Page 18 - PGA Community News - December '24
P. 18

December 2024
      Page 18, PGA C.A.N.!                                        2 Spaces                                                                                                                                                              December 2024

      Tax Talk

      Dear Friends:                                     Hello, May I Help You?                             of address form, this new change requires the applicant bring
         As 2024 comes to a close,                                                                         two additional documents containing the name of the person
      I want to take this time to                          You have checked our website, read through your   with which they are residing. For a complete list of the new
      thank you for being part of                       Tax Planner and Services Guide, but still have a question   required driver’s license and ID card documents, visit pbctax.
      the “Tax Talk” family and                         concerning our services. Our Client Care Representatives in   gov/driver-license/.
      know that I thoroughly enjoy                      our Client Care and Research Center (call center) are ready
      chatting with you each month.                     to take your call or answer your email and help you with   Found Money?
      I hope you enjoy hearing more                     your question. This year, we have added an additional five
      about my office, Palm Beach                       representatives to help keep wait times to a minimum during      Did you know there could be thousands of dollars waiting
      County and the occasional                         our busy season. With an average of 1,700 calls coming into   for you? Some clients overpay on their transactions, and if this
      news about my cats, Biden                         the call center each day, we are proud that we have reduced   happens, we issue a refund check for the amount overpaid.
      and Bader. They bring me so                       wait times to an average of five minutes. While the team is   If the refund is returned to us as undeliverable, we continue
      much joy, even when they are just being cats and lounging   working hard to answer all calls quickly this time of year,   to attempt to issue the refund. Once we have explored all
      around as they are doing in this picture.         you may experience longer than normal wait times, so we   refund options, we post a list of unclaimed funds on our
                                                        appreciate your patience. Representatives can be reached at   website hoping that clients can reclaim the money due to
                                                        (561) 355-2264 and are available Monday through Friday,   them. We hold onto these funds for at least one year. If the
                                                        8:15 a.m. to 5 p.m.                                funds remain unclaimed, we forward those funds to the state
                                                                                                           of the last known address.

         I want to take this time to wish you, your family, friends
      and even your pets – we can’t forget them, a very happy
      holiday season. Whether you are enjoying the holidays here
      in South Florida or traveling to be with family, take time
      to recharge and relax and enjoy all the traditions that the      Don’t want to call us? You can always email us at      Currently, there is
      holidays so befittingly offer. I look forward to communicating for assistance and you can   more than $749,000 in
      with you in 2025!                                 expect a response from one of Client Care Representatives   unclaimed funds available.
         Happy holidays and happy new year!             within two business days.                          So, I encourage you to
                                       Anne M. Gannon,                                                     check if your name is on
       Constitutional Tax Collector, Serving Palm Beach County   New Address Change                        the list to see if there are
                                                                                                           funds waiting for you!
                                                        Requirements                                       Visit Palm Beach County

         Garage sales                                      Did you know that there were recent changes made to   Unclaimed Funds and State of Florida Unclaimed Funds
                                                                                                           for more information and good luck!
         & yard sales                                   the proof of address documents required for driver’s licenses
                                                        and ID cards? These documents verify that driver’s license
            are NOT            SALES                    and ID card applicants are residents of Florida by requiring
                                                        two pieces of qualifying documents in their name. This
          allowed in                                    new requirement is a simple process for most individuals;
                                                        however, others may not have certain documents that contain
               PGA                                      their name and address. For example, teens getting their
                                                        learner’s permit or individuals living with family members.
                                                           Under this new address change requirement, those
           National.                                      individuals have a few options. They can complete a
                                                        certification of address document, and have it signed by our
                                                        staff during their reservation or they can have it signed by a
                                                        notary prior to their reservation. In addition to the certification

                                                                   Lithium Battery Collection &
       Captain’s was established in 1980 servicing
       Palm Beach County and is a privately
       owned and managed company.                                    Document Shredding Event
       Captain’s is committed to providing
       dependable, reliable and professional
       ground transportation to and from all
       South Florida Airports and Seaports.  PBCVH212
           To reserve your vehicle:
       561-798-2180 or 800-634-7890                                      When:

                                                                                             Jan. 11, 2025

                                                                                          7 a.m.-12 p.m.

                 Family owned & operated since 1988

                                                                                    13400 S. State Road 7

                                                                                            Delray Beach

                                                             • Drop off lithium batteries and products containing them.

                                                             • Bring up to six boxes of documents to be shredded onsite.

                      Where will 2025 take you?
          Let us help craft the perfect journey to your next great destination.
                    “We can help you see the world…”
         We are located at 11360 N. Jog Road, Bldg. A, Suite 102-6
        Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33418
                   (561) 694-9696
                “We help you see the world . . .”
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