Page 8 - Stuart Expsoure - November '24
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Page 8, Stuart Exposure

                                               Holiday HappEnings

      Poinsettia Power Kicking Off                        and can’t afford daily meal delivery. The Council on Aging   About The Council On Aging Martin County
                                                           Many Meals on Wheels clients are financially stressed

                                                                                                             The Council on Aging Martin County is the community’s
      The Holiday Season At New                         raises funds throughout the year, including at the Poinsettia   hub for senior resources and the county’s Lead Agency on
      Venue On December 2                               Power luncheon, to make it possible for them to continue to   Aging. Founded in 1974, the organization offers expertise,
                                                                                                           programming and support for older adults and their families
                                                        get this critically important service.
                                                           “Join us for a great kick start to your holiday festivities,”   to help seniors maintain lives of quality and purpose. Services
         Poinsettia Power, the very popular annual holiday bazaar,   Ryan urges, “and know that you’re making the holidays, and   include Day Primary Care Center, Memory Enhancement
      luncheon and fashion show that benefits the Council on   every day, better for neighbors in need.”   Center, Adult Day Club, Meals on Wheels, care management,
      Aging’s Meals on Wheels program in Martin County, is      Early sponsors in support of Poinsettia Power and Meals   caregiver support, and a robust offering of educational,
      moving to a new venue this year.                  on Wheels include Holly Sponsor, Cummins-Levenstein   cultural, fitness and wellness programs.
         “Our event gets sold out quickly every year,” said   Charitable Foundation; Peace Lily Red Wine Sponsor,      The Kane Center located at 900 S.E. Salerno Road in
      longtime committee member Linda Ryan, “so we’re moving it   Bob & Ralf Massey Foundation; Peace Lily Sponsors   Stuart is the Council on Aging Martin County’s headquarters
      to a larger venue – the beautiful beachside Hutchinson Shores   Donna Haines, Penny McCaffrey and Publix Super Market   and is also an event venue available to the public. It serves
      Resort & Spa. The larger venue will allow us to double our   Charities; Amaryllis Valet Sponsor, Ross Earle Bonan Ensor   as a special needs hurricane shelter when necessary. The
      capacity, so we can accommodate more people who want to   & Carrigan, P.A.; Amaryllis Décor Sponsor, Nancy Goethel   Council  on Aging  Martin  County  also  operates  senior
      get a jump start on the holidays and support a great cause.”  at Raymond James; and Mistletoe Sponsors Law Offices   outreach facilities in Hobe Sound, Jensen Beach, East Stuart
         Poinsettia Power will be held on Monday, December   of John Mangan, P.A., N. Schoonover & Associates, Inc.,   and Indiantown. A 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, the
      2, beginning at 10 a.m. Nathalie Pozo, morning anchor at   Seacoast National Bank, Sandhill Cove Retirement Living   Council on Aging receives funding from state and federal
      WPBF25, will be the emcee.                        and The Wawa Foundation, Inc.                      agencies  and  relies  on  philanthropic  support  from  the
         Local and regional vendors will entice guests with a      For more information about Poinsettia Power, to purchase   community, including other agencies, private foundations
      variety of merchandise including jewelry, clothing, holiday   tickets at $150 each, or to become a sponsor, visit the Council   and individual donors. For more information, visit www.
      wreaths, pickleball must-haves, and more at a holiday-  on Aging Martin website
      themed bazaar. A wide variety of prizes will be drawn,
      and silent auction items will be available throughout the
      program to help raise funds for Meals on Wheels. During
      the delicious lunch, participants will enjoy a lively fashion            all about Kids
      show and hat parade.
         “There is no better time than the holiday season to focus
      on the people in our community who depend on Meals on   Understanding Moody                             Our testing revealed this teen was depressed. Mom
      Wheels,” said Council on Aging Martin’s President and                                                had wondered if he was depressed but thought looking
      CEO Karen Ripper. “For many of our clients, the hot meal   Teenagers                                 down at him from the 30,000-foot view he had a good
      delivered to their home each day means more than nutrition.                                          life. He had an intact family, a cell phone, nice place
      It’s a friendly smile from our volunteers and an extra check   By Jim Forgan, Ph.D.,                 to live, and he was doing well in school. She thought,
      on their well-being.”                                Licensed School                                 “What is there to be depressed about?” Testing revealed
                                                           Psychologist                                    he had very strong feelings of inadequacy and was
                                                              “My teen son has a hard                      struggling with his identity. He believed he was not in
                                                           time showing emotions,                          control of his outcomes so, “Why should he try?”
                                                           has a hard time to make                            It took mom a while to get dad to recognize the
                                                           friendships, has a hard                         struggle but after our results review meeting he
                                                           time to feel happy and                          understood additional support was needed. Dad actually
                                                           contented, has a hard time                      initiated the conversation with his teen by saying, “I
                                                           to  do activities  that  he                     feel that our relationship is strained. It may not bother
                                                           considers useless or are                        you but it bothers me and if you would, I’d like you
                                                           mentally or physically                          to meet with a counselor. I will as well because I need
                                                           demanding. Help me figure out what is wrong with him!”  some help knowing how to help you and our family.”
                                                              It’s not uncommon for teenagers to be moody since they   The teen agreed to dad’s request.
                                                           are a ball of changing hormones, have variable sleep patterns,      School neuropsychological testing was the process
                                                           and are vying for independence. All this occurs while your   which provided answers. Call (561) 625-4125 if
                                                           teen is dealing with the pressures of school, social media, and   you are concerned about your child and would like
                                                           exposure to drugs and porn. As the mom wrote, her teen was   understanding. Testing is completed in one day and
                                                           withdrawn and his behavior had changed within the past few   we test children through young adults for autism,
                                                           months. Prior to this he was a happier person and a decent   dyslexia, ADHD, anxiety, and depression. Our website
                                                           student.                                        is
      Council  on Aging  Martin  Poinsettia  Power  committee
      members are eager to share a new venue and holiday
      festivities to raise funds for Meals on Wheels. Back row,
      Marney McKee, Devon Senical, Joanna Mangan; Front
      row, J.C. Stern, Linda Ryan. Not pictured, Donna Haines,
      Francesca Morgan, Melinda Galley, Jackie Roesch-Sanchez,
      Beverly Mauermann

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