Page 2 - PGA Community News - December '24
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December 2024
      Page 2, PGA C.A.N.!                                         2 Spaces                                                                                                                                                              December 2024

         Editorial Board                                PGA POA Communication Corner from page 1           cranes! Can sandhill cranes be aggressive? Paired adults

                                                        Sandhill cranes mate for life, and usually select a mate
                                                        when they are around four years old. Sandhill cranes lay   initiate most of the encounters, with charges and stabs the
         Editor:       James A. Cioffi                  two to three eggs per season. The eggs hatch after about   most frequently observed aggressive behaviors. How can
                              a month and the chicks are independent after over two   you tell the difference between male and female sandhill
         Feature Writers:  Dawn Levinstein, POA         months, but often stick close to their parents for nine or   cranes? Both males and females look very similar, but
                       Gail Coppage, POA                ten months. In the spring you can usually see the sandhill   males are usually larger than females. If a mate is lost, the
                       Commissioner Maria Marino        crane parents and one or two chicks walking around,   remaining bird will usually find another partner. In most
                       Katie Roundtree                  and it is a beautiful sight to behold. Sandhill cranes are   cultures, cranes represent good luck, wealth, prosperity,
         Contributing                                   a beautiful, elegant bird, tall, gray with a crimson cap.   health, longevity, vigilance and loyalty. What do cranes
         Reporter:     Don Kiselewski
                                                        You can often hear their cries when flying in the air. The   do in the evening? Cranes are very social birds and, in
            Your editors strongly believe that the number   earliest sandhill crane fossil, estimated to be 2.5 million   the  evening, often  congregate  in  wet  meadows before
         of people who do become involved with any      years old, was unearthed in the Macasphalt Shell Pit, just   heading back to wetlands for the night. Please be careful
         news medium directly reflects on that medium’s   east of Sarasota, FL.                            when driving, riding bikes or walking near our sandhill
         excellence, versatility and broad viewpoint.      Sandhill cranes are omnivorous, and seeds, berries   cranes. The cranes were here for a very long time before
         Therefore, we invite PGA residents to contribute   and roots are common food items. Cranes will also eat   PGA National became a community.
         articles or current, timely news items and/or   small animals like rodents, snails, insects, frogs, lizards
         “Letters to the Editors.”                      and nestling birds. Remember, for the good of the cranes
            Articles/letters are subject to editing and editors’   (and because it is illegal) please do not feed the sandhill
         right to publish. Submission must include writer’s
         name, address and telephone number. Unsigned articles
         /letters will not be published. Opposing views to article
         viewpoints contained in this paper are welcome.
         Articles do not necessarily represent the viewpoint
         of the C.A.N.! organization. Submissions should
         be mailed or delivered by the tenth of each month
         for the following month’s publication (example: by
         January 10 for February publication) to:
            C.A.N.! Editors
            Contact the publisher for additional information
         regarding submissions, fax (561) 627-9088 or e-mail
                                                                Time for
            Let’s hear from you.

                                                                a change?

          Attention Dog Owners

          It is your responsibility to pick
        up after your dog.
          It’s the law. Some of  you                            Burns Wealth Management Group
        have been negligent
        in doing so.

           Please keep our                                                                       Robert Burns
                 community beautiful!
                                                                                                 CFP , ChFC , CPWA      ®
                                                                                                 Managing Director
                                                                                                 Wealth Partner, Portfolio Manager

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       Seabreeze Publications of Central Florida. Most editorial copy is created by
       the homeowners and is edited by their appointed editor.                                   Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33410

         Seabreeze Publications

                          M. Sean Reid
                       S. Miller • E. Miller
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