Page 4 - Martin Downs Bulletin - February '25
P. 4

Page 4, Martin Downs

                                                          Good Works

      The Pet Cottage Secures                           Ho-Ho-Hometown Heroes:                             of food to 3,729 children and
      $15,000 Grant For Veterinary                      United Way’s Holiday                               833 families during the two-
                                                                                                           day event.
      Expenses Supporting Forever                       Project Brings Joy To                                A standout highlight of
                                                                                                           the Holiday Project was the
      Guardianship Program                              Local Families                                     donation of 523 brand-new
                                                                                                           bicycles from Zweben Law
        The Pet Cottage is thrilled to announce a generous     For 36 years strong, United Way of Martin County has   Group, a tradition they’ve
      $15,000 grant from the Knopf Family Foundation dedicated   been the heartbeat of holiday generosity, ensuring every   upheld for 11 years. Thanks
      to covering veterinary expenses for pets in our Forever   child experiences festive magic through the United Way   to their record-breaking
      Guardianship program. This vital funding ensures that   Holiday Project.                             contribution, more than half
      pets who have lost their human due to death, disability, or     As the local coordinating organization for the Marine   of the participating families
      deployment will continue to receive the care they deserve   Corps Reserve  Toys For  Tots program, United  Way   saw a shiny new bike under
      while living with their dedicated Forever Guardians.   collaborates with the Martin County School District and   their tree. Martin County Fire
        “This grant represents a significant milestone for our   over 45 nonprofit agencies, faith-based organizations, and   Rescue lent a helping hand,  In a decade-long commitment
      organization,” said Wendy Derhak, founder/executive   schools to screen and refer families who just need an extra   assembling the bikes just in  to helping Martin County
      director of The Pet Cottage. “It reaffirms our mission to   hand up during the holiday season.       time for Santa’s delivery.  families, Zweben Law Group
      provide lifetime care and support for pets in need, and it     Beginning in November, the Martin County Fairgrounds     “We are incredibly  proudly coordinated the
      directly impacts their health and well-being. Veterinary care is   is transformed into Santa’s Workshop, where more than 344   grateful for the support  Zweben Law Group  Bike
      one of our most pressing expenses, and this funding allows us   volunteers devoted 2,073 hours of their time to sort toys by   we received this year,”  Drive to make the holidays
      to provide necessary medical services without compromise.”   age, gender and price – giving families a personalized and   said United Way of Martin  extra special by covering the
        The Forever Guardianship program is a cornerstone of The   dignified shopping experience. Along with toys, families   County President and CEO  cost of 523 bikes. (Tara and
      Pet Cottage’s mission. By pairing pets with loving Forever   received fresh produce and groceries for a traditional   Carol G. Houwaart-Diez.  Gene Zweben)
      Guardians, the program ensures each animal finds a stable,   holiday meal.                           “With tornadoes having
      nurturing home. This grant will be utilized to cover essential     With the help of over 160 local businesses that serve as toy   swept through our town just weeks prior, we knew many
      veterinary needs, including routine check-ups, vaccinations,   collection sites, United Way turned “Letters to Santa” into a   families, beyond those already struggling, would need a
      surgeries, and chronic condition management.      reality, distributing more than 17,605 toys and 25,838 pounds   little extra help this holiday season. Thanks to the kindness
        Since its founding, The Pet Cottage has worked tirelessly                                          of our community, we were able to bring joy and relief to
      to support the emotional and physical needs of both pets and                                         so many children and their families.”
      their human guardians. With this funding, we can expand our                                            This monumental effort was made possible by the
      reach and continue to uphold the quality of care that defines                                        generosity of local businesses, community organizations,
      our organization.                                                                                    sponsors, and individual donors. United Way extends a
        “This grant enables us to give our pets the healthiest lives
      possible while easing the financial burden on their Forever
      Guardians,” Wendy added. “We are deeply grateful to the
      Knopf Family Foundation for believing in our mission and
      investing in the futures of these beloved animals.”
        The Pet Cottage invites the community to join us in
      celebrating this incredible opportunity and to learn more
      about how they can support our programs. Together, we can
      make a lasting impact on the lives of pets and their humans.
        For more information about The Pet Cottage and the   Upon winning a bike, clients are allowed to select the size
      Forever Guardianship program, please visit thepetcottage.  and style of their child’s brand-new bike.
      org or contact Wendy at
      About The Pet Cottage
        The Pet Cottage is a nonprofit organization dedicated to
      honoring the human-animal bond by providing lifetime care
      for pets who have lost their human due to death, disability,                                         Thank you to Wilmington Trust, Ashley Capital, Rubin &
      or deployment. Through innovative programs like Forever                                              Rubin, STS Aviation Group and Waste Management for
      Guardianship, The Pet Cottage ensures pets find new loving                                           sponsoring the project.
      homes with individuals committed to their lifelong care.

       Editorial copy appearing herewith is not necessarily the viewpoint of
       Seabreeze Publications of Central Florida. Most editorial copy is created by
       the homeowners and is edited by their appointed editor.

        Seabreeze Publications                          United Way staff and AmeriCorps Seniors helpers picking
                                                        up the Stuart/Martin Chamber of Commerce toy collections.   Holiday Project clients lining up for client check-in.
                          Publisher                     (Left to right, Angela Hoffman, Mike Collins, Alan Hill, Don
                          M. Sean Reid                  Knight and Jaclyn Anez)                            Good Works on page 5
                       S. Miller • E. Miller

              Tom English, Laura Berrio, Bret McCormick

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