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An Independent Newspaper Serving Broken Sound & Bocaire

        VOL. 19 NO. 2                                                                           FEBRUARY 2025

      City Unveils Centennial                                                     10 More NFL Hall of Famers

      Sculpture in Sanborn Square                                                 to Tee Off In Golf Invitational

         The City of Boca Raton                                                   at Broken Sound
      kicked off its celebration in
      2025 with the unveiling of
      Reflections of Time, a striking                                                The James Hardie™ Pro Football Hall of Fame Invitational announced the addition
      19-foot-tall sculpture inspired                                             of ten more NFL Hall of Famers who have committed to its golf tournament to take place
      by the city’s original mid-                                                 from March 31st to April 6th at Broken Sound Club’s legendary Old Course. The James
      century welcome sign that                                                   Hardie Invitational will feature
      greeted residents and visitors                                              Pro Football Hall of Famers
      from the 1960s to the 1980s.                                                competing alongside PGA
      A permanent-in-nature                                                       TOUR Champions professionals
      installment in Sanborn Square,                                              in a new version of the 18th
      the sculpture serves as a bold                                              annual golf event that has been
      tribute to the city’s history and                                           held at the Old Course.
      a symbol of its bright future.                                                 The newly announced
         Strategically located across                                             players are:  James Lofton, a
      from the original and historic                                              legendary wide receiver known
      Town Hall,  Reflections  of                                                 for  his  speed  and  consistency  James Lofton    Orlando Pace
      Time pays homage to Boca                                                    who was the first NFL player
      Raton’s rich history while                                                  to record over 14,000 receiving
      embracing its forward-looking                                               yards; Orlando Pace, a dominant
      future. Designed by graphic                                                 offensive tackle nicknamed
      design artist Jodie  Aznar                                                  “The Pancake Man,” who was
      and  manufactured  locally  by                                              a cornerstone of the St. Louis
      Signsations, the sculpture is                                               Rams’ “Greatest Show on Turf;”
      crafted from steel, aluminum,                                               wide receiver Andre Reed, who
                                                                                  was a key part of the Buffalo
      City Unveils Centennial    Mayor Scott Singer and members of the City Council   Bills’ offense during their four
      Sculpture on page 3        present the new Reflections of Time sculpture.
                                                                                  10 More NFL Hall of Famers
      Broken Sound Celebrates End of                                              to Tee Off on page 3        Andre Reed             Tim Brown

      One Year, Welcomes New Year                                                 Pro Football Golf Invitational

          The creative planning on                                                Adds Women’s Day Events
      the part of Broken Sound Club’s
      management that members                                                        The James Hardie™ Pro Football Hall of Fame Invitational has announced the
      benefit from year-round was                                                 Christine E. Lynn Women’s Health & Wellness Institute Women’s Pro-Am, presented
      on full display December 31st                                               by the E.M. Lynn Foundation, set for Monday, March 31st, at Broken Sound. The event
      as  1,700  members,  guests                                                 will kick off with a Women’s Day Evening Reception on Sunday evening, March 30th.
      and their children enjoyed an                                                  Proceeds from this annual event, now in its 13th year, support the Christine E. Lynn
      extraordinary full-scale carnival                                           Women’s Health & Wellness Institute at Boca Regional Hospital, advancing critical
      from 5 to 9 p.m. that included                                              women’s health services. Since its inception the Women’s Pro-Am has embodied the
      a ferris wheel, classic game                                                mission of “Women Golfing for Women’s Health” and has raised over $750,000 to date.
      booths, 14 food trucks, stilt
      walkers, a DJ fusion band,                                                  Pro Football Golf Invitational on page 3
      entertainers galore and a Broken Sound Food Court serving Lobster Rolls and other family
      favorites—all set up on the club’s large parking lot.
          Then, when the younger set had been put to bed a New Year’s Eve Ball began at the clubhouse’s
      Lakeview Terrace with cocktails and fireworks, followed by Dinner and Dancing in the Illuminations
      Ballroom with a show by five-time international world champion ballroom dancers.
          To top off the evening a Speakeasy After-Party followed in the clubhouse’s Cirq Room.
      Broken Sound Club’s General Manager Ken Kosak and his team can be proud of the way
      members were invited to welcome the New Year.

                                                                                  Ellen Latham

                                                                                           City of Boca Raton Celebrates Centennial with

                                                                                            Two New Special Annual Events—See page 6
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