Page 1 - PGA Community News - December '24
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VOL. 34 NO. 12                                   FAX 561-624-9088 • E-MAIL                                     DECEMBER 2024

      PGA POA Communications Corner

      Submitted by Gail Coppage,                        the PGA POA website to see any new information or   date, time and place to your calendar. The notice and ballot
      PGA POA Communications                            revised documents so that you will be prepared if you   for the annual meeting will be mailed to you in January.
      Committee                                         need to request approval or need further information on   Even if you do not plan to attend the annual meeting,
         Happy December!                                a particular topic. Please remember: Any changes to the   it is still very important that you review the candidate
      Welcome to PGA National,                          outside of your home require prior approval from the PGA   materials and cast your vote. The PGA POA needs and
      full of sugar and spice and                       POA Architectural Review Committee.                wants the feedback and engagement of residents, and
      everything nice! Here’s                           Ryder Cup/PGA Boulevard Guard Station              your vote is important. We look forward to seeing you
      hoping your holidays are                             The POA will soon be scheduling some interior work at   at the annual meeting! Your interest, participation and
      filled with health, happiness                     the Ryder Cup/PGA Boulevard Guard Station. The interior   engagement help to make PGA National a great place to
      and the peacefulness of our                       needs mold remediation and renovation. During this time,   live, visit and work.
      community!                                        one gate will remain open during the day. After 9 p.m.,   Sandhill Cranes At PGA National
         Welcome back our                               the resident gate will be operational only for residents      Isn’t it beautiful to see the glorious sandhill cranes
      seasonal family! We missed you! We hope that your time   with a barcode. Security personnel will be checking this   walking by in our neighborhoods, in the parks and on the
      away and travels back to South Florida have been good   guard station during the overnight hours. We are hopeful   golf courses? Of course, it can be a bit scary for us and
      and you are ready for the beautiful weather, sunny skies,   that the entire renovation project will be completed within   for them as well! Driving along Ryder Cup Boulevard
      gorgeous greenery, amazing golf and pickleball and so   one month. We will notify PGA residents by email and/or   under the canopy of trees, please be careful driving, slow
      many restaurants and shops waiting for your return.  text with the exact date of the beginning of renovations,   down, and watch for sandhill cranes nibbling grasses just
      Checking The Status Of Your Home Or Condo         and we will also erect signage regarding this activity at   along the edge of the road. Even during the afternoon
         December is a great time to check out all aspects of   the Ryder Cup guard station. Thank you for your patience   sun, it can be difficult to see the sandhill cranes alongside
      your home or condo, especially if you have been away   and understanding!                            main roads.
      for a few months. This is a good time to check for any   Save The Date – PGA POA Annual Meeting         Some interesting facts about sandhill cranes: In the
      leaks, water damage, infestations, cracks in pavement or      Please save the date for the PGA POA Annual Meeting   wild, sandhill cranes can live for an average of 10 to 20
      tiles on the roof. Does your landscaping look overgrown?   which will be held on Wednesday, February 6, 2025, at 6   years, but some sandhill cranes can live up to 30 years.
      This is a good time to take stock of things you may   p.m. at Mirasol in the clubhouse. Sign-in starts at 5 p.m.
      need to do in and around your home. Please also check   Parking will be available at the location. Please add the   PGA POA Communication Corner on page 2
      Commissioner’s Update

      New Flood Maps For Palm                           that have the lowest floor below the BFE or minimum     Planning, Zoning & Building webpage, where residents
                                                                                                             The maps are available on the Palm Beach County
                                                        elevation required for a substantial improvement (SI). For
      Beach County                                      residents in unincorporated Palm Beach County, staff can   can use the countywide property search tool to determine
                                                        provide SI determinations and technical assistance prior to   their flood zones.  The webpage also provides other
      By Vice Mayor                                     major renovations.                                 important  information,  including  links  to  FEMA,  the
      Maria G. Marino                                      For property owners required to have flood insurance under   pending FEMA flood maps, municipalities affected,
         The Federal Emergency                          these new guidelines, it’s highly recommended to secure a   tips on how the county can help, and more. Please visit:
      Ma n a g e m e nt   Age nc y                      policy as soon as possible. Those with existing National Flood
      (FEMA) has recently                               Insurance Program (NFIP) policies are encouraged to maintain   Zones.aspx.
      released updated flood zone                       them. Regardless of what flood zone you may be in, the county
      maps that bring significant                       continues to recommend that all property owners have flood   Commissioner’s Update on page 4
      changes  to  Palm  Beach                          insurance since flooding can
      County. These new maps, set                       occur anywhere. Windstorm
      to take effect on December                        insurance does not cover
      20,  2024,  highlight  an                         flood damage. Thanks to Palm
      increased flood risk for                          Beach County’s participation
      thousands of residents, particularly in the eastern regions   in the Community Rating
      of the county. The revised maps classify many additional   System  (CRS) discount
      areas as high-risk flood zones, known officially as special   program, unincorporated
      flood hazard areas (SFHAs).                       area residents receive a 25
         The updated maps are particularly impactful for low-  percent discount on their
      lying regions, properties near canals and lakes, and coastal   flood insurance premiums,
      zones prone to tidal surges. As a result, more than 16,000   which can help alleviate
      parcels in Palm Beach County are anticipated to have a base   some of the financial burden
      flood elevation (BFE) increase of one foot or more. The   associated with increased
      increase in BFE may result in non-conforming structures   flood risk.
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