Page 7 - Martin Downs Bulletin - October '24
P. 7
Martin Downs, Page 7
Local Teen Competes In
National American Miss news
Florida Pageant
Miss Morgan McKeever, age 12, of Stuart, qualified CTWH Announces
as a State Finalist in the National American Miss Florida
Pageant to be held July 11 to 14, in Orlando. The pageant Partnership With Monique
is held for girls ages 4 to 24 in six different age divisions.
The newly crowned Burr Foundation
Miss Florida Pre-Teen will
receive the official crown By Jackie Holfelder
and banner, a bouquet of The Monique Burr Foundation for Children (MBF),
roses, and an invitation a nonprofit organization located in Jacksonville, was
to compete at the national founded in 1997 to educate and protect children and teens
pageant. Most importantly, from all types of bullying, abuse, and other types of child
she has the opportunity victimization using evidence-based and evidence-informed
to represent the state of prevention education programs.
Florida and make her Sarah Marie Henry,
wonderful hometown of executive director of
Stuart proud. Catch the Wave of
She will compete in four Hope (CTWH), recently
overall categories including announced a new
Formal Wear Modeling, partnership with MBF.
Personal Introduction, Interview, and Community Service The CTWH team
Project. Morgan will also be participating in the National completed the Monique
American Miss optional contests of Talent, Spokesmodel, Burr Foundation’s
and Casual Wear. Facilitator Training in the
National American Miss is dedicated to celebrating America’s Miss McKeever’s activities include participating in the Child and Teen Safety
greatness and encouraging its future leaders. Each year, the Martin County 4-H Archery Club, boxing with the Martin Matters Curriculum,
pageant awards thousands in cash and prizes to recognize County Police Athletic League, and taking singing lessons which gives CTWH
and assist in the development of young ladies nationwide. All with the Stuart School of Music. She also enjoys surfing, leadership the credentials Sarah Marie Henry, executive
activities are age-appropriate and family-oriented. paddleboarding, camping and fishing. Morgan always and resources to offer director of Catch the Wave
The National American Miss pageant system is the largest prioritizes community service and is an active volunteer with MBF curriculum in any of Hope. Photo provided by
in the nation. The focus of this organization is to create future House of Hope and Salvation Army. Morgan feels pageantry Florida school at no charge Catch the Wave of Hope.
leaders and to equip them with real world skills to make their is so important for instilling confidence in girls, becoming to the school.
dreams a reality. The program is based on inner beauty, as comfortable with public speaking, acing interviews, and This evidence-based curriculum is approved by the
well as poise and presentation, and offers an “All American building friendships from a platform of support for one Florida Board of Education and meets the state mandate on
Spirit of fun for family and friends.” Skills, such as good another. For more information on how you can support human trafficking prevention for all K-12 grade students.
attitudes about competition, as well as setting and achieving Morgan to achieve her goal of Miss Florida Pre-Teen, please This important designation allows schools to outsource
personal goals, are also part of the program. email this required program. It is especially important because not
all human trafficking training programs have state approval.
Henry says that when schools permit Catch the Wave
of Hope staff to present the MBF program to their
students, it decreases the workload for school personnel
while equipping youth with the information they need
to protect themselves from this ever-increasing threat to
their safety and well-being.
To find out more about how Catch the Wave of Hope
can bring this important educational tool to your school,
contact Sarah Marie Henry at sarahmarie.henry@