Page 9 - Boca ViewPointe - December '24
P. 9

December 2024                                                    Viewpointe, Page 9
      Special Tribute: Honoring Our WWII Veterans

      By Lisa Sileo

         Edgewater at Boca Pointe, an Acts Retirement-Life
      Community, is proud to be home to 57 veterans, each with
      their own stories of service and sacrifice. Last month, the
      community paid special tribute to eight residents who served
      during World War II.
         Residents packed the community’s auditorium to hear
      about their own WWII heroes’ personal experiences during
      a pivotal time in history. The phenomenal program, brought
      to life by a resident committee led by resident Bob Taylor,
      served as a powerful reminder of the courage and resilience of
      our Greatest Generation.
         Art Polacheck, a
      resident who served                                                                                  Eight WWII veterans and residents of Edgewater at Boca
      as a U.S. Army Signal                                                                                Pointe honored for their service.
      Corps,  during WWII,
      shared his passion for
      radio electronics which                                                                                         Golf Carts
      led him to serve as a                             Edgewater at Boca Pointe Executive Dir. Susan George with
      radio operator at 17                              resident Buddy Harris who received the Congressional Gold
      years old.                                        Medal of Honor for his WWII service.                      Please Drive
         “During the last
      year of the war, I was                            those explosions sank a minesweeper patrolling alongside    Carefully!
      on Okinawa, encoding                              my ship.”
      and  decoding  Morse                                 Resident Harold Katz was pulled from the Connecticut
      messages,” he said.                               College of Pharmacy by the draft in 1944. “By the spring
      “After the surrender,                             of 1945, I was living in a tent on a beach on Cebu in the
      I served in  Tokyo,                               Philippines, waiting for the Japanese to come out of the   Lease Renewals
      where I even  formed                              hills,” he said.
      a musical trio that                                  Last month’s emotional Veteran’s Day tribute also
      entertained troops  Edgewater resident Art Polacheck   honored Edgewater resident Buddy Harris, a WWII veteran      Renters- If you plan to renew your lease
      throughout the island.” who served in the US Army Signal   who received the Congressional Gold Medal of Honor   at Boca Pointe, please provide the BPCA
         Edgewater resident  Corps from 1945-1948.      for his service. Harris addressed the group and recalled   Management office  a copy of  your  renewal
      Bernard Levine also                               America’s fight against the Nazi submarine wolf packs   lease and vehicle registration prior to your lease
      enlisted at age 17. “I knew I would be drafted as soon as   along our Eastern Atlantic coastline.
      I turned 18. So, in May 1944, one month before my 18th      “I always considered serving others as the rent I paid for   expiration date. Both items are needed to ensure
      birthday, I enlisted in the merchant marine, which, during   my place on earth,” said Harris.         that your transponder does not get deactivated
      the war years, was part of the US Navy,” he said.     Edgewater at Boca Pointe is proud to honor these heroes   when the lease ends. Please email to admin@
         After basic training in New York, Edgewater resident   who sacrificed so much during World War II. Their stories
      Jerry Kaliner found himself on a minesweeper in the   remind us of the bravery, resilience, and camaraderie that     Thank you! 
      Pacific. “Even after the surrender, it was dangerous. We   defined a generation. We thank them—and all veterans—for
      had to detect and detonate mines,” he recalled. “One of   their service to our nation. 
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