Page 3 - Martin Downs Bulletin - October '24
P. 3

Martin Downs, Page 3

          Cleveland CliniC Martin HealtH news

      Advanced Cancer Care Is In                        multicenter clinical trials for cancer research. Yao serves as
                                                        a representative for the community to the ECOG, providing
      Your Community                                    feedback on clinical trials and their value to patients in
                                                        the area. He is focused on making clinical trials more
        The Robert and Carol Weissman Cancer Center at   accessible for patients on the Treasure Coast.
      Cleveland Clinic Martin Health provides the most advanced     Among the most advanced services offered at Martin
      cancer care available.                            Health, molecular testing is a routine part of treatment
        Programs and services at the center have grown in   for many patients. Molecular testing is used for many
      the past few years with the expansion of staff to include   reasons, including determining the type and characteristics
      additional  medical  and  radiation  oncologists,  nurse   of cancer.
      practitioners, social workers, genetic counselors and     “Molecular testing is really important because cancer
      palliative care providers.                        treatment is now really individualized,” Yao says. “We are
        Patients  who  receive  care  at  Martin  Health  benefit   treating patients based on the mutation of the cancer cells.   Adam Kotkiewicz, D.O.  Xin Yao, M.D.
      from the expertise of physicians who specialize in specific   This type of testing gives us crucial information on how
      cancers and regularly collaborate with their colleagues at   the cancer will behave and whether patients will respond to   Weston and main campuses is the key to the best outcomes
      Cleveland Clinic Weston Hospital and Cleveland Clinic’s   certain treatments.”                       for their patients.
      main campus in Ohio. This collaboration allows patients     Adam Kotkiewicz, D.O., runs the genitourinary cancer     There are a variety of resources available for patients
      access to the full range of cancer care options from   program at Martin Health. He and his team also use molecular   undergoing cancer treatment, including chemotherapy,
      healthcare providers who are at the top of their field.   testing to determine treatment for cancers that affect the   radiation therapy and surgery. All of these services are
        The gastrointestinal cancer program, which  treats   bladder, prostate, kidneys and testicles.     available within the Cleveland Clinic organization in Florida,
      liver, bile duct, stomach, colon, pancreatic and rectal     “Every patient’s care is and should be personalized to their   allowing for seamless care for patients.
      cancers, is led by medical oncologist Xin Yao, M.D. Dr.   specific cancer,” Kotkiewicz says.           For more information or to schedule an appointment,
      Yao is a member of the Eastern Cooperative Oncology     Kotkiewicz says his team’s ability to communicate and   please call (772) 288-5858.
      Group (ECOG), a national organization that performs   collaborate with a variety of experts at Cleveland Clinic’s

      Referendum from page 1                              “This referendum puts the future of Martin County in     Shall Martin County
                                                        our own hands,” said Merritt Matheson, former mayor   protect its water quality and
      Safeguards Built Into The Referendum              of the City of Stuart, environmental advocate and strong   unique character by acquiring
        Martin County Forever advocates worked with county   supporter of the referendum. “We urge all Martin County   critical  natural  lands  in
      staff to structure the referendum with built-in safeguards to   voters to educate themselves on the referendum, get   Martin County within the
      ensure the funds raised are only spent the way voters intended.   involved and help spread the word. The clock is ticking. If   Indian River Lagoon South,
      The land purchases will be overseen by a citizens advisory   we don’t buy the land now, it can be developed and gone   Pal-Mar, Loxahatchee and St.
      committee, with activities conducted with public transparency   forever.                             Lucie Headwaters, Blueways
      and annual audits required. Only lands within four key areas   Many Ways To Be Part Of The Campaign  areas and provide municipal
      are identified for purchase. Those areas are Blueways, 400     Volunteers are needed to spread the word and campaign   infrastructure allowed by law, by levying a one-half
      acres of “in town” parcels, adjacent to local waterways; Indian   organizers have some fun ways to get the message out   percent (0.5%) county sales tax for 10 years starting
      River Lagoon South, 27,000 acres of critical importance to the   to voters. A song, Let’s Buy the Land, was produced to   January 1, 2025 with Annual Audit and Citizen Oversight?
      health of the lagoon; Loxahatchee and St. Lucie Headwaters,   make the  campaign more  memorable. The  folksy  tune     Jim Snedeker and Merritt Matheson are available for
      9,800 acres essential to the health of both rivers; and Pal-Mar,   and heartfelt lyrics are a fun way to get across a serious   interviews.
      8,500 acres of high-quality wetlands in Martin County.   message, according to Martin County Forever organizers.
      Key Facts About The Half Cent Sales Tax           The song is easy to learn and available on Spotify, Apple
        • In 10 years, it would generate about $183 million.  Music, iTunes, and other streaming services. A full cut   Dancing With The Martin Stars from page 1
        • More than a third of the total (37.5 percent) would be   video featuring the song as well as shorter versions are
      paid by people who don’t live in Martin County.   also available to watch and share through Martin County     For months the dancers have been learning their steps
        • The dollars raised locally could leverage matching   Forever’s YouTube channel.                   and choosing fabulous costumes. That’s only part of the
      funds from federal, state and other land conservation     For more information, visit www.martincountyforever.  challenge, however. They have also been raising funds
      sources.                                          com.  Follow  Martin  County  Forever  on  Facebook,   with a variety of mini events like dinners, wine tastings,
        • The current sales tax rate would increase from 6.5  to   Instagram and YouTube.                   and auctions to boost their fundraising totals.
      7 percent.                                        Additional Referendum Information                     The goal for this year’s event is $280,000. “The
        • Importantly, just like our current sales tax, the half-    Here’s how the official referendum wording will appear   dancers have just blown us away with their passion and
      cent increase would not apply to groceries, prescription   on the ballot:                             enthusiasm,” Suffich said. “We truly believe that they’re
      medications or school supplies or to the portion of any   Lands To Protect Water Quality, Natural Areas And   going to reach the goal and exceed it.”
      purchase over $5,000.                             Wildlife Habitat                                      For more information, visit https://www.mchealthystart.
                                                                                                              For more information about Martin County Healthy
                                                                                                            Start Coalition and its ongoing programs, visit www.
                                                                                                  , call (772) 463-2888 or follow the
                                                                                                            organization on Facebook.

                                                                                                            Editorial copy appearing herewith is not necessarily the viewpoint of
                                                                                                            Seabreeze Publications of Central Florida. Most editorial copy is created by
                                                                                                            the homeowners and is edited by their appointed editor.

                                                                                                                          1102 W. Indiantown Rd., Suite 5, Jupiter, FL 33458
                                                                                                                             (561) 746-3244
                                                                                                                             FAX (561) 746-2509

                                                                                                             Seabreeze Publications

                                                                                                                              M. Sean Reid
                                                                                                                           S. Miller • E. Miller

                                                                                                                   Tom English, Laura Berrio, Bret McCormick
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