Page 1 - Stuart Exposure - October '24
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VOL. 26  NO. 10                                                                          OCTOBER 2024

      The 2024 Dancing With The Martin Stars

      Lineup Announced For The Martin County Healthy

      Start Coalition September 21 Event

         Competition among the 2024 Dancing with the Martin Stars contestants is hotter than
      the weather. Nine professional dancers are teaching their volunteer partners the intricate
      steps of the waltz, cha-cha, foxtrot and tango in preparation for the big showdown on
      Saturday, September 21.
         Dancing with the Martin Stars is the popular signature event of the Martin County
      Healthy Start Coalition. Held annually at the Lyric Theatre in Stuart, this year’s competition
      has already sold out.
         “We’re so grateful to all of our dancers, sponsors and supporters,” Martin County
      Healthy Start Coalition CEO Samantha Suffich said. “The funds we raise through this fun
      event go directly to our mission of ensuring that in Martin County, every baby is born
      healthy, every mother is supported, and every father is involved.”
         Because of the huge number of people who want to attend the competition, Martin
      County Healthy Start Coalition has added a Livestream Watch Party. Guests will be able
      to see the entire competition livestreamed into the Ross Hall at the Pittenger Center on
      the campus of St. Mary’s Episcopal Church in Stuart. Tickets to the Watch Party, which
      include food and a drink ticket, are available at
      with-the-martin-stars/2024-stars-dancers/. Space is limited.
         This year’s Martin Stars lineup includes Christian Anderson, dancing with local
      professional Daisy Krakowiak-Wiebe; Casey Caplan, with Brian Spector; Lorna Day, with
      Angel R. Tamayo III; Matthew Durbin, with Emily Matos; Jonathan Garich, with Tanya   Fabulous dancing, dazzling costumes, and a great cause – that’s Dancing with the Martin
      Chaves; Stephanie Martinez, with Michael Chaves; April Milner, with Eliseo Ruiz; Matthew   Stars 2024. The event is sold out at the Lyric, but guests can still get tickets for the livestream
                                                                                  watch party on the campus of St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, with food, drink, and an on-site
      Dancing With The Martin Stars on page 3                                     emcee, through the Martin County Healthy Start Coalition website.
      Kitty Catalina — The PurrFect                                                Referendum To Buy Natural

      Event For Cat And Wine Lovers                                                Lands In Martin County On The

         The Humane Society of the                                                 Ballot Nov. 5 Gains Momentum
      Treasure Coast recently held its
      seventh annual Kitty Catalina
      Wine Mixer, which raised                                                     If Approved, Funds Raised From
      over $5,200 to help the no-kill                                              Half-Cent Sales Tax  Would Be
      shelter’s adoptable animals.                                                 Used To Purchase Lands To
      Animal rescue advocate and                                                   Protect  Water Quality, Natural
      international best-selling                                                   Areas And Wildlife Habitat In Martin County
      author Sherry Dunn was the                                                      Martin County is
      presenting sponsor and was on                                                a special place to live
      site showcasing her children’s                                               and different from areas
      book, Maddie & Jasmine.                                                      to the north and south.
         Almost 90 attendees mixed                                                 Residents want to keep
      and mingled with friends while  Bob Lepa, Judith Just, Diana and Glenn Schreiner  it that way.
      sampling a variety of wines                                                     “The recent outcry
      from Keel and Curley Winery, Florida Orange Groves Winery, San Sebastian Winery   from the public about
      and Secret Gardens Winery, all Florida wineries. Chef Amy from Heritage Kitchen at   the proposed plans to
      Secret Gardens provided light bites.                                         build golf courses in
                                                                                   our beloved Jonathan
      Kitty Catalina — The PurrFect Event on page 3                                Dickinson State Park is
                                                                                   a stark reminder of why
                                                                                   we must take matters
                                                                                   into our own hands.
                                                                                   We need to buy and  Aerial shot of Peck’s Lake Park
                                                                                   protect environmentally
                                                                                   sensitive lands in Martin County right now,” said Jim Snedeker, Chairperson of the
                                                                                   Martin County Forever campaign.

                                                                                   Referendum To Buy Natural Lands on page 4
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