in patients for whom he may recommend                                            instructions and get out of bed.”
      heart surgery.                                      Savage was hesitant initially to recommend surgery since     He adds that most of his patients are usually “on the
        “Determinants for being a candidate for heart surgery are   Erickson had reduced heart function and also had undergone   road to complete recovery” within a few weeks.
      functional and physical status, not necessarily chronological   heart surgery 10 years prior to have a valve replaced.    “It turned out just wonderful for me. I’m so glad
      age,” Dr. Savage says.                              “But he was very motivated and functionally in good   Cleveland Clinic is here,” Erickson says. After living
        When Erickson was referred to Savage for coronary   status,” Savage says. “For him, 89 wasn’t an age, either.   in many different cities during his career in school
      bypass surgery last year, he was in overall good health   He had all these other things to do and was not ready to   photography, he moved to the Stuart area in 1981. For
      despite his age and had the will to get through the surgery   throw in the towel. He wanted to feel better to do the things   the past eight years he and his companion, Vicky, have
      to feel better.                                   he wanted to do.”                                  been splitting their time between Florida and Michigan.
        “His condition was an impediment to how he wanted his     So, on April 5, 2023, Erickson underwent open-heart   “I feel very blessed.”
      life to be,” Savage says. “He was a motivated guy.”  surgery at Cleveland Clinic Martin North Hospital.    To make an appointment with Dr. Savage or another
        Erickson had been dealing with shortness of breath, chest     Though he was nervous, he said he was shocked at   cardiovascular specialist at Cleveland Clinic in Florida,
      pain, fatigue and significantly reduced heart function when   “how calm and reassured I felt when I went down (to the   call (877) 463-2010 or visit
      his cardiologist referred him to Savage. He had coronary   operating room).”                         Heart to learn more.
      artery disease and was not a candidate for stents. His only     “Dr. Savage has a wonderful way about him,” Erickson
      treatment option was open-heart bypass surgery.   says. “He gives you so much confidence.”
                                                               cLub neWs

      Finding Female Ancestors                           Idiot’s Guide to Online Genealogy, Finding Your Famous and   Zoom register at (Please note: The Cummings
                                                         Infamous Ancestors and Digitizing Your Family History. She
                                                                                                           Library is a temporary change of venue for our February and
      With The Martin County                             also edited the sixth edition of the Genealogist’s Handbook   March meetings; we’ll return to the Blake Library in April.)
      Genealogical Society                               for New England Research.                           The Martin County Genealogical Society offers a variety
                                                           Free and open to the public, the meeting is at the Peter and
                                                                                                           of services in the Genealogy Room at the Blake Library
                                                         Julie Cummings Library, 2551 S.W. Matheson Ave., Palm   in Stuart including an extensive research library, access
        Although women comprise half of your ancestry, their lives   City from 1 to 3 p.m., Friday, March 21. The meeting begins   to several genealogy websites and assistance from MCGS
      and experiences – and even complete names – are often absent   with a social time followed by a brief business meeting. The   volunteers. For more information about membership,
      in written history. If they survive, however, diaries, letters,   presentation, broadcast via Zoom, is at 2 p.m. To attend on   activities and services go to
      account books, family Bibles, samplers and organization
      records can reveal more about a woman’s daily life than any
      government document. During the Martin County Genealogical
      Society’s March meeting at the Cummings Library in Palm
      City, professional genealogist Rhonda R. McClure will present
      “Researching Women in Archives,” via Zoom. She will discuss
      how we can hit genealogical gold by using these unique records
      and manuscripts to piece together a family story.
        Senior genealogist at American Ancestors New England
      Historic Genealogical Society, McClure is a nationally
      recognized professional genealogist and lecturer. Before
      joining American Ancestors in 2006, she ran her own
      genealogical business. She has been a contributing editor and
      writer for several genealogy and history magazines, and has
      written 12 books, including the award-winning The Complete

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