Page 3 - PGA Community News - December '24
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December 2024
 December 2024                                                   2 Spaces                                                                PGA C.A.N.!, Page 3

      From The Editor: Blessings Among Us...

         From Thanksgiving                              and the dog was persistent in making her aware of the danger.   recommend that you read it on the internet. When you meet
      through Christmas time, we                        Fortunately, the woman, her three children and their dog left the   Ted and Elena you can feel instantly their genuine concern
      look back over the year and                       house without injury. Ted and his team assisted the woman and   for you and everyone else, they know. Ted and Elena have
      count our blessings. I have                       her family through a terrifying experience.        learned the meaning of life and are Blessings Among Us.
      been blessed to be the co-host                       Ted is also on the Board of Directors of the Salvation                          Until next month…
      of the Internet show, “Bright                     Army which is the largest provider of drug and alcohol                          James A. Cioffi, Editor
      Horizons with Deb & Jim,”                         rehabilitation centers in the United States. No fee is charged to        
      for the past four years. Our                      the individuals who receive the benefit of the treatments. The
      recent guest, Ted Peroulakis,                     Salvation Army also assists with finding permanent housing      P.S. If you know local residents who serve others, a charity
      has been a blessing to me and                     and job placement. The Salvation Army also works with   or a community and you would like me to highlight them,
      so many.                                          The Homeless Coalition of Palm Beach County to provide   please contact me with a summary of their story.
         T ropical storms,                              temporary shelters in West Palm Beach and Lake Worth.
      hurricanes, earthquakes and other disasters provide the      Ted is a Board member of the Navy League which
      opportunity for us to assist those in need. We have read numerous   provides support to all the sea services e.g. Navy, Marines,
      stories of heroes saving others. One of our local residents, Ted   Merchant Marines, Coast Guard and assists the Junior ROTC   Reminder From
      Peroulakis, is an example of a compassionate individual who   and Sea Cadets.
      serves the community. As Hurricane Milton approached recently      Ted reminded us that if every American volunteered just
      Ted was an American Red Cross Hurricane Shelter Manager   two hours a week, we would have an army of volunteers who   The POA/ARC
      at Okeechobee Elementary School. As you may remember,   could address most of our societal challenges.
      residents along the west coast of Florida evacuated inland and      Ted is a Certified Financial Planner and works as Wealth
      then the tornados occurred rapidly in succession. Within a short   Advisor, Vice-President and Financial Analyst with JP      POA documents
      period of time, 200 people filled the school so the Middle School   Morgan Wealth Management and is a member of the Girard   require that all
      across the street was opened. The shelters remained open for   & Associates team with offices on PGA Boulevard. He has a   residents apply
      two nights as a safe haven from the storm.        loving wife, Elena, and a 7-year-old son, Alexander Pantelis.   for POA and HOA
         During Hurricane Irma, Ted was the manager of the   Elena is also an extraordinary person in our community who   approval  prior
      5,000-person capacity American Red Cross shelter at Palm   was selected as Woman of the Year by the Leukemia and   to making  any
      Beach Gardens High School. 1,600 persons actually utilized   Lymphoma Society several years ago because of her efforts   changes to the
      the facility during the storm and appreciate Ted Peroulakis for   in raising the incredible amount of $87,000.00 in a 10-week   exterior of your
      his leadership and the American Red Cross services during   period. Elena is the Director of Sales and Marketing at The   home,  including but not limited  to  tree  removal
      this stressful experience.                        Ben Hotel in West Palm Beach and was Executive Vice-  or  planting,  new  landscaping,  painting,  roofing,
         Ted also serves as a Team Leader of an American Red Cross   President of Junior League of the Palm Beaches 2017-2018.   additions or construction, fencing, hurricane
      Disaster Action Team in Palm Beach and Martin Counties.   Elena and her team at The Ben opened the first South Florida   shutters, impact glass, play equipment, garage door
      He is on call numerous times a month and assists families   outdoor real ice-skating rink and Gingerbread Village along   replacement or any other change, you must contact
      who experience a fire at their home. If the residence becomes   Flagler Drive in front of the hotel on November 2nd. The   the PGA POA Architectural Review Committee for
      uninhabitable for the residents, Ted and his team find a temporary   rink will be open until March 1st.  approval. Information and forms are available at
      location for shelter. He is often called in the middle of the night      Ted and Elena do not question the meaningfulness of their under the “Documents & Forms”
      to assist these families in distress. Recently he witnessed the   lives. They are fully engaged in challenging careers, have a   heading or call 627-2800.
      aftermath of a miracle in Riviera Beach. A single mother was   loving family and volunteer many hours to improve the lives              Thank you,
      awakened by her pit bull barking in the bedroom. She tried to   of others. They embody the words of the Prayer of St. Francis          Jack Hughes,
      get the dog to quiet down but he persisted until she got out of   (also a song) which contains the line, “It is in giving that   Chairman, POA ARC
      bed. It was then that she realized there was smoke in the house   we receive.” If you are not familiar with the Prayer (song) I

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