Page 9 - PGA Community News - December '24
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December 2024
 December 2024                                                   2 Spaces                                                                PGA C.A.N.!, Page 9

      Chamber Celebrates The Successful Conclusion

      Of The 2024 Women In Business Mentorship Academy

         The Palm Beach North Chamber of Commerce proudly      “The Women in Business Mentorship Academy has      As the Palm Beach North Chamber of Commerce
      announces the successful conclusion of its 2024 Women   been a transformative journey for me,” said Katie Velotta, a   continues  to  champion  women  in  business,  it  remains
      in Business Mentorship Academy. Over the past six   participant in the program. “My mentor has poured so much   committed to providing platforms for growth, empowerment,
      months, this transformative program has paired aspiring   wisdom and support into my growth, guiding me through   and collaboration within the community.
      professionals with experienced mentors, fostering   challenges and celebrating my achievements. I’ve not only      For more information about the Women in Business
      valuable connections and empowering women in the   gained confidence in my abilities but also built lasting   Mentorship Academy or to learn about upcoming programs
      business community.                               relationships with my fellow mentees.              and initiatives, please visit
         Participants gathered for a final session filled with      Together, we’re excited to uplift one another and create      For more information About Palm Beach North Chamber
      celebration and reflection on their journey. This event   a positive impact in our community.”       of Commerce, visit
      provided an opportunity to share key lessons learned      The program focused on developing essential skills, building
      and to deepen the relationships formed throughout the   confidence, and creating a supportive network of women
      program. Mentees and mentors alike left the session   dedicated to advancing in their careers. Participants engaged
      enriched with new knowledge and strengthened bonds   in workshops, networking events, and one-on-one mentorship   My Child Is Slow
      that will support their continued growth and success.  sessions, leading to lasting connections and friendships.
                                                                                                            To Get Going
        The Singles Scene Column                               ©

                                                                                                            By Jim Forgan, Ph.D.
                                                                                                            Licensed School
        Special Holiday Edition by: Kelly Leary, M.S. & Miranda  state of mind. In dating and relationships, a healthy mindset   Psychologist
        Capparelli, The Real Matchmakers                means knowing that opportunities are endless, and the best      Eve’s nickname
                                                        is yet to come.                                     is “Eeyore” one parent
        Do December. Do LOVE.                                                                               told me. She was feeling
        And just like that, we find                     Shift your focus this December from what’s missing to what   frustration when dealing
        ourselves in the magical                        you have and you will have even more because you are   with her child completing
        month of December. So,                          grateful. Celebrate the little victories: a great conversation,   tasks slower than everyone
        did you love more in 2024?                      a kind gesture, or even the courage to put yourself out there.   else. Whether it was doing
        If you fell short of your                       When you view the world through the lens of gratitude and   homework, completing
        personal goals this year,                       possibility, you naturally attract more of the same.
        here are Four Secret Santa                                                                          simple household chores,
        Tips destined to increase                       At Revolution Dating, we see time and again how an   or getting out the door in the morning, Eve was slow or the
        the odds of wrapping up                         abundant mindset transforms our clients’ love lives. Those   last one to go. It required constant reminders and mom felt
        December with a big red                         who believe in their worth and trust the journey tend to   like she was always nagging. She hypothesized her daughter
        bow. Now is the time to                         experience greater success—not because they’re lucky, but   was perhaps lazy, unmotivated, or did not understand what
        bask in all of your hard                        because they’re open to receiving the love and joy they   to do. But what really perplexed this mom was that Eve
        work invested in family, friends, and business in 2024. This   deserve. They are open to our guidance and faith in them.   was slow regardless of if the activity was something fun
        is the perfect time to show some extra love to yourself. If   We only want the best for our clients--and usually they only   or routine. It could be getting ready for a fun day at the
        your circle is authentic, they will adore this ramping up in   want the best for themselves. Add a dash of realism to that   waterpark and she was still slow.
        you--and therein lies a gift to the people you love. Ready to   recipe and you are on your way to a delicious December.      There are many reasons why a child is completing tasks at
        rock December with us? Simply cut this article out and read it                                      a much slower pace than their peers. One reason is your child
        often all month long and do share this with your single family   At Revolution Dating, we believe the final chapter of
        and friends too. Thank us later.                the year should be the best part of the year and it will   could have slower processing speed so even simple tasks
                                                        help you to create an even better 2025. The predictions   will take them longer to complete. This can leave your child
        1. Splurge on YOU.                              are in: We are all about to walk into one of the best   feeling overwhelmed, mentally fatigued, and discouraged.
                                                        years of our lives. So, let’s set ourselves up for some
        Giving yourself gifts of love and attention will automatically   extra love in our personal lives. Whether you’re single,   Second, your child could have a weak working memory
        trigger your brain to say “I am worth it!” Parents,   dating, or married, this month is a marker for good   and struggle to keep track of the tasks they are assigned and
        grandparents, and over-nurturers can get stuck in a path   moves and action.                        often forget what to do next. This can especially be noticed if
        of thinking solely about others. As matchmakers, we urge                                            you give your child multiple tasks at once. Third, your child
        you to put yourself first. This is a gift of acknowledging   So, as you deck the halls              may have weaker inhibition which means that they have a
        how hard you have worked this year. Spoil yourself with   and countdown to midnight,                hard time resisting distractors. Your child could be cleaning
        a gift that keeps on giving --I.E. better connections and   remember: your December                 their room and find something they misplaced and become
        better relationships. Your loved ones will appreciate the   can be filled with excellence,          distracted playing with this and not cleaning up. Fourth,
        newfound smile on your face. NOW, that’s a GIFT.   laughter, and abundance.                         your child might have ADHD, Predominantly Inattentive
                                                        And who knows? It might                             Presentation or what we used to call ADD.
        At Revolution Dating, we see this principle come to life   just be the month that                      Seek answers and understanding so you can do something
        every day with clients of all ages. Clients who are confident,   changes everything. Fall
        successful, and self-aware tend to attract partners who reflect   into Romance this holiday         different instead of becoming frustrated with your child and
        those same qualities. This December, prioritize YOU. We   season with the help from                 straining your relationship. A school neuropsychological
        have clients enroll on December 30th--and guess what--they   The Pros!                              evaluation will help you get to the root cause of why your
        are guaranteed to have a secret glow on New Year’s Eve                                              child is completing tasks so slowly. Our evaluations assess
        2025--even if they don’t have their dating portfolio ready   Thank you so much for following us for so many years.   all of these potential causes and provide specific and helpful
        yet. Hope is an inevitable aphrodisiac and it is contagious.    We appreciate your loyalty and love. Wishing you and   recommendations to improve your child’s functioning in the
                                                        yours a very Happy Holiday Season 2024! Stay tuned for   home and school settings.
        2. Let Romantic LOVE be Your North Star.        more love.
        Love comes in many forms—look for it everywhere--
        because it is all around you. Enjoy all forms of love from  Xoxo - Kelly & Miranda
        platonic to romantic to familial to self-love. The holiday                                               Best Bin Caddy#
        season is an ideal time to reconnect with those who matter  #LoveOffline     #MatchmakingRoyalty     #TellYourFriends
        most to you. Notice love. Notice your need for love.   #OneOnOneMatchmaking      #YouHaveArrived

        For singles, this is an excellent time to meet someone new.  Kelly Leary© has 33 years in the dating industry and a   NEW!
        There is a certain openness this time of year--only found  master’s degree in clinical psychology. She has also been
        in December--and especially at Revolution Dating which  written about in Modern Luxury Magazine Palm Beach
        happens to be the Corporate Headquarters of Love, est. 2014.  and Modern Luxury Manhattan, The Palm Beach
                                                        Post, PalmBeacher Magazine, Stuart News, Jupiter
        3. End with the Lesson of JOY                   Magazine, and many more. Revolution Dating members
        Have you taken yourself or others too seriously this past  are pre-screened in person including background checks.
        year? December highlights celebration, compassion, and  Professional photos are taken by the staff. Revolution                      On sale
        laughter--and that is all.                      Dating is NOT online dating or blind dating. In addition                           $       95
                                                        to providing matchmaking services that make singles                                 79
        If you’re single, loosen up and elevate your mindset.  A  “UN-single” through their exclusive club memberships,                       Tax Inc.
        shared laugh can turn a good experience into a great one.  Kelly and her Team also provide feedback from your
        Create memories that linger long after the holidays.   dates when appropriate. Mock Dates are available by    Recycling Bin Caddy
                                                        request. Single Coaching Sessions and Evaluations are
        Joy is the best feeling on Earth. It makes it all worthwhile.  also available by request for non-members or as an add-  Made in the USA
        Could you use more joy in your life? Follow us for  on to some memberships. *All inquiries are confidential
                                                        *Specializing in representing jet-setting clients with a   Using Heavy Duty PVC and All Terrain Wheels.
        4. It is NEVER too late!                        second home in the North East. Call the main hotline   Easy To Use Design. Arrives Fully Assembled With
        Start at 40. Start at 70. Start in December. Start at 5:00pm.   at 561-630-9696 (XOXO) or scan the QR code below to   Free Local Delivery. (Bins not included.)
        Just start. Abundance isn’t just about material wealth; it’s a   hold your place in the club.                    Call 561.354.8169
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