Page 11 - Stuart Expsoure - November '24
P. 11

Stuart Exposure, Page 11

                              stuaRt CHaMbeR HappeninGs

      Stuart/Martin County Chamber Chair-Elect Dan
      Hulen, Fifth Third Bank Merchant Services/Worldpay,
      (left) thanked Rick Slone and Sarah Pearson, C.W.  As sponsor of the Stuart/Martin County Chamber’s
      Roberts Contracting, for sponsoring the September  September 24 Business B4 Breakfast at Frazier Creek   New and prospective Stuart/Martin County Chamber members gathered for
      17 Business B4 Breakfast at 10th Street Community  Brewing & Distilling Co., Anna Valencia-Tillery,   a photo op at the September 17 Business B4 Breakfast sponsored by C.W.
      Center. Rick presented an overview of the asphalt  White Glove Moving & Storage, (left) conducted   Roberts Contracting at 10th Street Community Center. Shown from left were
      and paving company’s vast history, along with their  an  audience-interactive  presentation  complete   new members Alex Borges and Alejandra Ruiz, BC Staffing; Scott Dykes,
      present and future projects.                with gifts, to emphasize the importance of hiring a   Project Brilliance; Linda Elie, Always Follow Your Bliss; prospects Lisa Wilton,
                                                  reputable mover. As her last official duty, Chamber   Fifth Third Bank; Ross Hillestad, Clearview Frameless Showers; Eddy Jesus,
                                                  Chairwoman/Trustee  Dr.  Lisa  Grassam-Smith,   Premium Roofing Systems, and Walna Allen, New York Life.
                                                  Grassam Spine and Wellness, thanked Anna for her
                                                  sponsorship.                               Stuart Chamber Happenings on page 12

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