Page 10 - Martin Downs Bulletin - October '24
P. 10

Page 10, Martin Downs

                                                loCal Happenings

      Council On Aging Martin                           House Of Hope Forges New

      Launches New Pep Rally Gala  Partnership With Foxwynd
      For 2024                                          Foundation

        The Council on Aging Martin County is celebrating     When  the  House  of  Hope  staff  learned  about  the
      50 successful years and getting fired up for the future at   mission of the Foxwynd Foundation, newly founded in
      their Pep Rally Gala taking place November 9.     2024, they knew it could be the beginning of a perfect
        The Francis Langford Theater at the Kane Center will   partnership.
      be the scene of fun food, fast music, and high energy as the     The Foxwynd Foundation is based in Pennsylvania,
      Council on Aging celebrates its 50th anniversary in grand   but dedicated members of the Bentley family that began
      style from 6 to 10 p.m. For dinner, guests will sip spirited   the foundation are using funds to create “a catalyst for
      signature drinks as they enjoy gourmet indulgences   transformational change” all across the country.   Foxwynd Foundation’s
      dreamed  up  by The  Chef’s Table. The  entertainment     The Foxwynd Foundation describes its mission as being   partnership with House of
      for the night features a DJ and Live Band Fusion. From   “a lifeline for communities in need by enhancing access to   Hope supports the operations
      cheerleaders performing mesmerizing stunt work to a   key pillars of human dignity and potential such as healthcare,   at Growing Hope Farm and
      smorgasbord of candies for dessert, everything about the   housing, and sustainable environmental initiatives.”   its production of fresh fruits
      Pep Rally Gala will be unique and entertaining.     House of Hope CEO Rob Ranieri realized immediately   and vegetables. Greenhouses
        “We’re reinventing the Gala experience and are excited   how closely that resembles the House of Hope mission to   and gardens make nutritious
      to introduce a refreshed and energetic Council on Aging   empower residents to overcome hunger and hardship.   food options available to the
      as we round out 50 years and open the door to the future,”     “Like the Foxwynd Foundation, we put huge value on   more than 21,000 individuals
      said Council on Aging Martin’s President and CEO Karen   respecting the dignity of the people we serve,” he said.   who benefit from House of
      Ripper. “The pep rally theme encourages our community   “The emphasis on sustainable environmental initiatives   Hope pantry and food bank
      to show support and get involved in making sure we have   also fits with our efforts throughout our organization,   distributions in Martin,
      the services that families will need as older loved ones   but especially at the Growing Hope Farm, to use natural   St. Lucie and Okeechobee
      reach out for help.”                              resources wisely and be good stewards of the environment.   Counties.
                                                        In fact, our efforts won an Environmental Stewardship
              THE COUNCIL  ON  AGING       PRESENTS     Award just this year from Keep Martin Beautiful.”   Local Happenings on page 11


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          LIVE MUSIC BY NUVIBE DJ LIVE (DJ + LIVE BAND FUSION)  Elizabeth James, bc-his                                        & Checkup
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          $                                                         5941 SE Federal Hwy, Stuart (Located in Publix Cove Shopping Center)
        RESERVED SEATED LOUNGE  Mascot & Team sponsorships
        SPACE FOR A PARTY OF 10    available online!

      The Council on Aging Martin Pep Rally Gala on November   Are You Ready                                                  Hurricane?
      9 promises fun food, fast music, and high energy.

        To make the event more exciting, gala organizers are     For The Next Storm?
      offering new ways to sponsor and attend. In addition
      to signature level sponsorships, donors can choose the
      Mascot level at $500. An easy donation at the Mascot                                                                No Air Conditioning?
      level brings with it two tickets and allows organizations                                                             No Refrigeration?
      to show the community their ongoing support for the
      cause. But the real fun begins when mascots form teams                                                  FREE
      and compete for bragging rights as they work to beat out                                                                     10% OFF
      the competition in fundraising for the Council on Aging’s                                              7 Year Warranty
                                                                                                             on Select Air Cooled
      programs and services. It’s a way to “get rowdy with us,”                                              Standby Generators*     Of A Service Call*
      organizers said. Individual tickets are also available at
      $175, and groups of ten can reserve a seated lounge space                                                $ 350                     $ 1,000
      within the event for $1,600.                                                                                                      OFF
        Tickets, mascot and team sponsorships, and more                                                         One-Time
      details are available at                                                    Maintenance*                Install*
         “While we hope everyone will come for the fun,”                                                                       *Must show coupons. Call for details.
      Ripper said, “we also have a serious purpose. People
      can sometimes struggle for long periods of time with                                                       561.774.7714
      challenges related to the health of loved ones, their need
      for socialization, or simply getting a hot meal each day.                                                   2271 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd.
      We want the community to know that the Council on                                                            West Palm Beach, FL 33409
      Aging Martin is the community’s hub for senior resources.
      Get to know us and let us help.”
        Find out more about the programs of the Council on
      Aging Martin County at
        For more information, visit                 
                                                                                         Licensed Electrical Contractor #EC 13010145
                                                          *Terms and Conditions: Offer only valid on purchases until 06/03/24, and when the Generac home standby generator is purchased directly from Generator Supercenter of
                                                          the Palm Beaches. Refurbished products are excluded from this promotion. This promotion is valid for all air cooled home standby generators in stock. Call for availability.
                                                          Generator must be installed and activated in order for the warranty to be applied. Generator Supercenter of the Palm Beaches reserves the right to rescind or change this
                                                                           offer at any time. For questions related to eligibility, please call Generator Supercenter of the Palm Beaches.
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