Page 31 - Southern Exposure - October '24
P. 31

Southern Exposure, Page 31

      medICal matters from page 30
                                             Understanding Chest Pain:

                                            A Cardiologist’s Perspective

        Angina or chest pain can                         doesn’t receive enough oxygen-rich blood. It is often   accurate diagnosis is crucial in determining the underlying
      occur due to cardiac and                           described as a pressure, squeezing, or burning sensation in   cause and initiating appropriate treatment.
      noncardiac causes. Often,                          the chest and can be triggered by physical exertion or stress.     “Chest pain is a symptom that demands attention and
      chest pain is a symptom                            Another cardiac cause of chest pain can be a myocardial   a thorough evaluation. If you experience chest pain, don’t
      that causes individuals to                         infarction also known as a heart attack. A heart attack   hesitate to seek medical care and if it’s severe call 911,”
      seek  medical  attention,                          occurs when there is a sudden blockage of blood flow to a   says Dr. Waldo.
      and rightfully so. Dr. Oral                        part of the heart muscle. Chest pain during a heart attack is     Cardiologists use various diagnostic tools to evaluate
      Waldo, a cardiologist with                         typically more severe and prolonged than angina and may   chest pain, including electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG).
      Cardiovascular Care – Palm                         be accompanied by shortness of breath, sweating, nausea,   This test records the heart’s electrical activity and can help
      Beach Health Network                               and lightheadedness.                              identify abnormalities indicative of heart problems. Blood
      Physician Group and on-                              Non-cardiac causes of chest pain can include    tests can include enzymes released into the blood during
      staff at Good Samaritan                            gastrointestinal issues due to conditions such as acid reflux,   a heart attack, such as troponin, can be detected through
      Medical Center and Palm                            gastritis, or peptic ulcers that cause chest pain. The pain may   blood tests. Imaging studies or tests like echocardiograms,
      Beach Gardens Medical  Dr. Oral Waldo              be burning or sharp and might be exacerbated by certain   stress tests, and coronary angiography can provide detailed
      Center, aims to shed light                         foods or lying down. Musculoskeletal problems can also   images of the heart and blood vessels, aiding in the diagnosis
      on the various aspects of chest pain. Dr. Waldo emphasizes   cause chest pain due to strained muscles or inflammation in   of cardiac conditions.
      the importance of prompt evaluation and the importance of   the chest wall that can lead to chest pain. Repetitive motion     Preventing cardiac chest pain involves adopting a heart-
      identifying potential underlying cardiac issues. While chest   injuries, muscle strains, or conditions like costochondritis   healthy lifestyle. Engage in regular exercise, eat a diet rich in
      pain can be caused by a variety of factors, it is crucial to   can also mimic cardiac chest pain. Additional causes of chest   fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins to support
      recognize when it might be indicative of a cardiovascular   pain can be respiratory conditions, pneumonia, pleurisy, or   heart health and help control risk factors such as high blood
      problem.                                           inflammation of the lining around the lungs. Individuals   pressure and cholesterol. Quitting smoking is also one of the
        “Chest pain is one of the most common reasons for which   with asthma may also experience chest tightness and   most significant steps one can take to improve heart health.
      adults seek the care of a cardiologist. Chest pain can present   discomfort.                           To learn more about cardiology care and Dr. Oral Waldo,
      from a cardiac or noncardiac origin,” says Dr. Oral Waldo.     Any chest pain should prompt a visit to a healthcare   cardiologist, visit – For more
        Cardiac causes of chest pain include angina or chest pain   professional, especially if the pain is severe, persistent,   information or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Waldo
      resulting in discomfort that occurs when the heart muscle   or associated with other concerning symptoms. Quick and   call his office at (561) 407-0611.

           American Academy Of Pediatrics Guidelines Call For

            Childhood Obesity Treatment For Disease Prevention

        Children diagnosed with obesity should be treated   American Academy of Pediatrics. It is the first time in 15   it can lead to short-term
      early and aggressively with nutritional support, therapy,   years the academy has updated its guidance.   and long-term health issues,
      medication, and in some extreme cases, weight-loss surgery     More than 14 million kids live with this common, chronic   including cardiovascular
      for teens 13 and up, according to new guidelines from the   disease, the academy says, adding that if obesity is untreated,   disease and type 2 diabetes.
                                                                                                             Heart disease is the
                                                                                                           number one killer among
                                                                                                           men and women, which helps
                                                                                                           explain why the academy
                                                                                                           updated its advice. In addition
                                                                                                           to heart disease, heart
                                                                                                           attack, stroke, heart failure,
                                                                                                           arrhythmia, and heart valve
                                                                                                           problems are all associated
                                                                                                           with cardiovascular disease. Dr. Abraham Betancourt
                                                                                                             While it may seem
                                                                                                           extreme to some to encourage weight-loss surgery on a
                                                                                                           child as young as 13, the old method of “watchful-waiting,”
                                                                                                           taking a “wait-and-see” approach, was not working. Early
                                                                                                           intervention helps lead to a healthier heart throughout that
                                                                                                           child’s life.
                                                                                                             Good Samaritan Medical Center robotic and bariatric
                                                                                                           surgeon Dr. Abraham Betancourt stated that the updated
                                                                                                           guidance is long overdue. However, before deciding on
                                                                                                           surgery, he said patients and their parents need to fully
                                                                                                           understand the procedure.
                                                                                                             “You have to be very cautious,” said Dr. Betancourt. “It is
                                                                                                           not about chronological age. It is about, I would say, ‘How
                                                                                                           mature is the patient?’ because if you are going to undergo
                                                                                                           and put a patient through surgery, and you want to have the
                                                                                                           best outcome of the surgery, you have to be sure that the
                                                                                                           patient understands what the challenges are ahead.”
                                                                                                             Dr. Abraham Betancourt is a gastrointestinal and bariatric
                                                                                                           surgeon with nearly 20 years of experience in practicing
                                                                                                           patient-centered medicine. His practice has focused on
                                                                                                           people who sometimes feel most vulnerable in the healthcare
                                                                                                           world, including patients facing chronic morbid obesity.
                                                                                                           Dr. Abraham Betancourt is a bariatric and general surgeon
                                                                                                           with the Palm Beach Digital Surgery Institute, a general
                                                                                                           surgery and robotic surgery practice focused on providing
                                                                                                           minimally invasive treatment options and care for patients
                                                                                                           suffering from colorectal disease, endometriosis, hernia, and
                                                                                                           life-threatening obesity. Dr. Betancourt is on staff at Good
                                                                                                           Samaritan Medical Center in West Palm Beach.
                                                                                                             In addition, Dr. Betancourt is fluent in Spanish, his native
                                                                                                           language, and English.
                                                                                                             Palm Beach Digital Surgery Institute is located in
                                                                                                           the Victor Farris Building adjacent to Good Samaritan
                                                                                                           Medical Center at 1411 N. Flagler Drive, Suite 8900,
                                                                                                           West Palm Beach, FL 33401. For more information visit
                                                                                                  or call (561) 227-9238.
                                                                                                           Find information on bariatric surgery at Good Samaritan
                                                                                                           Medical Center by visiting
                                                                                                           bariatric-surgery or call (866)-306-2225.
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