Page 33 - Southern Exposure - October '24
P. 33

Southern Exposure, Page 33

                                                          Commissioner’s Update

                 Advocacy And Civic Engagement In Government

                                                                    By Vice Mayor Maria Marino

        Advocacy and civic engagement are fundamental   It  often  involves  educating  decision-makers  and  the   engagement occurred in
      to a healthy democracy. These practices allow citizens   public  on  specific  issues,  persuading  them  to  adopt   Palm Beach County when
      to influence government policies, hold officials   certain policies or actions.                      the Florida Department of
      accountable, and actively shape the decisions that impact     Civic engagement is a broader concept that encompasses   Environmental Protection
      their communities.  When citizens and organizations   any activity that allows citizens to be involved in public   ( FDE P)  un v e i l e d i t s
      engage, they can drive government responsiveness,   life. This ranges from voting and participating in town   2024/25 Great Outdoors
      transparency, and effectiveness.                  halls to volunteering and joining community boards.   Initiative. This  initiative
        Advocacy refers to the efforts of individuals, groups, or   Civic engagement emphasizes collective action to address   is aimed to increase
      organizations to influence public policy and government   societal issues and fosters a shared responsibility between   public access, recreation
      decisions. These efforts can take various forms, such as   citizens and their government.            and lodging at Florida
      lobbying, public campaigns, and grassroots mobilization.     A recent example of effective advocacy and civic   state parks. However, the
                                                                                                           proposal to amend the Unit
                                                                                                           Management Plan of Jonathan Dickinson State Park
                                                                                                           (JDSP) to develop environmentally sensitive lands into
                                                                                                           a golf course sparked wide concern.
                                                                                                             Local residents, outraged by the potential environmental
                                                                                                           damage, quickly mobilized. They reached out to elected
                                                                                                           officials at the local, state, and federal levels, voiced
                                                                                                           their concerns, and organized protests. In a matter of
                                                                                                           days, thousands of residents had signed petitions and
                                                                                                           coordinated protests. As a result, the outcry attracted
                                                                                                           attention from officials across the state, including
                                                                                                           Florida Cabinet members, U.S. Congress representatives,
                                                                                                           and  state  senators. These  leaders  called  for  increased
                                                                                                           transparency and urged FDEP to withdraw the proposal.
                                                                                                             As Vice Mayor of Palm Beach County and a member
                                                                                                           of the Loxahatchee River Management Coordinating
                                                                                                           Council, I was acutely aware of the proposed plan’s
                                                                                                           potential impact on the Loxahatchee River, a designated
                                                                                                           National Wild and Scenic River. Protection of water
                                                                                                           quality and lands has been a hallmark of our success
                                                                                                           as a county, much of which is a direct result of various
                                                                                                           partnerships between the county and FDEP. However,
                                                                                                           the plan amendment was directly detrimental to
                                                                                                           environmentally sensitive lands and water quality to the
                                                                                                           Loxahatchee River. Along with my colleagues, I penned
                                                                                                           a  letter  to the secretary  of the FDEP, expressing  our
                                                                                                           opposition to the proposal and requesting its withdrawal.
                                                                                                             Advocacy empowers individuals to take action on
                                                                                                           issues they care about, fostering a sense of ownership
                                                                                                           over the direction of government policy. As an elected
                                                                                                           official, I often have the opportunity to hear from
                                                                                                           constituents daily through letter writing, phone calls,
                                                                                                           public comment on agenda items, and additionally once
                                                                                                           a month during Matters by the Public. When individuals
                                                                                                           realize that their voices can have an impact, they become
                                                                                                           more involved in the political process. Advocacy and
                                                                                                           civic engagement are crucial to the health of a democracy.
                                                                                                             As demonstrated in Palm Beach County, when
                                    ADVANCED                                                               citizens come together to advocate for change, they can
                                                                                                           profoundly impact their government and community for
                              CANCER CARE                                                                  the better. Thank you for staying engaged and making
                                                                                                           your voices heard. If you’re interested in learning more
                                                                                                           about the Palm Beach County boards and committees that
                                                                                                           citizens may participate in, please visit https://secure.
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