Page 13 - PGA Community News - December '24
P. 13

December 2024
 December 2024                                                   2 Spaces                                                               PGA C.A.N.!, Page 13

      Jupiter Senior Softball

         A crowd of about 60 Jupiter Senior Softball    they were asked to step forward. They included veterans of      For more information contact Gary Newman at (917)
      players turned out for a Veterans Day ceremony    of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard and   623-0791 or to register online go to www.leaguelineup.
      honoring all who have served in the military.     National Guard.                                    com/jssa.
         The  event  at  Jupiter  Community  Park          The ceremony concluded
      featured players gathered around a large          with Ron Nolan, an  Army
      American flag donated by the family               veteran  of  the Vietnam War,
      of the late Gerry Elias, the Jupiter              playing a  recording  of  the
      Senior Softball Association’s 2023                National Anthem in honor of
      Hall of Fame honoree.                             all who have worn a uniform in
         Army veteran Gary Vitaletti,                   defense of our country. Then it
      explained  that  November  11,                    was “play ball” as players took
      1919 was proclaimed as Armistice  Day by President   to the fields for scheduled games.
      Woodrow Wilson to commemorate the first anniversary      The senior softball program
      of the cessation of fighting in World War I. Following   is open to persons 55 and older,
      the World War II and the Korean War, congress again   and new players are welcome.
      amended the name of the holiday. “This time to honor   Games are every Monday,
      those who participated in all U.S. wars, calling it Veterans   Wednesday, and Friday morning
      Day in 1954,” Vitaletti said.                     beginning at 8:30 a.m. at Jupiter
         More than a dozen veterans in the audience were also   Community Park. Sponsorships
      recognized for their service with a round of applause when   are also available.   The Veterans Day tribute was followed by four regularly scheduled slow-pitch softball games.

      Veterans of various military branches were honored in a November 11 Veterans Day ceremony.
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