Page 34 - Southern Exposure - October '24
P. 34

Page 34, Southern Exposure

                                                                   Book revIew

                            American Sanctuary: Mutiny, Martyrdom,

                    And National Identity In The Age Of Revolution

                                                                         By Nils A. Shapiro

        I cannot recall ever                            one of the most objectionable policies of the British
      enjoying a scholarly work                         crown and its navy was the practice of “impressment”: the
      of early American history                         stopping and boarding of other nations’ vessels, capturing
      so interestingly and vividly                      members of their crews and forcing them to sail and work
      told, so extraordinarily                          as seamen on British ships, most likely never to see their
      researched and impressively                       families again.
      detailed, exciting as any                           Such was the case of many on the Hermione’s crew as
      novel, and as timely in                           it sailed near the island of Puerto Rico on that September
      subject as next month’s                           day in 1797. Adding to what was already a tinder box of
      presidential election!                            a situation was the fact that this ship’s captain, Admiral
        The date was September                          Hugh Pigot, was a disciplinarian so stern that whipping
      21, 1797.  The event was                          and other punishments for minor crew offenses became
      a vicious mutiny by the crew of a British naval vessel,   unbearable and sparked the bloody insurrection that ended
      HMS Hermione, in the Caribbean off the coast of Puerto   in the death of the captain and other officers.
      Rico. Little remembered today, its aftershock was to     One of the main leaders of the mutiny was a man whose     Adams’s decision to turn Robbins over to Britain—
      lead directly to the election of Thomas Jefferson over   name throughout this book varies between Thomas Nash   where he was executed by hanging without a trial—
      the incumbent John Adams as president of the United   (if he was actually Irish) and Jonathan Robbins, depending   Adams’s Federalist Party’s defense of his decision, and the
      States … and the resulting lasting image of America as a   upon whether his claim to have been an American from   consequences of Jefferson’s Republican Party’s national
      sanctuary of freedom for those fleeing from persecution   Connecticut was true or not.               electoral campaign focused on driving the public’s anger,
      in other lands—an issue that dominates today’s political     Eventually, after the mutiny Robbins made his way to   form the major part of this compelling story.
                                                             Turning 65 or new to Medicare?
      campaigns just as it did the one in 1800.         the U.S. and was tracked down by the British government,     Eventually—and critical in light of today’s political
        I must admit                                    which demanded that President John Adams turn over the   climate and  immigration  crisis—the American people
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      that, although it was                             “mutineer and murderer” to Britain for punishment. It was   eventually decided that, whether or not Jonathan Robbins
      published in 2017, I had                          awkward timing, for Adams was then in the process of   (or Thomas Nash, if that was his real name) was in fact an
      never heard of American                           ratifying an economic trade treaty with Britain that had   American citizen, anyone fleeing from oppression should
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      Sanctuary and was                                 just been negotiated.                              be able to find sanctuary in the United States and not have
      fortunate to come                                   Adams had to weigh the success of the treaty against   to fear being turned away. It is to this day at the heart of our
      across  it  by  accident                          the American public’s anger about the British policy and   nation’s self-image, symbolized by the Statue of Liberty in
      on a table stacked                                actions of impressment on the high seas and the idea of   New York Harbor and the inscription on her base addressed
      with books while                                  turning over to Britain a claimed American citizen who   to “the huddled masses yearning to be free.”
      shopping in a market.                             “had the right to regain his freedom after having been the     This is the story of how and when that all started. I
      Its author, A. Roger                              victim of such impressment” and return home.       loved every word of it.
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                                                             treated fairly. Humana Inc. and its subsidiaries comply with applicable federal
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                                                             civil rights laws and do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin,
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                                                             age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, ancestry, ethnicity,
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                                                             English, language assistance services, free of charge, are available to you. Call
                                                             877‑320‑1235 (TTY: 711). Español (Spanish): ATENCIÓN: Si habla español, tiene a
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