Page 10 - Stuart Expsoure - November '24
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Page 10, Stuart Exposure

                                                    tip Of tHe tail

      Kidney Insufficiency                               postpone, or resolve uremia, to ensure the pet experiences the  veterinarians. Another treatment option is fluid therapy, either

                                                         best possible quality of life. Azotemia associated with chronic  subcutaneous fluids or intravenous fluids. Subcutaneous fluids,
                                                         kidney insufficiency may not be reversible.      which are placed under a pet’s skin, can be used at home or
                                                            The kidneys perform several important functions:   in the clinic to help maintain hydration; subcutaneous fluids
                                                            1.) Filtering waste products, primarily urea and creatinine;  can be utilized long-term to help with quality of life. Some
                                                            2.) Regulating electrolytes, including sodium, potassium,  pets will benefit from subcutaneous fluids up to several times
                                                         phosphorus, and calcium;                         a week, while others may need fluids less often. Intravenous
                                                            3.) Producing erythropoietin, which helps stimulate the  fluids are usually reserved for pets who need more aggressive
                                                         bone marrow to produce red blood cells;          fluid therapy. Some pets with chronic kidney insufficiency may
                                                            4.) Producing renin, which helps control blood pressure;   have blood pressure issues, and these pets may benefit from
                                                            5.) Producing and concentrating urine.        blood pressure medications. Depending on the chronicity and
                                                            When kidney function begins to decline, waste products  severity of kidney insufficiency, pets can experience anemia.
                                                         accumulate in the blood, electrolyte imbalances occur, anemia  If this occurs, medication may be needed to help correct the
                                                         can develop, blood pressure problem may occur, and urine  anemia.
                                                         concentration decreases.                            Chronic kidney insufficiency is a common disease in older
         Chronic kidney insufficiency is one of the most common      Clinical signs of chronic kidney insufficiency can be vague  animals; however, pets can live with a good quality of life for
      diseases affecting older pets, especially cats. Many causes   and may mimic other diseases. The most common symptoms  many years after diagnosis with proper management. Annual
      exist for chronic kidney insufficiency, with age-related kidney   usually noted are increased thirst and increased urination.  labwork may reveal indications of chronic kidney insufficiency
      deterioration being one of the more common causes. Chronic   Other symptoms may include decreased appetite, vomiting,  well before a pet shows clinical signs. Please check with your
      kidney insufficiency indicates that a condition called azotemia   weight loss, and poor hair coat. These symptoms may be slowly  veterinarian to see if your pet is due for his or her labwork.
      has been present for months or years. When azotemia is present,   progressive, and, if mild, may go unnoticed by a pet owner.     Established in 1981, Palm City Animal Medical Center is
      toxins have accumulated in the bloodstream, and labwork will   Labwork may reveal abnormalities before obvious clinical  dedicated to providing the best possible care for your pets. With
      indicate abnormalities. Approximately 70 percent of kidney   signs are evident, which may allow treatment to be initiated  focuses on compassionate care in surgery, physical therapy and
      function must be lost before labwork abnormalities are noted.   sooner and provide the best quality of life for the pet.  rehabilitation, preventative medicine, extensive diagnostics,
      Azotemia does not necessarily mean a pet is experiencing a      Several treatment options can be utilized to help pets with  and emergency service, Palm City Animal Medical Center
      reduced quality of life. The term uremia means that the patient   chronic kidney insufficiency maintain a good quality of life.  combines exceptional medical care with a caring philosophy
      is azotemic and also demonstrating clinical signs of kidney   Special prescription diets are one of the best main long-term  for pets and their owners. For more information, call (772)
      disease, which may be reducing their quality of life. The goal   treatments to help maintain appropriate protein levels and  283-0920, visit or find
      in treatment of chronic kidney insufficiency is to prevent,   certain electrolyte levels. These diets are available through  us on Facebook at

                                           taMpa GeneRal news

      TGH First In Tampa                                acupuncturists, physical therapists and pain interventionists  and neurosurgery, meaning the academic health system
      Region Offering Same-Day                          to determine the next course of action. “First, we try as  is among the top 10 percent of hospitals in the nation.
                                                        many nonsurgical treatment options as possible,” he said.  Additionally, the TGH Neuroscience Institute is one of the
      Spinal Surgery                                    “In most cases, surgery is usually a last resort.”  top neurology and spine programs in the U.S., according
                                                           “So far we’ve successfully treated athletes, soldiers  to Becker’s Hospital Review’s 2023 list of “Hospitals and
         Tampa General Hospital (TGH) is the first health system  and even patients in their 90s,” said Kim. “Collaborating  Health Systems with Spine and Neuroscience Programs to
      in the Tampa region to treat a range of spine diseases  with Tampa General’s anesthesia team, we’ve been able  Know.”
      and conditions via minimally invasive endoscopic spine  to perform awake spine surgeries with minimal sedation,     Since 2020,  Tampa General has been creating a
      surgery. Patients at the academic health system’s TGH   similar to colonoscopies. This is a game-changer for  framework of state-of-the-art services for patients in
      Neuroscience Institute experience same-day discharge,   patients usually deemed too sick for general anesthesia.”  Palm Beach and Martin counties with the expertise and
      quicker recovery, minimal downtime and less pain.     Kim notes that patients with ruptured discs typically  innovation of a preeminent academic health system.
         The procedure  involves  the surgeon  inserting the  recover the same day, whereas those with more chronic  Patients treated by Tampa General East Coast physicians
      endoscope through a tiny incision about the size of a pencil  illnesses recover in the span of a few days up to a week.  enjoy  several  benefits,  including  access  to  minimally
      tip to access an affected area, such as a herniated disc. The     TGH Neuroscience Institute surgeons perform more  invasive and complex surgeries that utilize state-of-the-
      device is then guided to the spine to capture video that’s  minimally invasive spine surgeries than any other hospital  art technologies. Tampa General is the primary teaching
      projected onto a monitor. The surgeon can also insert  in the region, including endoscopic laser spine surgeries,  affiliate of the USF Health Morsani College of Medicine
      miniature tools through the endoscope to help perform  microdiscectomies, laminectomies, foraminotomies and  and is one of the largest hospitals in the nation.
      procedures to treat bone spurs, chronic pain, degenerative  lumbar fusions.                            For more information about the minimally invasive
      disc disease, facet joint syndrome, herniated discs, sciatic     Tampa General is ranked by U.S. News & World Report  endoscopic spine surgery offered at Tampa General, visit
      nerve compression and spinal stenosis.            2024/25 as a high performing hospital for neurology
         According to Dr. Patrick
      Kim, an endoscopic spine
      surgeon at Tampa General,
      and an assistant professor
      in the Department of
      Neurosurgery and Brain
      Repair at the USF Health
      Morsani College of Medicine
      at the University of South
      Florida, there are multiple
      benefits to this technique,
      including a nearly zero
      percent chance of wound
      infection. “The end result is  Dr. Patrick Kim                                                                    Life moves fast—
      smaller incisions, less tissue

      disruption and quicker patient recovery time after surgery,”                                   prepare for the unexpected
      he said.
         Dr. Kim is the first fellowship-trained endoscopic                                              with Accident Insurance.
      surgeon in the Tampa region. He received his medical
      degree  from  LSU  New Orleans  and  completed his
      residency at the University of Mississippi Medical Center.
      Subsequently, he pursued a fellowship in endoscopic
      spine surgery at the University of Washington Harborview
      Medical Center. “I’ve witnessed the progression from   We’re here to help.
      traditional open surgery to minimally invasive spine
      surgery,” he said. “The endoscopic spine surgery represents
      the pinnacle of that progression.”                  Accident insurance complements your Florida Blue Health Plan. Call to learn more
         Tampa General’s Spine Neurosurgery Program leverages   about insurance plans from USAble Life.
      a multidisciplinary team of physicians who specialize in the
      treatment and management of degenerative cervical and   M&A Insurance and Financial Services Inc.
      lumbar conditions, and complex spinal deformities.
         How do you know if you’re a candidate for spine surgery?   561-440-9940
      Kim said that 80 percent of the U.S. adult population
      experiences lower back pain or neck pain in their lifetime.   M&A Insurance and Financial Services Inc. is an Independent Broker of Florida Blue.
                                                          Florida Blue is an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. Supplemental, Life, and Disability products are offered by USAble Life. USAble Life is an independent company
      “As a surgeon, my role is to distinguish whether surgery is   and operates separately from Florida Blue.
      a patient’s best option,” he said. Kim works closely with   22L-USAL-0872                                                                  112941 1222
      the TGH Neuroscience Institute’s team of chiropractors,
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