Page 4 - Boca ViewPointe - December '24
P. 4

Page 4, Viewpointe                                                  December 2024
      I’m Sorry—What Did You Say?

      By William A. Gralnick                            I had to stop this person multiple times to less and less      This tale ends here. I didn’t have it. She was not
                                                        patiently explain that my questions were simple. Even   available. I will now have to start anew.
         I just bought a 5”                             though the cards look different and have different account      I’m frustrated. I admit that to provide 24-7 customer
      magnifying glass. It has                          numbers, are the card benefits the same and if so then   service, a company has to find people who are going to be
      three  different  lighting                        what’s the sense of having two accounts? I did get an   awake at the times you call from the United States. What
      options  and  a  handle                           answer—it took almost 15 minutes.                  I don’t understand is the language issue. If the United
      that unfolds so that the                             I admit I was grumpy with the person because I   States government can teach any language in the world
      magnification can be put over something making it hands-  had called Jet Blue right after I called Aetna and was   to soldiers, spies, and diplomats, why can’t American
      free. It is of course made in China but that’s not the point.   still reeling from that encounter. Again, with the robot.   corporations teach people who already speak English
      The point is why I bought it. I bought it so I could call   Again, with the difficult-to-understand human that I   how to pronounce it so Americans can understand it? Am
      my credit card company.                           finally ended up with. This time my question was a bit   I asking too much?
         The term “customer service” has almost no meaning   more complicated. My wife and I have exactly the same      Wait before answering because there’s more coming.
      anymore. The reality of the switch from people to robots   drug coverage through Aetna. Yet for the exact same   Next month will come my war with the payment assistance
      and then, if you are lucky, back to people, is to be found   medication taken the exact same number of times a day,   programs for drugs you see on television that have a
      via the customer service phone number on the back of a   she pays nothing and I pay $146. Try explaining that to   multiple-paragraph list of reactions that will cripple or kill
      credit card. It is so small as to be unreadable unless one   a robot.                                you. Then you find out once a doctor prescribes the med
      happens to be young or a member of the Raptor family      The person “helping” me began to describe the possible   that you probably don’t have to worry about the reactions
      of birds. There’s a reason for the expression, “…eyes like   reasons for the difference. One was that my wife could be   because there’s no way a normal person can afford to buy
      a hawk.” I have misdialed customer service numbers so   on a payment assistance program. I replied we are married.   the stuff. Here’s a hint: $700+- co-pay per shot.
      often, I’ve resorted to the magnifying glass.     We live in the same household, we are both retired. How      You can’t make this stuff up.
         One reason you want to be sure you’re dialing the   could she be on payment assistance and I not? Moving
      correct number is a fairly new phishing scam. Companies   right along…behind door number two was that she had      Columnist  and  author  Bill  Gralnick  was  born  and
      that offer all kinds of deals have taken phone numbers   met  the  $8,000  annual  drug  expenditure  requirement   raised in Brooklyn, NY. He recently finished a humorous
      that are very similar to the one you think you are dialing.   (going down to $2,000 comin ‘25). I said, “Impossible.”   memoir trilogy. The first book is “The War of the Itchy
      Example. I called Jet Blue about my card. I was one   She has not spent $8,000 on drugs, she’s healthier than   Balls  and  Other  Tales  from  Brooklyn.”  The  second  is
      digit off, and I got a high-pressure robot trying to sell   I am. I asked, “Is the $8,000 number solely drugs or are   “George Washington Didn’t Sleep Here.” The recently
      me discounted airline tickets. I might have thought I’d   there other components to it?” I never did get a yes or   published third is, That’s Why They Call It Work.” He
      gotten Jet Blue and, once I got a person, I wouldn’t know   no to that one. The answer must not be in the book or on   is currently working on a novel. His books are available
      I hadn’t unless I asked the direct question. Another case   the screen. What I got was this. “Well, let’s look at your   on  Amazon and his other writings at https://www.
      of caveat emptor.                                 wife’s account.” What is her account number? 
         The next gambit is trying to convince the robot that
      you don’t want to speak to it, you need a live person. It
      doesn’t agree and begins to ask you questions about what
      you want. If you interrupt and say you want an agent, it                                                                        ª
      tells you that you can’t have one yet, more information
      is needed. My question had nothing to do with points, or      Two Boca Raton Offices: 151 N. Ocean Blvd. • 21073 Powerline Rd. #63
                                                                      wo Boca Raton Offices: 151 N. Ocean Blvd. • 21073 Powerline Rd. #63
      miles, or reservations. I have two Jet Blue cards. They
                                                                                                      “DEDICATED TO RESULTS”
      have different numbers and look completely different                                           “DEDICA       TED T     O   RESUL      TS”
                                                                                                                                                                             JUST LISTED
                                                                                                                                                                             JUST LISTED
                                                                                                                                                                             JUST LISTED
                                                                                                                               & CL
                                                                                                                                   UB MEMBER
                                                                                                              POINTE RESIDENT
      although they have the same unreadable customer service                                      BOCA POINTE RESIDENT & CLUB MEMBER FOR 28 GREAT YEARS!!                   JUST LISTED
                                                                                                                                                                                VILLA FLORA

      number on the back. I wanted to know why I have two                                                                                                                 3/3/2 R eno v a t ed Single S t ory
                                                                                                                                                                          3/3/2 Renovated Single Story
                                                                                                                       FOR SALE
                                                                                               JUST LISTED
                                                                                                                       FOR SALE
                                                                                               JUST LISTED
                                                                                                                     JUST LISTED
                                                                                                                                          IN CONTRACT
                                                                                              JUST LISTED
      accounts and what the difference was, if any, between                                   JUST LISTED            JUST LISTED          IN CONTRA  CT
      them. Try explaining that to a computer. Finally, having
      confounded it, the robot got me a person.                                                                                            SOLD $855,000
         Ever notice that about 99% of the time the customer                                                                            3/3/2 Renovated Single Story
                                                                                                                                            VILLA FLORA
                                                                                                                                             THE PALMS
      service person you get sounds like they are from India                                       PALOMAR              VILLA DEL SOL    Single Story  •  2 Car Garage
                                                                                                                                          SOLD $485,000
                                                                                                                                          BEAUTIFUL LAKE VIEW!
      or Pakistan and that you can’t understand them? Oh yes,                                       2 Story        Single Story  •  3/2/2 Car Garage BOCA POINTE - EL VIENTO
                                                                                                                                             Great location
                                                                                                                                           2/2 + Convertible Den
                                                                                             THE PALMS BOCA POINTE
                                                                                                                                            2/2 + Den
                                                                                                                       VILLA DEL SOL
                                                                                              4bdrm 2.5 baths 2 car garage
      they are speaking English, but the accent makes it almost                             Fully renovated 4bdrm + office + 2car  Single Story  • 3/2/2 Car Garage  Spectacular golf views!
                                                                                                                                           SOLD $640,000
                                                                                               IN CONTRA
                                                                                               IN CONTRACT
      unintelligible. They, like my most aggravating customer                              Primary Bdrm & Office on the main floor  Call me for   BOCA POINTE - LA MIRADA
                                                                                                                      all me f
                                                                                                                                          STUNNING GOLF VIEWS!
                                                                                                                                           SOLD $750,000

                                                                                                 SOLD $839,000
                                                                                                                      SOLD $640,000
                                                                                                                                          Remodeled 3/2.5 2 car garage
      service reps in the world who are at Comcast/Xfinity, are                                BOCA POINTE CARAVELLE     BOCA POINTE - LA MIRADA   DEER CREEK GOLF ESTATES
                                                                                                                                           SOLD $750,000
                                                                                                                       all your
                                                                                                                       all y
                                                                                                                                         Updated 3/2 pool home
                                                                                                                                                            FOR SALE
      reading off a screen. That usually means you are getting                                    3/3 2 car garage   STUNNING GOLF VIEWS!  DEER CREEK GOLF ESTATES  FOR SALE
                                                                                                                                            on golf course
                                                                                                                                          Updated 3/2 pool home
                                                                                                                     Remodeled 3/2.5 2 car garage
                                                                                                 Beautifully updated
                                                                                                                                            on golf course
                                                          FULL SERVICE AGENT
                                                                                                                    Real Estate
      an answer that is often not to the question you’ve asked.   FULL SERVICE AGENT         SOLD 7917 Travelers Tree Dr.  SOLD 23291 FeatherPalm Ct.      SOLD 7880 Travelers Tree Dr
                                                                                                                                       SOLD 23291 FeatherPalm Ct.
                                                          Ilene Polito                       SOLD 4776 Sierra Lane   SOLD 22652 Esplanada Circle W.   SOLD 6670 Villa Sonrisa
                                                          Ilene Polito
                                                                                                                                       SOLD 22652 Esplanada Circle W.
                                                                                                                                       SOLD 7675 Via Grande
                                                                                              THE PALMS BOCA POINTE
                                                                                             SOLD 22991 Clear Echo Dr, #86
                                                          (561) 302-6669
                                                          (561) 302-6669                     Fully renovated 4bdrm + office + 2car  SOLD 7675 Via Grande   SOLD 7880 Travelers Tree Dr.
                                                                                                                                       SOLD 6670 Villa Sonrisa
                 Attention                                ILENE@BOCAHOME.COM                Primary Bdrm & Office on the main floor
             Dog Owners
         It is your responsibility
          to pick up after your
         dog. It’s the law. Some
            of you have been                               Do you know a family member,
          negligent in doing so.                           friend or a neighbor in need of
                                                           Home Health Care?
                     Please keep our
                Boca Pointe community
                        beautiful!                        Home Health Aides / Certified Nursing Assistants / Registered Nurses  to assist you with:
                                                               • Personal Care      • Companionship     • Respite Care      • Alzheimers & Dementia Care
                                                                        • Medication Management     • Transportation     • Meal Preparation
                  Please                                                 • Light Housekeeping      • Grocery Shopping      • Post Surgery Care
            Be Courteous                                                               Complimentary In-Home Consultation
              Pedestrians                                                  Care provided in the comfort of your Home, Hospital, or Facility
                         have the                                We accept All Long Term Care Insurance Policies and Private Pay – Affordable Rates
                         right of                               Family owned and operated. Boca Resident for 30+ years and Boca Pointe Members.
                           way!                                               CALL TODAY:  561.740.8667
                                                                                      Florida Licensed and Insured NR# 30211558, NR# 30211706
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