Page 7 - Martin Downs Bulletin - February '25
P. 7

Martin Downs, Page 7

                                                          kids corner

      When Young Kids Hate                              young child’s self-esteem is                       received our written report, the teacher helped get the
                                                                                                           child an IEP for school support. The IEP allowed the
                                                        at risk of long-term damage.
      Themselves                                          As a concerned parent,                           school’s special education teacher to work with her in
                                                        you can provide your                               addition to her private tutoring. Parents used children’s
      By Jim Forgan, Ph.D., School Psychologist         child with support and                             books to help with her anxiety of being embarrassed for
        My first grader has recently said, “I hate myself”   understanding.  If  you                       her reading struggles. In a follow-up conversation, her
      because she doesn’t feel smart. She says things are too   suspect an underlying                      mom said she had renewed hope for her child’s future.
      hard and I can see her getting discouraged. She has trouble   learning disability like                 We test students from age 2 through college for
      remembering letters, sounds, some numbers. She can’t   dyslexia,  our school                         dyslexia, ADHD, anxiety, depression, autism, and more.
      keep up with everyone. Her teacher says she is the lowest   neuropsychological testing               Call us at (561) 625-4125 to discuss your child or learn
      one in her class.”                                provides answers. We also                          more at
        This concerned parent’s description of her child cried   test for processing problems
      out for help and understanding. It is highly unusual for   such as a weakness in phonics development and memory.
      a young student to make statements such as they hate   Once you understand the specific problem you can then   Hospice Foundation from page 1
      themself, they feel dumb, or they want to die. No student   provide the right treatment to help.
      wants to go to school and repeatedly fail. Furthermore, it is     The testing revealed this child had dyslexia with   for children with life-limiting illnesses. CFK’s contributions,
      a giant red flag when your child’s teacher says your child   anxiety. Her mom followed up with one of the specialized   including Walmart gift cards, gas cards, and cash assistance,
      is the lowest one in the class. Given these challenges, this   tutors and started three times a week tutoring. Once she   have alleviated the financial burdens experienced by these
                                                                                                            families, who often face extreme financial stress due to
                                                                                                            various factors such as inability to work, travel expenses for
                                                                                                            medical appointments, and out-of-pocket costs for necessary
                                                                                                            medical equipment and services not covered by insurance.
                                                                                                              Filer is a true champion and advocate for children.
                                                                                                            Through her philanthropic work, she encourages others in
                                                                                                            the community to find their passion and give of themselves
                                                                                                            to organizations that they love.
                                                                                                              Thanks for Giving honoree Ken Feiertag and his firm,
                                                                                                            Feiertag Financial Group of Janney Montgomery Scott
                                                                                                            LLC, began supporting Treasure Coast Hospice in 2013
                                                                                                            with a memorial donation, but grew to be a major partner
                                                                                                            in 2015 when Feiertag became a founding member of the
                                                                                                            TCH President’s Circle, a group of community business
                                                                                                            leaders from Martin, St. Lucie and Okeechobee counties
                                                                                                            who financially support the mission of TCH.
                                                                                                              To date, the direct financial support of Feiertag Financial
                                                                                                            Group is close to $85,000, however an innovative program
                                                                                                            that Feiertag and his business partner, Michael Tommeraas,
                                                                                                            developed has helped raise additional monies for TCH and
                                                                                                            many other Treasure Coast charities. The two partners take
                                                                                                            off their financial advisor hats and turn into “Chef Ken” and
                                                                                                            “Chef Mike,” offering authentic Louisiana Crawfish Boils
                                                                                                            to nonprofits that have silent auctions at their fundraising
                                                                                                            events. Feiertag Financial Group has also sponsored the
                                                                                                            annual TCH Golf Tournament and has been the Presenting
                                                                                                            Sponsor for the organization’s annual Sporting Clay Shoot
                                                                                                            since 2021.
                                                                                                              Feiertag and his team believe in giving back to the
                                                                                                            community and have been instrumental in helping spread
                                                                                                            the mission of TCH through financial contributions,
                                                                                                            guidance and advocacy.
                                                                                                              The event was graciously underwritten by Wilmington
                                                                                                            Trust, The Ngo Group Illustrated Properties Real Estate,
                                                                                                            Martin Funeral Home and Crematory, Law Office of Jacobs
                                                                                                            & Jacobs, and Evergreen Private Care.
                                                                                                              To learn how to support the Treasure Coast Hospice
                                                                                                            Foundation, visit

                                                                                                            Thanks for Giving Honoree Marlene Filer with TCH CEO
                                                                                                            Jackie Kendrick, CHPCA

                                                                                                            Thanks for Giving Honorees Ken Feiertag and Marlene
                                                                                  See answer in this paper.  Filer with Mike Tommeraas
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