Page 6 - Boca ViewPointe - December '24
P. 6

Page 6, Viewpointe                                                  December 2024
      From The Desk Of Commissioner Marci Woodward

      A Message from Marci                                 When completed, the project will feature two intertidal   fruit trees. Much of their planting stock comes from the
                                                        mangrove islands, each with a bird nesting mound.   nursery at the HabCenter in Boca Raton, which provides
         This month’s local                             Surrounding these islands will be intertidal oyster reefs,   a steady supply of trees for their initiatives.
      elections brought exciting                        creating a thriving and biodiverse ecosystem.         Excitingly, Community Greening has plans to address
      changes, and as the Board                            For a firsthand look at this exciting transformation, head   “hot spots” in the Glades area of western Palm Beach
      of County Commissioners,                          over to the Bryant Park boat ramp and enjoy a view across   County, where shade is sorely needed. I’m particularly
      we are thrilled to welcome                        the Intracoastal.                                  looking forward to seeing their impact in our parks. These
      two new commissioners:                               Huge thank you to Palm Beach County Department   recreation spaces are already wonderful, but adding more
      Commissioner Bobby                                of Environmental Resources Management to witness the   trees will make them even better.
      Powell (District 7) and                           project’s progress and visit Snook Islands and Tarpon
      Commissioner Joel Flores                          Cove to get a glimpse of what the completed islands will   Did you Know?
      (District 3). I look forward                      look like.
      to working alongside them                                                                               Every year the Board of County Commissioners
      to make Palm Beach County                         Veterans Day                                       selects a mayor to preside over commission meetings?
      the best place to live, work, and play!                                                                 Every year, the Board of County Commissioners
         At the same time, it’s a bittersweet moment as we      Participating in the Veterans Day event hosted by   selects a mayor to preside over commission meetings
      say goodbye to Commissioner Mike Barnett, the former   VFW Post 10556 at Veterans Park is always an honor.   and serve as the ceremonial head of Palm Beach County
      District 3 commissioner. It has been a pleasure sitting   Thank you to Commander Goodin for including me in   government.
      beside you in chambers, and I will miss seeing you around.   this meaningful occasion.                  I would like to extend my congratulations to fellow
      I know you’ll continue to do great things in the future.      One of the greatest privileges of my role is the   commissioner Maria Marino who was selected to serve
      Best of luck, Mike!                               opportunity to publicly thank and honor our veterans. I hope   as mayor.
         Additionally, I’m excited and honored to serve as Chair   each of them left feeling deeply appreciated and proud of      A vice mayor is also selected to assume these
      of the South Florida Regional Transportation Authority   the incredible service they’ve given to this country.  duties in the absence of the mayor. Congratulations to
      (SFRTA) Governing Board.                             A special highlight from the event: the oldest veteran   commissioner Sara Baxter for being selected to serve as
         As many of you know, transportation has become a   in attendance was 95 years old, and the youngest was just   vice mayor.
      passion of mine, and I’ve dedicated myself to improving   28. Such a remarkable range of experience and dedication!     The county mayor, introduced by former commissioner
      mobility across Palm Beach County—whether it’s through      To all the veterans, I am profoundly grateful for the   Steven Abrams, was created in 2013 and replaced the title
      cars, trains, buses, or walking. I’m eager to take on this   years you’ve devoted to protecting America. We are truly   of chair.
      new role and tackle the transportation challenges that lie   blessed because of your courage and sacrifice.     The reason for this was to heighten the board’s
      ahead with a forward-thinking approach.                                                              visibility by increasing public awareness of the role of
         A heartfelt congratulations to Miami-Dade County   Nonprofit Spotlight                            the commission since the general public identifies more
      Commissioner Raquel Regalado on her election as Vice                                                 with a mayor than a board chair.
      Chair. I’m looking forward to working together and      Community Greening is a remarkable local nonprofit      Having a county mayor benefits us regionally when
      supporting each other over the next year as we continue   dedicated to expanding South Florida’s tree canopy.   partnering with the mayors of Miami-Dade and Broward
      to move our region forward.                          By mobilizing volunteers and partnering with like-  counties and provides a stronger voice in Washington and
         I’d also like to bid a fond farewell to Broward County   minded organizations, they’re making a meaningful   Tallahassee.
      Commissioner Tim Ryan. Tim has been an outstanding   impact—enhancing the environment,  creating more      The three most populous counties in Florida are
      Chair, and I’m grateful for his leadership and friendship.   sustainable neighborhoods, and fostering equity in our   a powerful force when united together on common
      I wish you the best of luck!                      communities.                                       issues such as economic development, transportation
         Wishing you all a joyful and healthy Thanksgiving      I recently had the chance to visit one of their impressive   funding and environmental issues including Everglades
      holiday. Michael and I are looking forward to spending   projects in Delray Beach. Their efforts include adding   restoration.
      some time with family in South Carolina. Hope you have   shade trees to public parks and schools, as well as      If you require assistance, please contact our office
      a wonderful celebration filled with love and gratitude.  transforming vacant lots into “urban orchards” filled with   at 561-355-2204 or email 
      Bonefish Cove Update

         I had the exciting opportunity to witness firsthand the
      ongoing transformation at Bonefish Cove in Lake Worth
      Beach. A barge carrying sand and a crane arrived, continuing
      the creation of the first island in this important project.
         Palm Beach County, in partnership with the U.S. Army
      Corps of Engineers, has made significant enhancements to
      the original design. These updates ensure that the traditional                                                      Scan for a FREE
      boating route to the Intracoastal  Waterway remains                                                              In Home Consultat on
      unobstructed, preserving easy access for local boaters.
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